A new law in Russia will allow the government to arrest and detain gay or “pro-gay” tourists, leading to concerns over tourism and the 2014 Winter Olympics

Canadian travel magazine ‘Travel and Escape’ is reporting that an anti-gay law recently passed in Russia may result in the arrest of ‘openly gay’ tourists to the country. It says, “It is now outlawed to be ‘out and proud'” in the former Soviet power.

The report calls the move “a throwback to the country’s authoritarian ruling”, with Russian president Vladimir Putin signing a controversial law that punishes people for “homosexual propaganda.” The law fines people—including tourists—up to 200,000 rubles (£4,040 GBP) for “propaganda of non-traditional sexual relations.”

Apparently, anything from gay-affirmative speech to hand-holding; even displaying a rainbow flag on your backpack is reportedly illegal. Recently in southern Russia, there were complaints that Elton John’s stage outfits fell under “gay propaganda.”

According to Voice of Russia, any display of affection between same-sex couples could cause a “distorted understanding” that gay relations and heterosexual relations are socially equivalent, and risk spreading Western liberalism. Putin claims the law doesn’t discriminate against LGBT people, but rather—in an argument riddled with faulty logic—is there to “protect children from pedophilia.”

The new laws will undoubtedly impact tourism and the upcoming 2014 Winter Games in Sochi. LGBT visitors—or anyone who embraces the gay community—may no longer want to visit the games.

Travel site Skift reports that the new law contains a provision that allows the Russian government to arrest and detain gay (or “pro-gay”) foreigners for up to 14 days before they would then be expelled from Russia.

A number of celebrities, The Huffington Post reports, including Madonna and Lady Gaga, have sparked controversy by speaking out on behalf of Russia’s beleaguered LGBT community over the past year.


The Brotherhood-Benghazi Connection — on The Glazov Gang
Tiffany Gabbay, Nonie Darwish and Adib Ghobrial zero in on Morsi’s fall — and the revelations it may trigger.

DANIEL GREENFIELD: THE AMERICAN DEEP STATE Few myths are as beloved among liberals as the idea that wars could be put down to a conspiracy of defense contractors. Throw together Haliburton, Northrop Grumman and GE along with some retired generals and you have the makings of your next war. The fabled military-industrial complex was a dimwitted descendant of the WW1 […]

Milbank’s Mountebank Defense of Samantha Power by DIANA WEST On July 3, Frank Gaffney organized a press conference at the National Press Club to oppose the nomination of Samantha Power to become US Representative to the United Nations. In addition to Gaffney, Lt. Col. Allen West (USA ret.), Amb. Jose Sorzano, Lt. Gen. Jerry Boykin (USA ret.), Mort Klein of the Zionist Organization […]

‘BETRAYED’ Exposing the High Cost of the War on Terror: The Shocking Sacrifice of America’s Special Ops Forces :MAJ. GEN. PAUL E. VALLELY, US ARMY (RET) The Tragedy of Extortion 17 (the demise of Navy SEALs and other Special Ops) On August 06, 2011, Taliban forces ambushed the US Army helicopter CH-47, call name “Extortion 17,” in the Tangi River Valley of Afghanistan. This transport helicopter was moving an American reaction force in a relief operation of US Army Rangers […]

SHARI GOODMAN: THE SEEDS OF JIHAD Not a day goes by when I venture out to any local shopping or recreational area when I am not confronted by many Muslim women in their traditional hijabs or on occasion full burkas.  Sometimes they are alone, but more often than not they are in groups and totally oblivious to the non-Muslims within […]


Of all the many changes that the Obama administration has enacted over the last five years, the least remarked upon are the strange changes in our vocabulary. To fathom the shifting meaning of words [1], here is a guide to the new Obama lexicon.

Affordable Care Act: Mostly unaffordable, uncaring, and inactive [2].

Assault Weapon: Paint your .22 black and add a plastic handle [3].

Associated Press: Leakers who dared to challenge [4] the White House monopoly.

Baby: Punishment for a mistake [5].

Benghazi: We won’t have any more because one video-maker is now in prison [6].

Berlin Wall: Analogous to the Cold War fence [7] that kept out German illegal aliens from entering a free East Berlin.

Biden: Buffoonery after it becomes boring.

Buffett: He alone built that [8].

Carney: Ron Ziegler lives [9]!

Cashing in: A practice finally ended when Hillary Clinton and Lisa Jackson left office.

Coal: A toxic rock that the crazy Chinese believe makes heat [10].



On immigration, a freshman speaks for the right flank of the House GOP.

HC-5, a drab, wood-paneled conference room in the Capitol basement, was quiet last Wednesday as Paul Ryan pushed for immigration reform. All eyes were on the Wisconsin Republican as he touted the economic benefits of bringing illegal immigrants into the work force. He assured his colleagues, who were clustered in cliques — moderates here, old bulls there — that stronger border security remains the leadership’s priority.

As Ryan spoke, freshman Tom Cotton of Arkansas, who was behind him in line, listened carefully. He was calm and upright, and unlike a handful of conservative rabble-rousers in the back, he didn’t sigh as Ryan made his points. Instead, he clasped his hands and focused on his coming speech. After Ryan stepped away, Cotton, a 36-year-old former Army officer, moved forward, and soon his clipped drawl filled the room.
The crowd of 200-plus Republicans took notice. From the start, Cotton’s message was a contrast with Ryan’s. He sliced into the Senate’s immigration bill and dismissed the idea of a compromise. He urged Republicans to oppose a conference with the Senate, and warned that any formal negotiations with the upper chamber would lead to disaster. He then turned to Speaker John Boehner, who was standing nearby, and advised him to tread carefully. For a moment, they engaged in a terse back-and-forth.

“We are not worlds apart from the Senate, we are galaxies apart,” Cotton told the speaker. Boehner responded that Cotton shouldn’t worry. “We’re not going to conference until we’re ready,” he said. The speaker coolly explained to Cotton that it’s important to pass legislation that reflects the position of House Republicans.

JOHN FUND: INJUDICIOUS CRIMINAL JUSTICE The prosecutorial misconduct in Zimmerman’s trial reveals a judicial system run amok. The trial of George Zimmerman should be taught in law schools and elsewhere as a prime example of one of the most mishandled and politically motivated prosecutions in recent U.S. history. If we want to reserve the criminal-justice system for deciding guilt […]


For the school of believers certain that an all-powerful American government regularly plots to invade their lives and subvert their freedom, these are heady days—or so they seemed. News of data mining looked to be irresistible proof of that faith—their darkest vision of an America at the mercy of a government secretly gathering all sorts of personal information and subverting the Constitution. And there was Edward Snowden, the latest addition to the pantheon of anti-government leakers, releasing a tonnage of classified data about the NSA surveillance programs.

For this he was, not unexpectedly, acclaimed as a hero both in the precincts of the Progressive Left and its anti-terror war warriors, and some quarters of the Libertarian Right—two groups, it has long been obvious, with much in common.

Trouble is, this latest face of self-sacrifice for a higher cause (Snowden has let it be known he considers his life as a free man pretty much over now) hasn’t been greeted with anything remotely like admiration among Americans, other than sympathizers in the aforementioned groups. From all indications, he’s an object of general contempt well deserving of prosecution—another in the line of socially deranged seekers who found the self-definition they long for in their obsessed vision of their government as the central source of evil in the world. It didn’t help that Mr. Snowden’s explanation for what he did came brimming odiously with virtue—he had, he said, decided to leak material because he thought Americans should be informed so that they could debate the questions he raised.