Hollywood’s Creepy Love Affair With Adolf Hitler, in Explosive New Detail: David Mikics…..see note please

Uncovered: new evidence of Jewish movie moguls’ extensive collaboration with Nazis in the 1930s



Adolf Hitler loved American movies. Every night at about 9:00, after the Führer had tired out his listeners with his hours-long monologues, he would lead his dinner guests to his private screening room. The lights would go down, and Hitler would fall silent, probably for the first time that day. He laughed heartily at his favorites Laurel and Hardy and Mickey Mouse, and he adored Greta Garbo: Camille brought tears to the Führer’s eyes. Tarzan, on the other hand, he thought was silly.

As it turns out, Hitler’s love for American movies was reciprocated by Hollywood. A forthcoming book by the young historian Ben Urwand, to be published by Harvard University Press in October, presents explosive new evidence about the shocking extent of the partnership between the Nazis and major Hollywood producers. Urwand, a former indie rock musician and currently a member of Harvard’s prestigious Society of Fellows, takes the subject personally: His parents were Jewish refugees from Egypt and Hungary. Digging through archives in Berlin and Washington, D.C., he has unearthed proof that Hollywood worked together with the Nazis much more closely than we ever imagined.



Jihadist Robin Hood? Al Qaeda-linked Fighters In Syria Seek To Change Image With Social Outreach By Jamie Dettmer


TEL RIFAT, Syria – Battle-hardened Al Qaeda-linked fighters helping insurgents in Syria are winning over their fellow warriors with a newfound discipline that could make them even more formidable in the war for the hearts and minds of civilians caught in the crossfire of a bloody civil war.

Syrian fighters seeking to topple strongman Bashar Assad told FoxNews.com the jihadists from the Al Qaeda-affiliate Jabhat al-Nusra are ferocious in battle, but then share their spoils with suffering villagers while other insurgents line their own pockets with loot. The new approach by the terror group, infamous for killing civilians with suicide bombings and videotaping grisly beheadings, threatens to broaden its appeal to beleaguered citizens of the war-torn nation.

“They don’t push their ideology at us,” Hassan, a driver and 37-year-old father of three, said as he ate mutton stew by candlelight with four other fighters and a reporter in the northern Syria village of Tel Rifat. “They aren’t corrupt like the others. What they capture from government bases they distribute. They are proper, very correct.”

JOEL POLLAK: Bayefsky Reveals the Madness of the UN Human Rights Council, in Tweets

http://www.breitbart.com/InstaBlog/2013/06/10/Bayefsky-Reveals-the-Madness-of-the-Human-Rights-Council-in-Tweets On Monday morning, Anne Bayefsky was one of the few voices to oppose the anti-Israel madness of the execrable Richard Falk, the 9/11 Truther who is a Special Rapporteur at the UN Human Rights Council. The Human Rights Council, incidentally, is something the U.S. government chose to ignore until President Barack Obama decided to […]


Meet Ayman al-Sharawneh, released in the Gilad Shalit prisoner exchange deal. And now… http://calevbenyefuneh.blogspot.com 1.   Ayman al-Sharawneh is a Hamas operative from the Hebron region who was sentenced to 38 years in Israeli prison for several terrorist attacks, such as an IED bombing in Beersheba which injured 19 people. He was released in the Gilad […]

Egypt’s Summer of Jew-Hatred By SOHRAB AHMARI


In March, on his first visit to the Jewish state as president, Barack Obama exhorted Israelis to reach out to their Arab neighbors and see that “sometimes the greatest miracle is recognizing that the world can change.”

But consider Egypt, where in 2011 a popular revolt swept away Hosni Mubarak’s pharaonic dictatorship only to replace it with a Muslim Brotherhood-led theocracy. Through it all, one element of Egyptian culture has remained constant: its virulent anti-Semitism.

“Khaybar,” a serial drama set to air during the holy month of Ramadan (starting on July 8), is Egyptian TV’s latest piece of hate-melodrama. It depicts the Prophet Muhammad’s conquest, in A.D. 629, of a Jewish community on the Arabian Peninsula.

“Khaybar, oh Jews!” is an oft-heard chant at Arab anti-Israel rallies. But just in case there was any doubt about the intended political message, the show’s screenwriter, Yousry El Gendy, has gone on the record with the online news outlet Alyoum Alsabea to declare: “This drama will focus on the Jewish community and will show their traits, ideas and their maliciousness. Also, it will show the enmity between Arabs and Jews since the time of Moses.” Ahmed Maher, a popular actor playing one of the Jewish villains, told the Al-Balad newspaper that “Khaybar” sets out to depict Jews as “the ugliest slice of humans.”

