Sick transit Israel…..Daniel Greenfield says it best.

“I haven’t written about Israeli politics in a while. After the last election, I was too disgusted to dip my toe in that pool.

Netanyahu’s shameful behavior however does not surprise me at all. He couldn’t stand up to pressure from Bill Clinton over Wye. There was no reason to think he would do any better here.

After dividing the county over an unnecessary draft battle, those extra soldiers will apparently be needed for the extra wave of terror that will come once more territory and terrorists are turned over to the Jihad all to prove that Israel really means well and is complying with the latest diplomatic effort to destroy it.

I don’t have the energy or desire to type out everything I think about Israel’s dysfunctional political establishment. It would end up sounding like a rant, rather than a reasoned piece. And much of it is, as in the United States, frankly attributable to idiot voters who follow the media to the latest phony scandal and ignore the ground burning under them.

But by the time the last election rolled around, there was hardly anyone to vote for. The fact that the Likud has no alternative to Netanyahu and neither do any of the other parties says it all. (And please don’t talk to me about Moshe Feiglin, he’s a good man and well intentioned, but etc…)

Netanyahu is not a leader. He’s smart, articulate and spineless. He’s the Galut Yid that the Sabra was supposed to leave behind, writ large.

It’s a staggering bankruptcy of leadership. I could go on, but I would rather not. Netanyahu is obviously not going to resign, though he no doubt should, and his policy was entirely predictable based on his first term.

And from the policies of “conservative” leaders in most Western countries.

Netanyahu is no different than Cameron or Mitt Romney or Sarkozy or the rest of them. They head up faux conservative parties, that talk tough to conservative voters around election time or during a crisis, and then govern from the center-left consensus.

N was good on the economy and utterly terrible on everything else. That is again something he has in common with most Western conservative governments who understand economic liberalization and little else.

They think that free markets and deregulation will fix everything. They won’t.

Meanwhile right on cue, Netanyahu’s people have released a made-for-youtube tough talking video. But words are cheap. The referendum bill, which at best protects Jerusalem and the Golan Heights, is as worthless as the border security part of the US amnesty bill. It’s there to disguise the sellout.

And the Supreme Court will no doubt find a way to invalidate it once enough pressure has been applied.”

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In the nineteenth century, Theodor Herzl and other political Zionists shared a vision for a Jewish state that would allow the Jewish People to regain their self-respect after almost two millennia of national homelessness. Would Zionists like Alkalai, Kalischer, Mohilever, Hess, Pinsker, Pines, Nordau, Reines, Bar-Ilan, Ahad Ha’am, and Bialik see in modern Israel the dignity they craved for their people? After 65 years of Jewish political independence, unfortunately, it remains rather doubtful.

What, then, would a self-respecting Jewish state look like?

To be sure, it would not look like a nation that does not exert sovereignty over its heartland; that during wartime engages in repetitive rounds of combat instead of decisive victories; that releases busloads of bloodstained murderers for a single soldier or as a “gesture” of peace; or that engages in negotiations of any kind at any time with wolves in wolves’ clothing, envoys of a culture of hatred.

Leo Pinsker wanted Jews to “rise manfully to our full height.” And, indeed, for the most part the individual Jew no longer needs to stoop like a weary ghost wandering between shtetls and ghettos, or plead like a beggar on his knees. But is the State of Israel not routinely stooping before its international adversaries, not perennially begging for foreign aid, UN votes, and recognition of its rightful capital from its apparent allies?