Stop Lying About Us!

So, are you happy now, left wing extremists and fellow journalists, now that Lars Hedegaard was very close to being killed? You who have done everything you could, seeking with your lies to smear Dispatch International as a racist and Muslim-hating newspaper, rather than telling the truth – that we are critical of the totalitarian ideology of Islam. Are you aware that it is due to your support of the ever stronger demands for the Islamization of the West that these killers can operate freely in our society?

Last Tuesday I got the worst shock of my life. My fellow editor-in-chief Lars Hedegaard called me and said that to his regret he would not be able to come to the editorial office in Malmö, for he had just been the target of an assassination attempt.

None of us are stupid. We know quite well that what we are doing is dangerous – the worst thing one can do in Sweden of 2013 is to criticize Islam and the reckless immigration policy conducted by the current Reinfeldt cabinet. But we are fighting to remain able to live in an open and democratic society with 100 percent free expression.

If we were to capitulate to the forces of darkness that seek to draw the Western world down into the midnight of totalitarianism, it would be the end. NOW is the time when we must do things to defend our way of life.

We at Dispatch International will be forced to be even more careful and worried for our security. But we will never, never, never give up and concede victory to the forces of totalitarianism. They would have to kill us, one by one.

I hereby encourage all my journalist colleagues to stand up for the free word and for the right of our newspapers to write the articles they deem necessary for their readers. Stop calling us “Muslim-haters” – we are not the ones who hate or who seek to shoot and kill those of differing opinions. We are critical of the totalitarian ideology of Islam, which today constitutes a threat to the free world, a threat of a magnitude equal to those earlier posed by National Socialism, Communism and Fascism.

Stop lying to your readers, listeners and viewers. Tell them that we are standing for democracy and freedom, which you ceased to do long ago.

STELLA PAUL: AMERICA GIVES UP **** The other day, I learned that President Obama has canceled our Mars Rover explorations, along with all other planetary missions. NASA’s science mission chief just quit in disgust, and who can blame him? Apparently, even robots’ lives are too precious for us to risk these days, so America is giving up the thrill of […]

The Real Problem With Obama’s Drone Memo
The U.S. has dropped the clarity of the rules of war for the vague balancing tests that govern cops on the beat.

President Obama’s antiterrorism policies are drawing new fire after this week’s leak of the administration’s legal memo defending the targeted killing of Americans. According to the Justice Department white paper obtained by NBC News, the U.S. can kill a citizen who is “continually planning attacks” for al Qaeda when an “informed, high-ranking” official decides that the target “poses an imminent threat” and capture is “infeasible.”

Members of certain congressional committees will learn more about the policy after the White House announcement on Wednesday—in a move to stave off trouble on Capitol Hill—to let them see long-sought secret memos on the legal justification for targeted killings. From the leaked white paper, though, we get the drift: Americans may have constitutional rights, but the realities of war and the right to national self-defense trump individual rights when the executive branch is picking targets.

VICTOR SHARPE: SEVEN AND AHALF HOUR IS A LONG TIME TO DIE It took four brave Americans up to seven and half hours to needlessly die in the hell on earth that is Benghazi, Libya. And their deaths on September 11, 2012 were violent and horrific at the hands of vicious Al Qaida thugs who were free to carry out their atrocities because the Obama White […]



‘Democracy continues to be seen nowhere in “the State of Palestine” – whilst Israel’s choice for next prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu – is engaged in the usual machinations involved in putting a coalition together to govern Israel for the next four years.

Such political comings and goings are being eagerly followed by a free press commenting with gay abandon on every twist and turn in the daily developments – as their avid readership devours the opinions of dozens of different commentators in newspapers and on radio, television and the internet with very different political viewpoints.

The 2003 Bush Roadmap For Peace – supposedly still the basis on which the long-stalled negotiations between Israel and the Palestinian Authority (defunct since 3 January 2013) were being conducted – was uncompromising in its final destination:

“A two state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict will only be achieved through an end to violence and terrorism, when the Palestinian people have a leadership acting decisively against terror and willing and able to build a practicing democracy based on tolerance and liberty, and through Israel’s readiness to do what is necessary for a democratic Palestinian state to be established, and a clear, unambiguous acceptance by both parties of the goal of a negotiated settlement as described below.”

