Five days before 9/11, a famous Norwegian social anthropologist (and Norway may well be the only nation on Earth where there is such a thing as a famous social anthropologist) instructed her countrywomen that the way to bring down the high number of rapes – most of which, even way back then, were already […] Recently the Supreme Court delivered a rebuke to Governor Jan Brewer and the citizens of Arizona arguing in a 7 to 2 majority that the state violated federal law when it added a proof of citizenship requirement to a federal voter registration form almost a decade ago. According to the majority decision the high […] BY LISA BARON While half of all voters view radical Muslims as the top terrorist threat facing the country, those who strongly support President Barack Obama think the tea party is more dangerous, according to the latest Rasmussen Reports survey. The poll of likely voters found that 51 percent consider radical Muslims the biggest […]
“U.S. Bloggers banned from Entering the UK.”
That’s how a BBC headline [1] broke the news that authors Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer were denied entry to the country that gave the world the Magna Carta.
“Blogger,” you see, is an insinuating term. Not quite a term of abuse, but still a word that imparts diminishment. Who are you going to believe, asked Dan Rather [2] when questioned about his — as it turned out, fraudulent — story about George W. Bush’s military service: me, Dan Rather of CBS, or some blogger sitting in front of his computer in his pajamas?
Good question, Dan! Why don’t you think about that in your ignominious retirement and get back to us — or, on second thought, don’t get back to us. Just think about what a preening fool you made of yourself before even CBS had had enough and cashiered you.
Geller and Spencer are both, in different ways, prominent critics of Islamism — i.e., of that strong current of militant Islam that seeks to spread the intolerant ideology of Islam in the West through the imposition of sharia in Western countries. You might agree with their views, and then again, you might not.
That’s hardly the point, is it? If not taxpayer-funded, the massive failure of warmism advocates would have been addressed long ago. Tuesday afternoon, as I was reading Barack Obama’s Georgetown University speech on “climate change,” it occurred to me that the biggest and perhaps most consequential difference between the government and the private sector is how each reacts when reality doesn’t behave […]
We’ve gone from “change that we can believe in” to “executive orders that we can push through.”
Well, it’s time for another decree and now it’s “climate change.”
There are problems with all of this consensus about climate change. Where is the consensus?
The Economist, hardly a member of “The Flat Earth Society,” posted an editorial that Valerie Jarret should add to President Obama’s morning briefing:
“GLOBAL warming has slowed. The rate of warming of over the past 15 years has been lower than that of the preceding 20 years. There is no serious doubt that our planet continues to heat, but it has heated less than most climate scientists had predicted. Nate Cohn of the New Republic reports: “Since 1998, the warmest year of the twentieth century, temperatures have not kept up with computer models that seemed to project steady warming; they’re perilously close to falling beneath even the lowest projections”.”
OK, let me confess that I know a lot more about batting averages than climate change.
At the same time, the definition of consensus is that there is common agreement about something: General agreement or accord.
We were told 15 years ago that the earth’s temperatures were going up. Someone named Gore made a movie about the poles melting and the East Coast flooding.
We are told today that they may be going down. I guess that means that I will be soon wearing a sweater in Texas in July! “First there was no mention of a muezzin when the mosque was inaugurated; then on Fridays only; then three times a day, now five times a day.” — Interview in Die Zeit A Turkish mosque in the German state of North Rhine-Westphalia has begun sounding public calls to prayer from an outdoor loudspeaker system […]
This week’s Glazov Gang had the honor of being joined by Nonie Darwish, author of “The Devil We Don’t Know,” Michael Chandler, an American Patriot, and Dwight Schultz, a Hollywood actor (
This week our Gang members gathered to discuss Hassan Rouhani: Moderate Monster. The discussion focused on Iran’s new president-elect and our eternal self-deception about “liberals” in the enemy camp.
The Gang also shed a disturbing light on One Nation Under Allah, wondering why our children in a Colorado public school are saying the Pledge of Allegiance to Islam’s Allah in Arabic. The guests also discussed The Brotherhood Game, focusing on how Islamists play the “moderate” charade that we desperately embrace.
And much, much more. . . .
To see both parts of this two-part series, see below: