When I was a kid growing up in fifties Manhattan, if my mother had told me there would be a flasher running for mayor of New York, my mouth would have dropped open. Flashers were those guys I was supposed to run away from in Central Park.
But now we have Anthony Weiner, a flasher of the Internet sort, who exposes himself to random women online, before and after having apologized publicly for it, actually (as of this writing) still campaigning for mayor of our biggest city and financial center.
Weiner is no mere adulterer as described by Flaubert, Tolstoy and thousands of lesser writers. Or even a compulsive womanizer à la Bill Clinton. He is a genuine weirdo, straight out of the pages of Krafft-Ebing’s Psychopathia Sexualis, the kind that really do jump out of the bushes in public parks.
Making this even more bizarre, his wife, Huma Abedin, appears to be standing by him in the face of this immense public humiliation.
Why she may be doing that, I will discuss in a moment, but it’s worth noting that Weiner is not alone among prominent Democrats these days in his assaults on women. San Diego Mayor and former Congressman Bob Filner [1] evidently can’t keep his hands off any female within a radius of three hundred feet and seems about to lose his job after only eight months. And we all know about Eliot “Client #9″ Spitzer, the great seeker of justice who prosecutes prostitutes while patronizing them, now back running for New York comptroller and, like Weiner, dragging his spouse along with him.
Here’s a thought experiment: Imagine a Mayor Anthony Weiner consoling someone’s teenage daughter with a hug after the next 9/11. Problem? Okay, maybe Comptroller Spitzer will do it.