Klaus Schwab: Whoever Masters 4th Industrial Revolution Technologies ‘Will be the Master of the World’ By Debra Heine


Klaus Schwab, founder and chairman of the World Economic Forum (WEF), said this week that technologies emerging from the so-called fourth industrial revolution (4IR) are advancing exponentially and could “escape” the globalists’ “power to master” them.

In his keynote speech to the World Government Summit on Monday, Schwab said shared global policies will be needed to mitigate this issue so globalists can be the “master of the world.”

The 2023 World Government Summit is taking place in Dubai, United Arab Emirates (UAE) on Feb. 13-15.

Schwab said: “A few years ago, we considered some technologies a science fiction that was difficult to implement, but today it has become a reality that we live through artificial intelligence, new space technology, and industrial biology, which heralds a major change coming during the next ten years, and requires governments to be ambitious in their decisions.”

“Our life in 10 years from now will be completely different, very much affected,” Schwab explained, “and who masters those technologies, in some way, will be the master of the world.”

“My deep concern is that those technologies, if we don’t work together on a global scale, if we do not formulate, shape together the necessary policies, they will escape our power to master those technologies,” Schwab said.

Schwab and his WEF sidekick Yuval Noah Harari have spoken and written extensively in recent years on what they call “the fourth industrial revolution,” which is defined as “a fusion of advances in artificial intelligence (AI), robotics, the Internet of Things (IoT), Web3, blockchain, 3D printing,  genetic engineering, quantum computing, and other technologies.”

Destroying Meritocracy Is Deadly By Victor Davis Hanson


A recent epidemic of airline near misses deserves both attention and reflection.

In mid-December, a San Francisco-bound United Airlines Boeing 777-200 airliner, just a little over a minute after taking off from Maui, Hawaii, suddenly dived. It lost more than half its altitude and came within 800 feet of crashing into the Pacific Ocean before pulling up.

About a month later, an American Airlines jet crossed the runway at New York City’s John F. Kennedy International Airport just as a Delta Air Lines plane was accelerating for takeoff. The two aircraft nearly collided.

Then in February, a FedEx cargo jet at the Austin, Texas airport just missed crashing into a Southwest Airlines airliner by a mere 100 feet.

The same month an American Airlines Airbus A321 was being towed out of the gate at Los Angeles International airport, and smashed into a bus carrying passengers between terminals, injuring five.

Related: Buttigieg on Biden’s Mental Fitness: ‘I’m Glad To Have a President Who Can Ride a Bicycle’

These near and actual accidents come amid a general landscape of aviation chaos.

After Christmas, Southwest Airlines simply canceled 71 percent of its flights. It blamed staff shortages due to storms. The airline seemed incapable of ensuring enough of their pilots, attendants, crews, and airport staff could get to work.

The Federal Aviation Administration in January canceled all flight departures from the United States for two hours due a computer safety system collapse. Thousands of additional flights were canceled, many for over 24 hours.

Something has gone terribly wrong.

Medical Tyranny! The Feds Are Tracking the Unvaccinated, and You Won’t Believe ‘WHO’ Is Telling Them to Do It By Kevin Downey Jr.


Some of you may recall that I previously referred to the COVID-19 lockdowns — and various other responses to the bat stew flu — as a “dress rehearsal for communism.”

I was wrong; it’s showtime!

The Center for Disease Control (CDC) — at the behest of the World Health Organization (WHO) — is now tracking Americans who have chosen to dodge the ineffective vaccine and those who are partially vaccinated.

FACT-O-RAMA! The WHO is an unelected, gloabalist commie-dominated group supposedly dedicated to tackling worldwide health situations. It has ties to the United Nations and is completely beset by the Chinese commies.

How do we know the Chi-comms have infiltrated the WHO?

The WHO echoed China’s nonsense that COVID can’t be transferred from person to person.
It also snubbed Taiwan’s request to join the WHO as an observer.

World-renowned Dr. Robert Malone, who was “canceled” for sounding the alarm about all things COVID, reported that the no-longer-secret surveillance program that the U.S. National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) — which is a part of the CDC — originated has begun not only tracking those who have been partially or completely unvaccinated. But why?

Doctors working at hospitals and clinics are now expected to ask patients if they’ve been vaccinated — and if not, why not — and report the answers to the NCHS. The only doctors who aren’t expected to comply are the ones who are in private practice and do not accept insurance.

European Union, Biden Administration Embrace Palestinian Lies by Bassam Tawil


By turning a blind eye to Palestinian lies, fabrications and antisemitism, the Biden administration and the EU are sending a message to the Palestinians that it is perfectly fine to continue demonizing Israel and Jews.

Needless to say, the statement by France, Germany, Italy, Britain and the US totally ignored Abbas’s ongoing campaign to vilify Israel, demonize Jews, deny their history and rights to Israel and the Western Wall. In fact, the EU has even been working with the Palestinians to seize as much land as possible to create “facts on the ground” in the large region of “Area C” that officially belongs to Israel.

The statement also totally ignores Palestinian leaders’ glorification of terrorists and the Palestinian “pay-for-slay” jobs program that incentivizes Palestinians to murder Jews by rewarding the murderers and their families afterwards.

For the EU and the Biden administration, building new homes by Jewish families is more dangerous than the antisemitic remarks and genocidal rhetoric of Abbas and other Palestinians.

The representatives of France, Germany, Italy, Britain and the US are lying to everyone’s face when they claim that the construction of new homes for Jews would “exacerbate tensions between Israelis and Palestinians and undermine efforts to achieve a negotiated two-state solution.”

