Secretary of State Huma Abedin?

In 2017, Huma Abedin may be the wife of the mayor of New York City or the National Security Adviser to the President of the United States. It’s even possible that she might be both.

Huma Abedin’s husband, Anthony Weiner, was once the front-runner for the top job. Weiner’s career was temporarily torpedoed by a sex scandal, but a weak campaign field has tempted him back into the race and already positioned him at the number two spot.

Weiner’s competition is a lesbian City Council speaker, who is seen as a Bloomberg toady, a Comptroller who may soon be headed to jail for campaign finance fraud and a radical leftist Public Advocate who quotes Che and whose wife once claimed to be a lesbian.

In that company, Weiner no longer looks as freakish as he once did and with a $4.3 million war chest, he could win by drowning his Democratic opponents in cash and then fundraising all over again during the general election when he becomes the only alternative to a Republican mayor.

Bloomberg proved that even an unpopular candidate despised by most voters could win elections by flooding community and interest groups with cash and Weiner’s biggest asset isn’t even his war chest; it’s his connection to the Clintons. Weiner’s connection to a Clinton White House means more money for the city and that is something that his party and most community groups are eager to get a taste of.

THE AL QAEDA FRANCHISE THREAT Seven weeks after Osama bin Laden‘s death in 2011, President Obama declared al Qaeda was “on a path to defeat.” He has redeployed the phrase often to justify leaving Afghanistan and slashing defense. Al Qaeda, meanwhile, mocks predictions of its imminent defeat. Even as the U.S. has “decimated” (the President’s word) al Qaeda’s senior […]


The Case for Pre-Emptive War, From Goliath to the Dardanelles

When—and it is most probably now a question of when, rather than if—Israel is forced to bomb Iran’s uranium enrichment facilities, the Israeli government will immediately face a cacophony of denunciation from the press in America and abroad; the international left; the United Nations General Assembly; 20 secretly delighted but fantastically hypocritical Arab states; some Democratic legislators in Washington, D.C.; and a large assortment of European politicians. Critics will doubtless harp on about international law and claim that no right exists for pre-emptive military action. So it would be wise for friends of Israel to mug up on their ancient and modern history to refute this claim.

The right, indeed the duty, of nations to proactively defend themselves from foes who seek their destruction with new and terrifying weaponry far pre-dates President George W. Bush and Iraq. It goes back earlier than Israel’s successful pre-emptive attacks on Iraq’s Osirak nuclear reactor in 1981 (not to mention other pre-emptive Israeli attacks like the one on the Syrian nuclear program in 2007). It even predates Israel’s 1967 pre-emption of massed Arab armies, a move that saved the Jewish state. History is replete with examples when pre-emption was successful, as well as occasions when, because pre-emption wasn’t employed, catastrophe struck.

Justice Department Failure: Suit Filed Over DOJ Refusal to Clean Up Voter Rolls Posted By Hans A. von Spakovsky The American Civil Rights Union wants local election officials to clean up voter rolls in Mississippi. Last Friday, the group filed suit against two counties that have more registered voters than the Census says they have voting-eligible citizens. The ACRU is stepping into the breach left by the Civil Rights Division of the U.S. […]

WHAT SHOULD WE DO ABOUT GUNS? KATHRYN LOPEZ INTERVIEWS JOHN R. LOTT **** After the defeat of the Manchin-Toomey background-check bill, and the subsequent demonization of the Senate, Senators Manchin and Toomey are reportedly back at work on bipartisan legislation addressing gun control. John R. Lott, author of the new book At the Brink, who has been researching gun policy for decades, talks about the state of […]

MICHELLE MALKIN: THE CAMP BASTION COVER-UP Do you remember what happened last year on 9/14? Where are the White House phone calls for the families who continue to grieve? What is being done to prevent another fatal attack like the one on 9/14? And why is the full truth being withheld from the American public? Benghazi isn’t the only bloody […]

TED CRUZ 2016? ROBERT COSTA Freshman senator Ted Cruz is considering a presidential run, according to his friends and confidants. Cruz won’t talk about it publicly, and even privately he’s cagey about revealing too much of his thought process or intentions. But his interest is undeniable. “If you don’t think this is real, then you’re not paying attention,” says a Republican […]

OBAMA NO LONGER SUNNY AND CONFIDENT….ALL THE MOVIE STARS HAVE GONE HOME: HOWARD FINEMAN WASHINGTON — The sunny, confident President Barack Obama who was the master of all that he surveyed at the White House Correspondents’ Dinner last Saturday night was nowhere in sight at the podium in the White House press room Tuesday morning. In his place was a glum character, whose gloomy demeanor matched the lack […]

DANIEL GREENFIELD: THE BEST MINDS OF MY GENERATION   The one thing that gave me hope for my generation was our cynicism. We might not believe in anything, but at least we wouldn’t believe in everything. We might be apathetic, but that just meant it was harder to enlist us in causes. We didn’t just march to the beat of our own […]


By STEVE LeBLANC and BOB SALSBERG, The Associated Press

BOSTON — Businessman and former Navy SEAL Gabriel Gomez has won the Republican nomination to run in Massachusetts’ special election for the U.S. Senate seat previously held by John Kerry.

Unofficial returns show Gomez defeating former U.S. Attorney Michael Sullivan and state Rep. Daniel Winslow in Tuesday’s primary.

In the June 25 special election, Gomez will face the winner of the Democratic primary between U.S. Reps. Stephen Lynch and Edward Markey.

Gomez is a newcomer to politics. He’s the son of Colombian immigrants and learned English in kindergarten. He became a Navy pilot and SEAL, earned an MBA at Harvard and launched a private equity career.

Kerry resigned from the Senate to become U.S. secretary of state.