Any attempt by the “Palestinian people” to have any say in electing a leadership that will act decisively against terror and ending violence and terrorism has been silenced since 25 January 2006 – when their votes elected Hamas as winner of the elections with 74 seats to Fatah’s 45 – providing Hamas with the majority of the 132 available seats and the ability to form a majority government of its own.

The people chose the wrong horse if they expected violence and terrorism would end – but then they have to live with their choice until they get another chance to change their minds.

That is surely the essence of democracy – that there is an “out” – the ability of the people to regularly express their confidence or otherwise in the people they have elected.

However the people have not been given this opportunity since 2006.


Un enfant quand je veux si je veux… The battle cry of the feminists marching for freedom from fertility—“a baby when I want one if I want one”—was ringing out in the streets of Paris when I came to live here in 1972. After lagging behind the United States, where the diaphragm + spermicide had been available to married women since the 1940s and oral contraception since 1957, France caught up with The Pill in 1967 and legalized abortion in 1975, championed by Auschwitz survivor and then Health Minister Simone Veil. The process has gone forward on all fronts, with generalized use of fail-proof methods, unfettered access to abortion when fail-proof fails, reimbursement across the board including, just recently, 100% free contraceptive pills for women 15 to 18.

Contraception and abortion alone could not bring about the desired transformation of the female condition. They were the technology. The metaphysics was what has become known as “gender studies.” In the early days of Women’s Liberation it was makeshift ideology peddled in volumes of look-alike fiction and non-fiction best sellers shouting that maternity was a drag, femininity a hype, sexual differences induced by cynical manipulation, love and marriage an extension of the military industrial complex, and men were chauvinist pigs. No more pink for girls and blue for boys. Sexually marked toys were not abandoned but switched: cars and trucks for girls, dolls and tea sets for boys. Women wanted, or were told they wanted, something called equality.

The harbingers of this “sexual revolution” were, more often than not, closet lesbians. Later we not only discovered that they were lesbians telling heterosexual women to kick their men in the balls and out of their lives, they were also playing stereotypical sexual roles in private, some as simpering mistresses to others more macho than any man could be.

In the space of one generation we went from the prohibition of pre-marital sex to promiscuity for all. The stakes were high for a young woman in the 50s. Sleeping around or, oh horrors, getting pregnant killed her chances of a good marriage… only way to climb the social ladder. Unmarried women could not be fitted for a diaphragm. There was no place to make love decently. When I was an undergraduate at the University of Wisconsin in 1952, female students under 21 were not allowed to live off campus. We were quartered in dorms, with 10 PM curfews. The lower classes and a dissolute bohemian minority did what they wanted and dealt with the consequences as best they could. Decent women waited to discover the pleasures or disappointments of conjugal life. Twenty years later, a young man with nothing to offer and nothing to lose, would mumble his momentary itch; if the chick dared to decline, he’d toss off a whiny “what’s the matter, you got hangups?” before shuffling off to another.

DIANA WEST: THE OLD VIKINGS OF THE COUNTERJIHAD But first a Lars Update: He is well, he is in an undisclosed location, he is back to work. Not bad for a 70-year-old man who was fired on “from less than a yard” away” while collecting a (phony) package delivered to his home. Far from stopping Lars, the gunfire triggered Lars’s life-saving right […]

DAVID ISAAC: AN IMPORTANT LESSON FROM ELIOTT ABRAMS’ BOOK “TESTED BY ZION” Elliot Abrams, a member of the National Security Council during the Bush years, recently came out with a book, “Tested by Zion,” which deals with the Bush administration and the Arab-Israel conflict. His section on the bombing of the Syrian reactor offers a valuable lesson for Israel’s leaders about standing firm, an oft-repeated theme […]


Where Should President Obama Visit When He Goes to Israel? Just hours after the announcement that President Obama would visit Israel, the U.S. ambassador in Tel Aviv, Daniel Shapiro, gave several interviews to Israeli media. To Israeli Army radio Shapiro said “We have a very complex agenda about Iran, Syria and the need to get […]

ANDREW McCARTHY: BLOWN UP TERRORISTS AND DEAD AMERICAN NAZIS IN UNIFORM Re: Blown-up Terrorists and Dead American Nazis in Uniform Much as I hesitate to do this, I will take slight issue with Victor on the matter of killing Americans who fight for the enemy in wartime. Let me preface this by saying I concur completely with Victor’s contention that the procedures adopted by the […]