BRET STEPHENS: ROMAN DECADENCE AMERICAN SEQUESTER In a couple of weeks, New York’s Gotham Opera will stage Francesco Cavalli’s baroque tale of a sex-addled Italian ruler infamous for hosting elaborate orgies, consorting with prostitutes and appointing women to senior government posts solely on the basis of their looks. No, it’s not about Silvio Berlusconi. The subject of the opera is […]

JED BABBIN: HAPPY SEQUESTER WEEK   The federal spending monster needs to be trifled with. Is Tom Coburn the only Republican willing to do so? You made them do it. They’re angry about it. And if it happens on Friday, they’ll punish you for it. That’s the attitude around Washington. The “it” is the sequestration of about $85 billion […]

MUSLIM EXTREMISTS SUE TO PREVENT EXPOSE OF TERRORIST TRAINING CAMPS IN USTATE NEW YORK New York-based Muslim extremist group demands court halt publication of book that exposes terrorist-training camps in upstate New York The Muslims of America based in Hancock, Delaware County, is suing Martin Mawyer and his Christian Action Network for $3 million in federal court in Syracuse, seeking to halt the continued publication of his book, […]

Obama’s March visit to Israel — Another Opportunity for Muslim Violence By Victor Sharpe In an earlier article I wrote and which was published in Family Security Matters, Palestinian Arab aggression will never end, I penned the following as the campaign by the Obama Administration and the European Union to oust Libya’s Muammar Gadhafi was underway: “Along with all the European heads of state who gleefully joined in […]


By Jonathan Earle, Moscow

In an embarrassing slip of the tongue, Mr Kerry last week praised US diplomats working to secure “democratic institutions” in the Central Asian country, which does not exist.

The newly minted diplomat was referring to Kyrgyzstan, a poor, landlocked nation of 5.5 million, which he appeared to confuse with its resource-rich neighbour to the north, Kazakhstan.

The State Department kindly omitted the error in the official transcript of Wednesday’s speech, which Mr Kerry delivered on the eve of his first foreign trip as secretary of state.

Mr Kerry’s flub was all the more awkward, because Kyrgyzstan is a key ally in the U.S.-led war in Afghanistan and a major recipient of US aid, which totalled $41 million (£27 million) in 2011.

Washington has actively promoted democratic development in the country since pro-democracy revolutions topped strongmen in 2005 and 2010, leading to free elections in 2011.
A secretary at the Kyrgyz Embassy in London said nobody was available to comment.

How Sickening Will Sweden Get? by Douglas Murray Their gamble is that if we give the Organization of Islamic Cooperation just a little something — just a “harmless” little law — then we might all just be able to get along. But for every inch of encouragement the free nations of the world give the OIC, the more Reza Jabbaris we sacrifice […]


These are frantic days for the man the Manhattan tabloids call the Soda Jerk. Michael Bloomberg, the mayor of New York, is reviewing his troops, readying the SWAT teams for his campaign to beat back the crime wave sweeping over Gotham.The mayor begins enforcement of his new rules about how much soda is good for a New Yorker on March 12, vowing to take neither prisoner nor excuse. Hizzoner wants to be remembered as the mayor who stopped the gulping, slurping and burping that threatened to make Gotham unfit for human habitation. Gotham was in fact unfit for habitation not so long ago. Then Rudy Guiliani cleaned up the city, chased the crooks and thugs to wherever they went, probably New Jersey, wiped away most of the graffiti and washed the dirt off the face of the city that never sleeps.

Mike Bloomberg wants to be remembered as the mayor who swiped Mary Poppins’ bloomers and became nanny to the world. The soda smackdown follows earlier campaigns against sins of the palate – New Yorkers were eating too much sugar, salt, fats, cigarettes. Even babies were guilty. The New York Post surveyed the battlefield of today and reports that Hizzoner is after a lot more than an 18-ounce container of Coke, Pepsi and other drinks Hizzoner deems too sweet.

“If you order a pizza,” the Post reports, “you cannot get a large bottle of soda delivered with it. Already, Domino’s locations across the city are doing away with 1- and 2-liter bottles of soda . . . they’ll sell smaller bottles instead, costing you more money and increasing plastic waste.”

TOM GROSS: THE UN’S WILLFUL IGNORANCE OF MODERN DAY SLAVERY **** The UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC) begins its annual session in Geneva today by once again disgracing itself through the appointment of the West African country of Mauritania as its vice-president for the next year. The UNHRC is the organization that, in the past, has cozied up to the Gaddafi and Assad regimes in […]

Loving the Enemy by Janice Fiamengo a Review of “United in Hate- The Left’s Romance With tyranny and Terror”- by Jamie Glazov Proclaiming himself a conciliator and a moderate with a vision of Americans “stand[ing] with each other” and “paying their fair share,” President Barack Obama is in fact one of the most partisan presidents ever to occupy the White House. Fine-sounding words notwithstanding, he is a leftist ideologue and no-holds-barred political fighter whose practice has […]


You’ll remember that 2012 story of Israel flooding Gaza with sewage:-
A Palestinian environmentalist says the Israeli regime is engaged in systematically destroying the environment in the Gaza Strip by dumping sewage into the Gaza Valley and its surrounding areas, Press TV reports.

Something similar occurred in 2007 and Israel, though not at all to blame, was somehow dragged in to the cesspool of anti-Semitic accusations about it even two years earlier:-
Before leaving Gaza in 2005, it is alleged that Israeli settlements diverted sewage water and also industrial and chemical waste into the underground water resources. These sources are managed and operated by the Coastal Water Municipality facility funded by the European Union and other donors.

Well, what wasn’t true then is true now, but Israel isn’t involved:-
Egypt Flushes Out Gaza Tunnel Diggers With Sewage! | February 26th, 2013

Besides the really terrible new factor, the consequences for the environment are as equally yuck: the Egyptian army is looking to stall and stop Gazan smugglers from digging tunnels from the Gaza Strip to Egypt’s Sinai have found a new and dirty way to flush out smugglers: they are pouring raw sewage into the underground tunnels. Leaders in Gaza are trying to figure out how this tactic bodes for future relations with the Islamic leaders in Egypt.

So much crap.