Unanswered Questions About the Trump Assassination Attempt By Kenneth R. Timmerman


Donald J. Trump didn’t have to run for president in 2015, or in 2020, or in 2024. He had a magnificent life. Why subject himself to the barbs and arrows of a political class and their media allies well-versed in the politics of personal destruction?

Only one reason: because he loved his country to the extent he was willing to sacrifice his wealth, livelihood and even his life to serve it.

Donald Trump is the only president to have left the White House poorer than when he took office.

I believe God himself protected Donald Trump on Saturday. Just a few millimeters in either direction, and the many bullets his would-be assassin fired at him would have blown his brains out.

I believe that God sends His guardian angels to protect those He chooses. Don’t ask me why or how He chooses whom to protect. But in my own life, I know I have been saved in so many times of great peril by a higher force, certainly not by my own hand. I have recounted some of those “close calls” in my book, And the Rest is History. After a while, saying you have been lucky is just not enough.

God extended a hedge of protection around Donald Trump. He saved him from a would-be assassin’s bullets for a purpose – His purpose. And that purpose can only be to turn His people back to Him.

The morning after the assassination, a blogger I have never met sent me Isaiah 54:17, which reads: 

No weapon that is fashioned against you shall prosper, and you shall confute every tongue that rises against you in judgment. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord and their vindication from me, says the Lord.

It’s remarkable to watch leading Democrats preach to the nation about forgiveness and tolerance and coming together, when the hate-filled rhetoric they have employed non-stop since Donald Trump descended the escalator in Trump Tower in July 2015 has engendered the very intolerance they now berate.

Just days before the assassination attempt, Joe Biden himself told donors, “we’re done talking about the debate. It’s time to put Trump in a bullseye.”

Pro-Palestinian Group with Alleged Terror Ties Ordered to Provide Donor Lists to Virginia AG by Zach Kessel


A Virginia court ordered the American Muslims for Palestine (AMP) organization to produce documents detailing organizational structure, employees, and donors, among other pieces of information, state attorney general Jason Miyares (R.) announced Tuesday.

Miyares and his office opened an investigation into AMP in October 2023. The attorney general hopes to determine whether AMP has solicited contributions without having registered with the necessary state agencies, as well as the veracity of allegations that AMP has offered support to terrorist organizations.

In the civil investigative demand Miyares issued to AMP in October, the attorney general’s office wrote that, based on its investigation, it has reason to believe the organization may have “knowingly used or permitted the use of funds raised by a solicitation of contributions to provide support to terrorists, terrorist organizations, terrorist activities, or family members of terrorists.”

AMP has received attention for its role in supporting the National Students for Justice in Palestine (NSJP) organization, which has established chapters on college campuses across the country. Those chapters, in turn, have been behind waves of anti-Israel, pro-terror protests in higher education and on American streets since October 7.

Secret Service Director Claims She Couldn’t Stop Assassination Because of Sloped Roof “That building in particular has a sloped roof at its highest point.” by Daniel Greenfield


There’s one school of thought that says the federal government is run by evil monsters. Another that it’s run by bureaucrats who have no clue about what their organization actually does. Or how anything works.

And Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle strikes me as having absolutely no clue.

Embattled Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle says she has no plans to resign, even after the stunning revelation that the agency decided not to guard the roof from which Thomas Crooks opened fire on former President Donald Trump because it was too slanted.

“That building in particular has a sloped roof at its highest point. And so, you know, there’s a safety factor that would be considered there that we wouldn’t want to put somebody up on a sloped roof,” she told ABC News in a startling admission.

“And so, you know, the decision was made to secure the building, from inside,” she told the outlet.

Social media is full of memes of sloped roofs.

Secret Service personnel obviously do deploy, and in that particular setting, did deploy on sloped roofs. This is a dumb excuse by a dumb person told to a dumb media which is eager to accept any excuse that it’s given. But the only question is whether Cheatle knows she’s lying or her ample experience at PepsiCo and sucking up to Jill Biden left her with little time to figure out how anything in the field actually works.

“The Shooting of Donald Trump – Identity Politics and the Hatred that Ensues” Sydney Williams


Identity politics have divided us into warring camps. While it is terrible to accept the fact that we live in a time of such hatred, we do. The attempted assassination of Mr. Trump was the most recent and most violent. The intention of those who promoted identity politics may have been well-intentioned, but the consequences have been disastrous. Where division is sown violence is reaped.

