GEORGE GILDER: IF IT WERE NOT FOR THE SETTLERS THERE WOULD BE NO ECONOMIC PROGRESS FOR THE REGIONAL ARABS ***   If not for Jewish settlers, there would be no Palestine and no economic progress for the region’s Arab population. The root cause of Middle Eastern turmoil, according to a broad consensus of the international media and the considered cerebrations of the deepest-thinking movie stars, is Israeli settlers in what are described as the […]


HEZBOLLAH’S EUROPEAN PATSIES: RUTHIE BLUM When the European Union decided on Monday to classify Hezbollah’s “military wing” as a terrorist organization, its chief, Hassan Nasrallah, got his turban in a twist. Though the EU move was pretty mild — imposing a vague freeze on funding; implementing fuzzy travel bans for some operatives; and continuing to engage in relations with […]

DANIEL GREENFIELD: MUSLIMS ARE NOT A MINORITY **** The most persistent myth of the Western Dhimmi narrative is that Muslims are a minority and must receive special protection and accommodation. But Muslims are not a minority. There are 1.5 billion Sunni Muslims worldwide, outweighing Catholics as the next largest religious faction at 1.1 billion and Hindus at 1 billion. They are still […]


In the new, liberated Egypt, leading imam Abu Islam explains that Christianity originated in penis worship:

I swear to God the Almighty – and believe me, I am not lying – that the Church worship originated in the worship of the penis. I swear to God. This is documented in dozens of pictures.

Let me tell you something – it’s indecent, but true. Take a look at a picture of Jesus, and you’ll see a penis, right here. Or is it on this side? Oh, it’s on the right side. A penis, right here. There are many pictures like this. They worship it.

If you replace the word “Church” with “Democratic party” and the word “Jesus” with “Anthony Weiner,” it’s actually a pretty sound analysis.

JONAH GOLDBERG: CYNIC IN CHIEF ‘My rival in this race,” President Obama announced early in 2007, “is not other candidates. It’s cynicism.” Sadly, it’s now evident cynicism won. In a much-hyped speech at Knox College on Wednesday, Obama sought to pivot back to the economy — as the journalistic cliché goes — and shape the issue environment for the […]

BRUCE THORNTON: CHRISTIAN TRAGEDY IN THE MUSLIM WORLD Originally published by the Hoover Institution Journal. Few people realize that we are today living through the largest persecution of Christians in history, worse even than the famous attacks under ancient Roman emperors like Diocletian and Nero. Estimates of the numbers of Christians under assault range from 100-200 million. According to one estimate, a […]

DANIEL GREENFIELD: OBAMA’S DEATH AND TAXES ECONOMY It’s an iron law of nature as certain as the one about an angel getting its wings every time a bell rings or a snowstorm blanketing the area every time Al Gore comes to town to remind the carbon puffing infidels about global warming: every time Obama gives a speech, a thousand businesses go […]

CLARE LOPEZ: ISLAM, SHARIAH AND THE MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD MAKE INROADS AT CHAUTAUQUA **** The Chautauqua Institution, located amidst lovely natural surroundings on the shores of Lake Chautauqua in southwestern New York State, is home to a “unique mix of fine and performing arts, lectures, interfaith worship and programs, and recreational activities,” according to its online Home Page. Drawing tens of thousands of visitors each year, Chautauqua is […]

DAVID SINGER: THE EU PLAYS JUDGE AND JURY The decision by the European Union (EU) to boycott Jewish organisations and institutions based in the West Bank and East Jerusalem will bring much joy to the Arab world in its ongoing hate campaign of denigration and demonization of the Jewish State. The EU announcement heralds the end of any influence it has as […]