There is an afterlife, and a benign deity. At least, that’s the testament of tens of thousands (some say it’s now millions) of people all over the world who have had near-death experiences (NDEs) (an online collection of these reports is here). Two books now at or near the top of the New York […] PARIS. The honor of French journalism reached new depths on January 16 with one more absurd hearing in the lawsuit brought by France 2/Charles Enderlin against Philippe Karsenty, convicted of slander in 2006, acquitted in 2008, thrown back into Appellate Court after the highest court (Cour de Cassation) rejected the 2008 judgment on a […] Into they Fray: Time and time again the Israeli voter has been hoodwinked into voting for allegedly centrist parties only to have them evaporate later. This [remark by Yair Lapid] showed a kind of crude contempt, mixed with a whiff of racism, for those whom Lapid does not consider part of his political camp. […] Reports of an alleged Israeli strike against a Syrian weapons’ convoy headed for Hezbollah in Lebanon — followed by threats of retaliation from Damascus and Tehran — have sent Israelis lining up at gas-mask distribution points across the country. The above example of Israel’s external problems, coupled with the current internal uncertainty as to […]
Just to clarify, the vote was to ‘table’ the amendment which is why there are more YEAs than NAYs.
Rand Paul’s amendment “To prohibit the sale, lease, transfer, retransfer, or delivery of F-16 aircraft, M1 tanks, or certain other defense articles or services to the Government of Egypt” failed in the Senate today by a vote of 79-19.
The only 19 Senators who tried to block the transfer of weapon’s to Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood were:
Boozman (R-AR)
Coats (R-IN)
Cornyn (R-TX)
Crapo (R-ID)
Cruz (R-TX)
Fischer (R-NE)
Grassley (R-IA)
Heller (R-NV)
Lee (R-UT)
Moran (R-KS)
Paul (R-KY)
Risch (R-ID)
Roberts (R-KS)
Rubio (R-FL)
Scott (R-SC)
Sessions (R-AL)
Shelby (R-AL)
Thune (R-SD)
Vitter (R-LA)
If I had to hyphenate myself I would be a Senior-Hispanic-Polish-Jewish-American. To heck with that….American is just fine. I am an immigrant. I came to America from Bolivia when I was ten years old, arriving on a Thursday. By the following week I was enrolled in a public school in Portland,Oregon and there was no bilingual education. It was sink or swim regarding English. After some water treading I learned English within two months and I remain fluent in Spanish. We settled finally in The Bronx.
By the time I got to Bronx High School of Science all almost all of my friends were born elsewhere and had similar stories. Many parents learned English in night schools. Becoming a citizen was the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow for all our families. My own father insisted that my brother and I memorize “I Hear America Singing” by Walt Whitman. On the lovely day we were finally sworn in, we all went to the swanky Hotel Waldorf Astoria for dinner. I have that picture. The next day our parents joined the Republican Party and never missed a single election until they died. My father used to crow that in America “I vote, therefore I am.”
The controversies and policies about immigration all range from awful to passable. My meager suggestion is not a solution but a serious option.
English is the official language of the United States of America, not an option for pushing the number one. It should be taught and learned and mandatory for anyone seeking residency and citizenship. In 1948 after Israel’s independence hundreds of thousands of refugees from Arab lands and Europe’s graveyards entered Israel. Some estimates state that there were over one hundred different languages and dialects among these people as well as differences in alphabets. At that time, outside of Israel and orthodox schools, probably more people in the world, spoke Khalmic Mongolian than Hebrew. Nonetheless Israel successfully implemented a series of schools for newcomers named Ulpans where practical Hebrew was taught including lessons in shopping, commuting, and communicating with the endless bureaucracy.
Within a year or less this great incoming population spoke Hebrew, and identified themselves simply as Israeli citizens….no hyphens. Nothing like this has ever been seen anywhere else in the globe. Why can’t we do the same instead of tolerating the mangling of our national language among those who only learn to be functionally illiterate in two languages instead really learning one? In Washington, a new gang has been born. The Gang of Eight on immigration is here to tell us that we have succeeded in not enforcing the law so persistently and thoroughly that now we have to give up all pretense. The Gang of Eight, headlined by conservative star Marco Rubio, wants to amnesty […] In this winter of conservative discontent, one of the most dispiriting things is the congressional Republicans’ rampant timidity on spending reduction. They lack both urgency and creativity on how to handle one of America’s most enormous challenges. “Mañana!” has become the GOP’s battle cry for limiting the size and scope of government. Spending cuts, […] The author of “1984”, George Orwell, once said, “The quickest way to end a war is to lose it.” In the preamble to the U.S. Constitution, among the priorities listed is to “provide for the common defense” of the nation. After having fought a six-year war during the Revolution and replaced the failed Articles […]
By Bill Gertz A jihadist website posted a new threat by al Qaeda this week that promises to conduct “shocking” attacks on the United States and the West. The posting appeared on the Ansar al Mujahidin network Sunday and carried the headline, “Map of al Qaeda and its future strikes.” The message, in Arabic, […]