I write as a conservative. I believe in family, tradition, the rule of law, limited government, free markets, a balanced budget in time of peace, and the freedom to follow one’s dreams, so long as one does no harm to others. I believe that government has a responsibility to keep us safe, our borders secure, to educate youth, and to provide for those unable to care for themselves. As well, we live in a global world; we cannot hide in isolation. Mr. Trump has never been my preference, but he served as a good President – at least in my opinion – for four years, and he did so under circumstances that would have undone most politicians. Elected President in 2016, he was deemed illegitimate by mainstream media and by most Democrats. With the help of a weaponized justice department, he was falsely accused of colluding with the Russians, with investigations interrupting his Administration. Four years later the intelligence community deliberately ignored the fact of Hunter Biden’s laptop, accusing Mr. Trump of being a Putin puppet. While never tarred and feathered, he has been investigated, denigrated, penalized, impeached and indicted. And now some nut has tried to kill him. He has been called a liar, fraudster and a threat to democracy – by those who misuse instruments of democracy to destroy him. Hollywood and social media elites have called for his death. The hypocrisy has been breathtaking, especially by those who inflict division, but then claim it is their desire to unite the country. While most politicians go to Washington and see their wealth increase, Mr. Trump saw his net worth decline by over a billion dollars during his four years as President.

American Covenant: How the Constitution Unified Our Nation–And Could Again Yuval Levin

“The most important voice in the political culture” (Ben Shapiro) reveals the Constitution’s remarkable power to repair our broken civic culture, rescue our malfunctioning politics, and unify a fractious America

Common ground is hard to find in today’s politics. In a society teeming with irreconcilable political perspectives, many people have grown frustrated under a system of government that constantly demands compromise. More and more on both the right and the left have come to blame the Constitution for the resulting discord. But the Constitution is not the problem we face; it is the solution. 
Blending engaging history with lucid analysis, conservative scholar Yuval Levin’s American Covenant recovers the Constitution’s true genius and reveals how it charts a path to repairing America’s fault lines. Uncovering the framers’ sophisticated grasp of political division, Levin showcases the Constitution’s exceptional power to facilitate constructive disagreement, negotiate resolutions to disputes, and forge unity in a fractured society. Clear-eyed about the ways that contemporary politics have malfunctioned, Levin also offers practical solutions for reforming those aspects of the constitutional order that have gone awry. 
Hopeful, insightful, and rooted in the best of our political tradition, American Covenant celebrates the Constitution’s remarkable power to bind together a diverse society, reassuring us that a less divided future is within our grasp. 

Yuval Levin: The Assassination Attempt—and America’s Choice We had a terrible glimpse into what it would feel like to live beyond the bounds of our constitutional republic. We must reject that.


At first glance, Saturday’s terrifying assassination attempt on Donald Trump seems like an obvious extension of our depressing political drift. 

We have grown more divided in this century, we use more militant rhetoric, and political violence has escalated. In the last 15 years, there have been shootings of members of Congress of both parties, a foiled assassination attempt of a Supreme Court justice and his family, a mob storming the Capitol to disrupt the certification of a presidential election, and rising levels of threats against public officials of all sorts. A near assassination of a once and perhaps future president might seem like all too natural a next step. 

And yet, this moment feels like a sharp break. Maybe because it was by far the highest profile act of domestic political violence in this century, directed at the highest profile figure in our politics, in front of television cameras, that it struck even our cynical culture as a shock. It gave us a terrible glimpse into what it would feel like to live beyond the bounds of our constitutional republic.

We have tested those bounds pretty aggressively in the last few years. Our leading politicians have called each other fascists and enemies of the people, deployed or threatened to deploy the justice system against their opponents, declared that election results were illegitimate, and insisted that our society’s very existence would be imperiled if the other party were in power. Donald Trump himself has been the worst offender on this front, but his opponents and critics have frequently come close. Both sides have seemed incapable of criticizing one another’s violations of essential norms without engaging in their own. All of this has shown contempt for the character of our republic. 

But what Trump’s would-be assassin did on Saturday was different—and not only by degree. 

The Surrender In the wake of a fatal shooting and attempted assassination of Donald Trump, a series of reversals may mark the beginning of a new political era Matt Taibbi


The decision was announced at a White House briefing Monday morning. “In light of this weekend’s events, the president has directed me to work with the Secret Service to provide protection to Robert Kennedy Jr.,” was the quote from Homeland Security Director Alejandro Mayorkas.

It’s difficult to read the line “in light of this weekend’s events” and not see an admission on the part of the White House that Secret Service protection was previously being denied to Kennedy, Jr. for political reasons, or out of spite, if those are even two different things in this era. Whatever the original prerogative was for pushing the envelope with that denial, it seems to have been removed by series of paradigm-shattering news events, leading to a flurry of real and symbolic surrenders.

