There is a firestorm occurring on FrontPage over a purported review of Diana West’s American Betrayal: The Assault on Our Nation’s Character, written by Ronald Radosh. Radosh penned a “review” which questioned the reasoning and scholarship of West’s contention that Franklin D. Roosevelt consciously, or by subtle policy, boosted the fortunes of Stalin’s Soviet régime to profit from the course of WWII, aided in large part by Soviet agents working within and without the U.S. government, and by Harry Hopkins, FDR’s chief advisor and aide for so many years.
The title of Radosh’s review telegraphs his hostility towards West and her book, “McCarthy on Steroids,” and what he plans to say about the book. It is interesting to note that some time has passed since the first reviews of West’s book appeared, one on FrontPage itself, written by Mark Tapson in July, whom Radosh does not consider an authority on the subject of Soviet espionage and FDR’s complicity in furthering the interests of Stalin and the Soviet Union.
Significantly, FrontPage’s editors purged, or removed, Tapson’s objective, short, and informative review of the West book. It’s too late for that, because, speaking for myself, I already have a hard copy of the review, together with its now defunct URL. The text of it can be found here, on West’s own blog site. Printed out, it comes to two and a fraction pages. How many reader comments it generated is now unknown.
Printed out, Radosh’s comes to nearly ten pages. Radosh may as well have written a book. It has generated, to date, 182 reader comments, a good many of them criticizing Radosh for conducting a smear campaign against West or otherwise advising him that he is talking through his former “Red Diaper Baby” hat. Radosh continually accuses West of weaving a “conspiracy theory,” when she painstakingly documents every claim, assertion, and conclusion in American Betrayal.