TORTURE AND THE TERRORIST: SOLITARY CONFINEMENT….A VIABLE SOLUTION: PATRICK DUNLEAVY **** “…and the winner is…”When those words were uttered at the Academy Awards Sunday, we knew it would not be, “Zero Dark Thirty” in part due to the increasing criticism that the film, although critically acclaimed, condoned the torturing of terrorists after their initial capture. Whether the methods used were enhanced interrogation techniques necessary for […]

CAIR Director Calls for Death Penalty for Blasphemers Against Islam — – on The Glazov Gang

On this week’s Glazov Gang, PJTV’s Alfonzo Rachel joined Hollywood actor Dwight Schultz and PolitiChick warrior Ann-Marie Murrell to discuss CAIR Director Calls for Death Penalty for Blasphemers Against Islam. The discussion occurred in Part II and dealt with CAIR St. Louis Director Faizan Syed’s solution for the problem of people publishing “anti-Islamic” views on the internet. The segment also shed light on the nightmares posed by John Brennan, Chuck Hagel and John Kerry. Part I focused on The Left’s Chris Dorner Romance and Obama’s Obedient Media. Watch both parts of the two-part-series below:

Part I:

THE ENEMIES WITHIN: SHAMELESS ISRAELI LEFTIST ATTACKS CJHS FOR PRO ISRAEL STANCE….MARK TAPSON On the left-wing Israeli website, correspondent Amira Hass posted an article recently with the unwieldy title, “On an ostensible Holocaust website, the U.S. right’s opposition to Obama is the message,” in which she attacked the work of the Los Angeles-based Children of Jewish Holocaust Survivors (CJHS) for its pro-Israel and anti-totalitarian stance, two […]

DEBORAH WEISS: OIC Ramps Up ‘Islamophobia’ Campaign

The Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) has long been on the forefront of the Islamist mission to establish the equivalent of Islamic blasphemy laws in the West. Now, during its 12th Islamic Summit held in Cairo February 7-8, 2013, the OIC set forth new and creative ways to silence, and ultimately criminalize criticism of Islam. […]

Obama Terrorizes Public with Illegal Alien Releases Posted By Arnold Ahlert In one of the most politically despicable moves ever perpetrated by a sitting administration, federal immigration officials have released hundreds of illegal aliens from prison in anticipation of budget cuts produced by the sequester. “As fiscal uncertainty remains over the continuing resolution and possible sequestration, ICE has reviewed its detained population to ensure detention […]

GOVERNOR BOBBY JIHDAL (R) LOUISIANA: GOVERNMENT GREED It seems as if President Obama sends out another cabinet secretary every hour to tell the public about the dire consequences we will face if the sequestration cuts are not averted. You’ve heard them — no vaccinations for children, teachers losing their jobs, less security from terrorist attacks, longer wait times at airports, and […]

ISRAEL’S UNCERTAIN FUTURE: SRDJA TRIFKOVIC  President Barack Obama’s Middle Eastern tour, scheduled for the end of March, has triggered a wave of intense speculation about its objectives in recent days. It centers on reports from Israeli sources that Obama will tell Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that a “window of opportunity” for a military strike on Iran will open in […]

VICTOR DAVIS HANSON: AMERICAN RECESSIONAL…THE DECLINE OF INFLUENCE Republicans and Democrats are blaming one another for impending cuts to the defense budget brought about by sequestration. But with serial annual deficits of $1 trillion–plus and an aggregate debt nearing $17 trillion, the United States — like the insolvent Rome and exhausted Great Britain of the past — was bound to reexamine its […]


Indonesian officials, including members of the cabinet, encourage attacks on religious minorities.

The worst fears of the Shia Muslim community in Sampang in Indonesia’s East Java came to pass on Aug. 20, 2012. That morning, hundreds of Sunni militants attacked the community, torching some 50 homes, killing one man and seriously injuring another.

The local police, warned ahead of time of the impending violence, stood by at the scene of the attack and refused to intervene. The Sampang regency’s top government official dismissed criticism of the police’s failure to provide protection for the minority Shia by saying: “I don’t care [about] human rights as long I protect those who voted for me as their leader.”

The horror endured by the Shia of Sampang stands in stark contrast to the Indonesian government’s claims of adherence to the country’s constitutional guarantee of religious freedom. A new Human Rights Watch report released Thursday exposes the increasingly routine intimidation, threats, and, too often, violence against Indonesia’s religious minorities—and the weak or nonexistent government response.

The minorities in question, including Christian Protestant groups, Shia Muslims, and Ahmadiyahs, typically are targeted by groups such as the Islamic Defenders Front (locally called FPI) that mobilize masses of “protesters” and swarm minority houses of worship. The leaders of such groups say they are defending the Muslim community against “infidels” and “blasphemers.” They disrupt the religious observances of minority faiths with loudspeakers and the dumping of animal carcasses and feces on doorsteps.

The tactics of these Islamist militants are growing increasingly violent. According to the Jakarta-based Setara Institute, which monitors religious freedom in Indonesia, religious minorities suffered 264 physical attacks in 2012, up from 216 in 2010.

INSULTS TO AMERICAN MANHOOD BY THE RULES OF ENGAGEMENT IN THE MILITARY….DAVID FORSMARK America’s muddle in Afghanistan is not merely an unwise policy. Two prominent American authors — one a serious analyst (and former badass warrior), the other a bestselling novelist (who created one of our biggest badass heroes) — worry that it is an affront to American manhood as well. For years Bing West has argued […]