MSNBC likewise made an extraordinary decision Sunday night to pull Morning Joe, with CNN saying the network wanted to “to avoid a scenario in which one of the show’s stable of two dozen-plus guests might make an inappropriate comment on live television.” As with the Secret Service decision, MSNBC was making a major admission, essentially telling audiences its lead morning news show is either not really a news show, or that its format only holds up under something less than maximum scrutiny. I can’t recall a similar act of self-sabotage in media.

Will Illegal Immigrants Decide The 2024 Presidential Election? I&I/TIPP Poll Terry Jones


While many disagree, a majority of Americans believe that illegal immigrant voting will be “common” around the nation in the 2024 presidential election and will likely affect the vote’s outcome, according to the most recent I&I/TIPP Poll.

The 1,244 Americans polled for the national online I&I/TIPP survey of voter opinion were asked: “How common do you think illegal immigrant voting will be in the November presidential elections?”

Of those responding, 52% said that they believed voting by those who immigrated to the U.S. illegally would be “common,” while just 38% thought such voting would either be “rare” (23%) or “none at all” (15%). Of the remaining, 11% said they “not sure.”

The poll of registered voters, taken from June 26-28, has a margin of error of +/-2.8 percentage points.

But the opinion was hardly uniform across the two main political parties, third parties and independents.

For instance, just 36% of Democrats thought that illegal immigrant voting would be common, while 51% said it wouldn’t. For Republicans, 73% described illegal immigrant voting as common, while just 20% said it would not be common. Independents divide 48% common and 39% not common.

Joe Biden on the Back Foot Roger Franklin Editor, Quadrant Online


Within minutes of the attempt on Donald Trump’s life, Joe Biden’s handlers suspended all campaign advertising. They had no choice. As demonstrated in the weeks leading up to the shooting, the Democrats’ ads had assailed him as a threat to everything that is good and decent about America. Incendiary rhetoric, as the President intoned on Sunday night in his address to the nation, must be condemned.

Below, excerpts of that Oval Office (in italic) message and, below each, some links and background to what might well be the biggest example of hypocrisy since Captain Renault evinced shock at finding a roulette wheel in Rick’s gin joint.

My fellow Americans, I want to speak to you tonight about the need for us to lower the temperature in our politics and to remember, while we may disagree, we are not enemies.  We’re neighbors.  We’re friends, coworkers, citizens.  And, most importantly, we are fellow Americans.  And we must stand together. 

Translation: We must stand together, especially those amongst my fellow Democrats who have been calling on me to stand down. 

Yesterday’s shooting at Donald Trump’s rally in Pennsylvania calls on all of us to take a step back, take stock of where we are, how we go forward from here. 

How indeed! The day before Thomas Matthew Crooks’ bullet took the tip off Donald Trump’s right ear, the man demanding “a step back” from fighting words variously described Trump as “a rapist”*, “a convicted criminal”, “a business fraud”, “a threat to this nation” who is “unhinged” and, inevitably, an enemy of “our democracy” who would force the public servants he doesn’t sack to pledge their loyalty to him personally.

The woke media’s grotesque gloating over the shooting of Trump The media elites’ Trump Derangement Syndrome has utterly shattered their morality.Brendan O’Neill


Imagine being taken off the airwaves because your bosses are worried you might gloat over an attempted murder. That, reportedly, has been the fate of pundits on MSNBC’s maddeningly woke talk show, Morning Joe. It’s been pulled from the air today, in the wake of the attempted assassination of Donald Trump, allegedly out of fear that a guest might make an ‘inappropriate’ comment about the shooting. CNN has the lowdown. It reports that MSNBC benched its best-known show, despite the ‘seismic’ events of the past 48 hours, as a pre-emptive strike against the possibility that one of the ‘stable of two-dozen-plus guests’ would say something nuts about the violence visited on Trump.

If this is true – and we have no reason to doubt that it is, given the liberal media’s been full of ‘inappropriate’ chatter on the shooting of Trump – it is terrifyingly revealing. That one of America’s top liberal broadcasters seemingly cannot trust its own talking heads to be sombre and decent in the aftermath of the attempted slaying of a former president is extraordinary. It points to more than the problem of shock-jockery, where people who say outrageous things tend to get the most clicks and clout. It speaks to something worse than Trump Derangement Syndrome. No, it shines a light on the wholesale unanchoring of the woke elites from the norms of democratic politics, and their drift into an alternative world of invective and vengeance.