On May 7, 1945, Germany signed an unconditional surrender at Allied headquarters in Reims, France, to take effect the following day, ending the European conflict of World War II. The New York Times published an Associated Press story under the headline “The War in Europe is Ended!” It reported, “[The Germans] were asked sternly if […]

DAVID ‘SPENGLER’ GOLDMAN; WHO IS JAMES DOBBINS? With little comment from conservative media, President Obama last week appointed James Dobbins as special envoy to Afghanistan and Pakistan, the high-profile job long occupied by the late Richard Holbrooke. Dobbins is a prominent exponent of the idea that America can live with a nuclear Iran, as well as an opponent of the use […]

DAVID HOROWITZ: HOW OBAMA BETRAYED AMERICA ******* Obama’s support for the Muslim Brotherhood belongs at the forefront of our political debate. “If we have to use force, it is because we are America. We are the indispensable nation. We stand tall. We see farther into the future.” — Madeleine Albright, secretary of state (1997–2001), Clinton administration It is a judgment on […]

“Un-American” To Ask About Benghazi? — on The Glazov Gang….The Twisted World of Debbie Wasseman Schultz

This week’s Glazov Gang had the honor of being joined by actor Dwight Schultz, (, Borek Volarik, a Chezh defector, and Nonie Darwish, the author of The Devil We Don’t Know.

The Gang gathered to discuss: “Un-American” To Ask About Benghazi? The discussion occurred in Part II and the guests shed light on the twisted world of Debbie Wasserman Schultz, who is now questioning the “Americanism” of those who won’t accept that Benghazi was all about a film and just move on.

FJORDMANN: THE UNIQUENESS OF WESTERN CIVILIZATION The Uniqueness of Western Civilization by Professor Ricardo Duchesne is a refreshing and original book that breaks with the current Multicultural consensus to argue that Western civilization is indeed unique and has been so for a very long time, probably far longer than most people realize. It is a daring text. Few other books […]

BACK TO LENIN? BOLSHEVISM AS BARBARISM; VLADIMIR TISMANEANU It has become fashionable among leftist circles to invoke a return to Lenin, to radicalism, to utopia. Among those who advocate such imperative to “retest the communist hypothesis” one can count French philosopher Alain Badiou, a former admirer of the Khmer Rouges, and Slovene thinker, Slavoj Zizek, the new idol of Western university campuses, […]

BRUCE THORNTON: THE OBAMA DOCTRINE…POLITICS FIRST A segment on Fox News recently raised the question about what constitutes an “Obama Doctrine” on foreign policy, given how feckless and incompetent it has been. The obvious answer is the Obama Doctrine is founded on political expediency, and depends on ad hoc responses to crises based on a calculation of electoral advantage. But stale […]

The Muslim Student Association and the Boston Terrorist Connection Posted By Daniel Greenfield While the hunt for Dzhokhar Tsarnaev was still underway, the President of the Muslim Student Association at the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth stepped forward to claim that he had tried to get Dzhokhar to join the MSA several times only to be turned down. “We played soccer together weekly and I knew him fairly […]

ALAN CARUBA: AMNESTY BILL IS A MASSIVE MULTI-MILLION DOLLAR FRAUD Native-born and naturalized Americans who are currently seeking work are already competing with illegal immigrants-a term that the Associated Press says it will no longer use-or standing in line behind them as they sign up for all manner of welfare benefits. The official estimate of the number of illegal aliens-oops, undocumented aliens-in the nation […]

‘Mad Men’: Villains, Victims, and Lies by EDWARD CLINE

suffer from cultural claustrophobia. What is “cultural claustrophobia?” It is the feeling of being imprisoned in a culture that is basically anti-freedom, anti-capitalist, anti-American, anti-reason, and anti-value. In short, of being marooned in an alien, hostile, leftist culture determined to wear or beat down anyone who won’t yield to its propaganda and beseechments and stealthy osmosis and refuses to get with the collectivist program. Writing critiques like this one is my way of pushing away the moldy, fly-specked walls that threaten to suffocate me, of kicking down the closet door, and breathing some fresh air, before the walls close in again, and I push back anew.

I do not think I am alone in suffering this phenomenon. It is quite common among men who see the civilized world slipping into anarchy and tyranny and cannot understand why. Ayn Rand called it “our cultural value- deprivation.”*

Oft times, as an antidote to contemporary culture, and feeling lonely for a cleaner, rational, and more honest world, I will re-read a classic novel or nonfiction book, or watch an older movie (pre-1965, when the last of the epics was made), or just listen to music that was meant to be listened to and enjoyed, and not endured. Mostly classical, some popular, but rarely contemporary.

“One can feel nostalgia for places one has never seen,” remarked Greta Garbo in Queen Christina. And, of course, one can feel it for times one has lived through.

But, some sojourns of nostalgia do not necessarily take one back to happier times. It all depends on who is tinting the photographs. A Marxist will blur Rockefeller Center and call it a slum. The creators of “Mad Men” populate it with scoundrels, prostitutes, neurotics, power-lusters, and fools, and call it “life in America.”

AMC’s “Mad Men” is a lavishly produced instance of literary naturalism, “things as they were” in the early to mid-1960s, with no real plot direction, no real resolution or denouements of any of the plot or subplots, posing as “social criticism.” Actually, is it a super-sized nighttime version of a daytime soap opera. There are no heroes in the series; virtually all the characters are manipulative, dishonest, repressed, or blindly avaricious frauds. If a character isn’t a villain, then he is a victim of the villains.

But then, literary naturalism cannot tolerate heroes. Heroes overcome conflicts and solve problems. There is a multitude of conflicts in “Mad Men,” but no defining resolution or closure of them, except by happenstance or on the whim of the director; there is no way to distinguish which. All the principal characters repeatedly succumb, and without much resistance and often with relish, to their flaws, foibles, and amorality.

I watched all five available seasons of “Mad Men” on Netflix. There are plot spoilers ahead, for anyone who has not seen any of the series episodes. The sixth season has already debuted, which I have not yet seen. A seventh is in the works.

When I lived in New York City, I worked on Madison Avenue, in the 1970s, for two large firms as a teletype agent and as a proofreader. I recognized the trade culture in the series, and the ads, the brand products, the offices, the smoking, the drinking, the clothing styles, and all the other recreated concretes that went into lending “Mad Men” a large and credible dose of verisimilitude.