Why Hollywood Cried When Hugo Died – on The Glazov Gang

Why Hollywood Cried When Hugo Died – on The Glazov Gang
by Frontpagemag.com
Bob Zeidman, Larry Greenfield and Howard Hyde shed light on the Left’s love affair with enemy tyrants.

The Violence of the Lambs By Tabitha Korol

http://righttruth.typepad.com/right_truth/2013/03/the-violence-of-the-lambs.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+typepad%2FN4OYM51%2Fright_truth+(Right+Truth) Sheep are usually valued as an excellent source of food and fiber, but what about the sheep at Brooklyn College, particularly the psychology and philosophy departments? Although these predisposed, mindless sheep of academia differ somewhat from their quadruped counterparts, they are also of value because, as a veterinarian noted, both can be worked on […]


http://sultanknish.blogspot.com/ At the end of last week we were consumed by the question of whether the President of the United States can order a drone strike on an American in the United States. But why ask that question only about a drone? Suppose that Obama decides that he wants Rush Limbaugh gone once and for […]

The Most Open Administration in History By Eileen F. Toplansky

http://www.americanthinker.com/printpage/?url=http://www.americanthinker.com/articles/../2013/03/the_most_open_administration_in_history.html In 1939, Konrad Heiden, an influential Jewish journalist and historian of the Weimar Republic and Nazi eras, wrote The New Inquisition. In the introduction to this book, Hendrik Willem Van Loon wrote: Adolf Hitler, I regret to say, does not yet belong to history in the accepted sense of the word. He is still […]

Interview with Yoram Ettinger and Alan Baker: “Signed in Ice….Not Carved In Stone”

http://bit.ly/Xid2uV The Middle East is burning. The façade of the Arab Spring has long since fallen away, and it has become apparent that this is simply another round of the type of turmoil that has long defined the region. “We have not experienced an Arab Spring or a March to Democracy or a Facebook Revolution,” […]


http://www.centerforsecuritypolicy.org/2013/03/11/investigative-benghazigate/ After Iraq was liberated from Saddam Hussein’s despotic misrule, critics denounced the then-incumbent president with the charge that “Bush lied, people died.” It never ceases to amaze that among the most prominent of those making this slanderous accusation were past and present Democratic legislators who had publicly pronounced exactly what George W. Bush did: […]

Could Stuxnet Have Triggered the Alleged Explosion at Fordow? Jerry Gordon

http://www.newenglishreview.org/blog_direct_link.cfm/blog_id/47992 A new report by Reza Kahlili at WorldNetDaily (WND) raises the speculative possibility of whether Stuxnet might have triggered the alleged explosion at the Iranian underground enrichment facility at Fordow that allegedly occurred on January 21st, “Iran nuke-site blasts confirmed, sabotage suspected”. If that was possible was it the older version, Stuxnet 0.5 rather […]

JULIA GORIN:Albanian’s February Shooting Spree in Switzerland

http://www.juliagorin.com/wordpress/?p=3012 Here I was wondering how we’d made it so far into March without an Albanian killing someone somewhere — which lately is how the new year is rung in — and it turns out I missed a recent item: Three dead in Swiss factory shooting (BBC.com, Feb. 27) Imogen Foulkes reports on the shooting […]



“Mr. Obama, pressing for the elusive diplomatic solution to the Iranian threat to build the Islamic bomb, quotes the ancient Chinese military philosopher Sun Tzu: “Build a golden bridge for your opponent to retreat upon.” Nice work, if you could get the opponent to use such a bridge. The evil-doers in the Middle East would blow it up and pocket the gold.”

Barack Obama, who stiffed the Israelis throughout his first term, is finally packing his bags for a visit to what we once called the Holy Land, before the world became an unholy mess. The Israelis have even put up an “app” on the Internet to enable everyone with a laptop to keep track of the trip in Hebrew, English and Arabic.

The app, the office of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu promises, will feature “real-time updates, video, photographs and behind-the-scene glimpses of the visit,” with Web links to the prime minster’s office, YouTube, Facebook and Instagram. Now if only Mssrs Obama and Netanyahu actually do something worth talking about.

“Another day,” observes the Jerusalem Post, “another gimmick.” There’s lots to talk about, and both the president and the prime minister are practicing to give the other man an earful. Mr. Obama offered a hint or two last week when he called two dozen leaders of Jewish organizations in the United States to the White House for a briefing of sorts about what to expect.

Britain’s Comic Relief Charity Event Provides for Extremist Groups by Samuel Westrop

http://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/3618/comic-relief-charity-extremists Every year, the charity Comic Relief organizes the leading fundraising event in Britain. Some of the vast sums it raises, however, end up in the bank accounts of politicized groups with extremist agendas. Every year since 1985, the British charity Comic Relief has held a high-profile fundraising telethon called Red Nose Day. Since its […]