“The show will be on when most Egyptian families are staying at home for Ramadan doing nothing but watching TV,” Mina Rezkalla, a U.S.-based Egyptian activist told me. “The goal is completely outward anti-Semitism.” Contrary to Mr. Obama’s uplifting Middle East maxims, some things in the world’s least free region never change.


  http://unitedpatriotsworldwide.com/vinienco/2013/06/12/palestinians-cleansing-holy-land-christians/ ‘Palestinians’ are Cleansing the Holy Land of Christians ‘Palestinians’ are Cleansing the Holy Land of Christians: Anglican Friends of Israel reflects on the significance of Hamas’s legislation which would mean the closure of Christian schools in Gaza, and urges Christian leaders in the West to start holding Palestinian leaders responsible for what happens […]


http://pjmedia.com/andrewmccarthy/2013/06/12/congressman-sensenbrenner-is-wrong-on-patriot-act-records/?print=1 Congressman Jim Sensenbrenner is a sensible guy. Nevertheless, the op-ed he has penned in the UK’s Guardian newspaper, in reaction to revelations that the Defense Department’s National Security Agency has been collecting telephone usage “metadata” on millions of Americans, is rife with error. Metadata, we have come to learn, is not the content of […]

Who Knows Who Has The Bomb? Not Us by JOHN C. WOHLSTETTER


The stunning revelation that a segment of the intelligence community believes that North Korea already has a nuclear weapon compact enough to be placed upon a ballistic missile shows anew the limits of what intelligence agencies can determine as to what goes on in closed societies. What matters from a standpoint of intelligence acuity is less whether Pyongyang can put a nuclear bomb atop a missile-though in the substantive sense of military and terror threats it hugely matters-than whether we can ascertain for sure if they can.

In fact, we rarely can ascertain such, if history is a guide. Our agencies have been serially surprised over the years. Days before the August 1949 detonation of the former Soviet Union’s first atomic bomb our intelligence asserted that the first test was several years away. We were caught flatfooted by China’s 1964 atomic and 1966 hydrogen bomb tests. We were blindsided by India’s 1974 test of what it called a “peaceful” explosion. And after India tested a military nuclear bomb in May 1998, we were surprised by Pakistan’s conducting five tests within a fortnight, a sequence that had to have been planned long in advance. When UN inspectors came to Baghdad after the Gulf War, they were surprised to see that Saddam Hussein was within a year or two of testing a nuclear bomb; we made the converse error as to possession of WMD stockpiles by Iraq in 2003, when they had been moved or destroyed prior to the March 2003 launch of Operation Iraqi Freedom. And when North Korea told us in October 2002 that it had “the bomb,” we considered the issue unresolved. It took the North’s first test, four Octobers later, to convince us that for once Pyongyang had told the truth-when it was already too late for us to prevent their joining the nuclear club.

And now we see a split among our intelligence agencies, as to what, if anything nuclear, Pyongyang can fit inside a warhead and, if so, how far the missile can carry it. In apparent response to Japan’s stated intent to shoot down any missile headed for Japanese soil, the North threatened that “nuclear war is unavoidable” and that Tokyo would be “consumed in nuclear flames.”

Living in the Government’s Fishbowl by ALAN CARUBA

http://www.familysecuritymatters.org/publications/detail/living-in-the-governments-fishbowl You have to wonder why all the data gathering by the National Security Agency, Homeland Security, and the FBI failed to identify and surveil the perpetrators of the Boston Marathon bombing? When even the Russians warned national security authorities about the Chechen brothers, Dzhokan and Tamerlan Tsaraev, they were reportedly interviewed and then ignored. […]

Inventing Rights and the Enforcement Mechanism That Goes Along With Them by HERBERT LONDON


Washington is the home for rights promoters. Fads of the moment translate into rights with legal justification and a regulatory apparatus attached to them. This is the manner in which government expands without limit. Illustrations abound.

When healthcare became a right as noted in Obamacare, insurance became a requirement. If ignored, a fine will be imposed. As a consequence, a bureaucracy must be created to deal with adherence to the law. Since millions of Americans, indeed most Americans who haven’t been granted an exception, are involved, the size and scope of the bureaucratic system will be as large as any in the nation’s capital.

Whether one favors abortion or not, one point is clear: the Congress invented reproductive rights and the Supreme Court gave it the imprimatur of legitimacy. The net result is that the Department of Health and Human Services has expanded to accommodate this invented proposition and federal funds have been given to NARAL to make sure government encourages this right.

The food stamp program organized to avoid malnutrition in America has expanded in the last four years from 32 million to 49 million citizens, a rate of about one in seven people. With the war on poverty, emerged the right that every American is entitled to food. The vast program has doubled the size of the Department of Agriculture that has responsibility for its administration. Surely it is desirable to make sure every citizen is fed, but when nutrition became a right expansive government activity came with it.