While you might think that it would be impossible to run an entire cable news network around accusing people of racism, MSNBC has taken your bet and now expects you to buy it coffee for a month. On Wednesday, Martin Bashir declared that IRS was the new N word; which would mean that IRS […] The other day, Niall Ferguson, a celebrity historian at Harvard, was at an “investors’ conference,” the kind of speaking gig he plays a lot of: You get a ton of money to go see a small number of extremely rich people and tell them something provocative — but not too provocative. So, at this […] Forget U.N. ambassador, she sounds like secretary-general material. Back in 2008, during what would become a disastrous international book tour, Samantha Power claimed that she didn’t have any “conventional political ambition.” This, one might have imagined, was rather a blessing, because Power doesn’t have any conventional political skill, either. For a woman who holds […] From the heights of Gibraltar you can see Africa about nine miles away to the south — and gaze eastward on the seemingly endless Mediterranean, which stretches 2,400 miles to Asia. Mare Nostrum, “our sea,” the Romans called the deep blue waters that allowed Rome to unite Asia, Africa, and Europe for half a […]
Next to the initial response to Benghazi, the DOJ’s journalist eavesdropping, and conservative targeting at the IRS, add the existence of the Circuit Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia to the list of things about the federal government of which President Obama has, apparently, only recently been made aware.
After years of treating the court (usually considered the second-most-important judicial body in the republic) with a casual indifference, the administration suddenly announced three nominees to it on Monday — and is using the bully pulpit to up pressure on the Senate to approve them quickly. In aid of that effort, Majority Leader Harry Reid has renewed his threats to change that body’s longstanding rules.
The president’s newfound interest in the D.C. circuit is puzzling, considering he waited nearly two years after taking office to make any nomination to the court whatever. Or that he delayed the nomination of federal solicitor Sri Srinivasan, who recently skated through the confirmation process, by three years over grumbles from his liberal base. Or that another nominee, NAACP counsel Debo P. Adegbile, failed even to make it past an initial screening by the American Bar Association. Or that he let months pass before acting after one of the few picks that did get to the Senate, Caitlin Halligan, failed to win confirmation.
And the urgency Mr. Obama now says is required to fill these vacancies is belied at turns by the facts (the most recent vacancy is barely three months old) and his own past behavior (the oldest vacancy is so old that Senator Obama availed himself of the opportunity to block President Bush’s nominee to fill it). The administrators of the federal courts, headed by custom and law by Chief Justice Roberts, identify 33 outstanding judicial “emergencies” — defined as longstanding vacancies in district or circuit courts with large volumes of filings. The Obama administration has made nominations in just eight of these cases. The D.C. circuit does not appear on the list. Indeed, eight of the circuit’s eleven authorized full-time judgeships are occupied, and there are six sitting “senior” judges who work lighter caseloads — meaning the circuit is operating at or above capacity. So there can be no credible argument about the relative urgency of filling its vacancies. AMONG ARAB MYSOGINISTS “HARASSMENT” DOES NOT MEAN DIRTY TALK OR GROPING…..RSK A new report by the United Nations shows that sexual harassment against women in Egypt is not only on the increase, but that 83 percent of women do not feel safe in public A new report from the United Nations Women organisation has […]
Turn on the television and wait five minutes and it begins playing. “It’s in our blood, our DNA,” the painfully high voice sings, “Because we’re stronger than the storm.” The ad closes with New Jersey Governor Chris Christie and his family playing on the beach.
The 25 million dollar ad campaign feels like it has been in rotation forever. The earnest warbling of the song can be heard everywhere. It probably isn’t doing much to move tourists to the Jersey Shore, but that isn’t what it’s there for. It’s there to remind everyone that Christie is the guy who flew over the state in a helicopter after Hurricane Sandy. We’re not stronger than the storm, is the message. Christie is.
The 25 million dollar ad campaign like the 24 million dollar special election is about the Governor of New Jersey.
Some Democrats have criticized both moves as cynical elections ploys and that’s true and it isn’t. The election, against a placeholder candidate, is no threat to Governor Christie who is running 60 to 28.
No matter how many minority voters Cory Booker brings to the polls (and it’s no sure bet that he will bring any, Booker for the moment is far more popular among white liberals than among the inner city voters he is deserting in Newark) there is no conceivable way that Christie could lose this election. Later this month, the Supreme Court will decide whether 15 states must continue to submit every election law change to the Justice Department or a federal court for approval. To send a message, a notorious racist and anti-Semite is teaming up with otherwise respectable Alabama elected officials to deliver a loud message to the Supreme […] SUSAN RICE HAS THE GOODS ON BENGHAZI AND HAD TO BE REWARDED RATHER THAN SHELVED…..RSK President Obama reshuffled his national security team Wednesday, and it’s a sign of the times that the reaction was mostly yawns. His choices for national security adviser and ambassador to the U.N. are loyalists who share Mr. Obama’s view […] President Obama’s decision to nominate Samantha Power as the United States representative to the United Nations is right on. Power is perfectly suited to stand up to the United Nations’ notorious double standard and inversion of human rights. She is not a diplomat by nature, and that is precisely what the United Nations needs. […]