The representatives of Italy, Germany, France, Britain and the US know that the Israeli-Arab conflict started long before the construction of even one house for Jews in the West Bank. All they need to do is listen to what Abbas himself said in Cairo, where he made it clear that the Arab’s problem with Israel started already back in 1917, when the Jews were promised a homeland of their own. When Abbas states that the Arabs have exclusive rights to Jerusalem and Palestine, he is actually saying that Israel has no right to exist.

By ignoring Abbas’s remarks, those who issued the joint statement that denounces Israel for intending to build new housing units for Jewish families are complicit in the Palestinian campaign of lies and fabrications regarding Jewish history and rights.

By failing to call out the Palestinian leader for his lies, distortions and incitement, the officials from Italy, Germany, France, Britain and the Biden administration are again demonstrating their unbending bias against Israel.

It is time for the EU and the Biden administration to wake up to the fact that the Palestinian leaders are not interested in peace with Israel. They are interested in peace without Israel. The Palestinians do not distinguish between a Jew residing in the West Bank and a Jew residing in Jerusalem or Tel Aviv.

The Palestinian leaders are part of the problem, not part of the solution. The EU and the Biden administration’s double standards and failure to see reality as it is, instead of as they wish it to be, are also part of the problem. Only when the EU and the Biden administration take this in will it be possible to start talking about the prospects of a “negotiated solution” for the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

The Palestinian Authority and its leader, Mahmoud Abbas, continue to twist, misrepresent and rewrite the history of the Jews as part of an ongoing campaign to delegitimize the State of Israel and the Jewish people. The campaign aims to negate and reject the connection between the Jews and the Land of Israel and foster hatred for Israel and the Jews.

Haley, Trump, and a GOP race like no other by Byron York


HALEY, TRUMP, AND A GOP RACE LIKE NO OTHER. Former Gov. Nikki Haley (R-SC) announced her candidacy for the 2024 Republican presidential nomination this morning. Word was she would jump in at an event in Charleston tomorrow, but Haley scooped herself with the release of a 3.5-minute video that constitutes an announcement. The event in Charleston will essentially be a live re-announcement.

Haley’s move makes the 2024 Republican presidential primary race a real multicandidate race, with Haley joining former President Donald Trump, who entered the contest last November and has had it to himself ever since. Haley will likely be followed by several other Republicans, among them, perhaps, Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-FL), former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, former Vice President Mike Pence, Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC), Gov. Glenn Youngkin (R-VA), Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX), Gov. Chris Sununu (R-NH), and others.

Each one of them will be something of a first, or at least the first in a long time. In this way: No one alive has ever run a primary race against an out-of-office president seeking the White House a second, nonconsecutive time.

That will present a special problem: As all candidates do, they will talk about what they will do if they become president. Trump will talk about what he did as president. Some of them worked for Trump, and all were loyal to him. That will make for some interesting exchanges. Trump is already taking all sorts of shots at Haley.

But Trump has historical problems, too. In all of U.S. history, six presidents have left office and then made an effort to win their old job back. Five of them failed. The odds are not great.

The success is President Grover Cleveland, the only president ever to serve nonconsecutive terms. Cleveland was first elected in 1884, then lost his bid for reelection in 1888, then came back after four years out of office to win the White House in 1892.

The Newsom Nuisance


With a classified document scandal encircling him like a vulture waiting on a wounded animal to succumb to its injuries, Joe Biden’s chances to be a presidential candidate next year are closing in on nil. So who will be the Democrats’ flagship candidate? The smart money says it will be the foolish Gavin Newsom.

The California governor wouldn’t be the only candidate, of course. A lineup for the primaries is likely to include, at the least, current vice president and former U.S. senator from California Kamala Harris, as well as previous candidates Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg, and U.S. Sens. Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren. Even former First Lady Michelle Obama appears in the betting lines.

The clear favorite, though, a year before the primaries, has to be Newsom. He has the backing, the teeth, the hair, the Hollywood glam – and 54 electoral votes.

What he doesn’t have is any good reason whatsoever to be president. He does, though, have a lot of good ones not to be. He is California’s Governor, not America’s Governor, a title better suited for Florida’s Ron DeSantis.

While perfectly cast in the role as the chief executive of California, and adored in blue states on both coasts, and a few in the middle, Newsom’s appeal to red America will be less indifference than outright contempt. He is everything that those voters dislike.

Utopian Thinking (II) The Assault on Reality Stephen Rittenberg, M.D. and Herbert Wyman, M.D*****


One has to belong to the intelligentsia to believe things like that; no ordinary man could be such a fool

_ George Orwell

           In our previous essay we noted the universality of utopian yearnings, the longing for a perfect world where all conflict, pain, suffering and death would be eliminated. All would dwell happily in the Garden of Eden, or Heaven on Earth-Utopia. As psychoanalysts we noted the way this yearning constitutes a regressive pull back to the earliest phase of human development, the stage when the baby and its needs reign supreme. The longing for perfect bliss in a perfect world is so strong that some of the most gifted and intelligent among us have succumbed to its siren call. Even Lionel Trilling, perhaps the greatest literary critic and social observer of the twentieth century was briefly drawn to the utopian promise of Communism in the 1930’s.

Stalin’s brutal show trials disillusioned him and in the mid 1940’s he wrote a novel, Middle of the Journey, about the lure and the disillusion. The narrator, John Laskell, an intellectual and stand in for the author, is what was known in those days as a “fellow traveler.” All his friends were either Communist party members or strong sympathizers. At the height of his intellectual powers Laskell falls ill and nearly dies. He starts thinking about the reality of his biological self and the questions his near death raises. He muses about the limits death imposes. He searches for meaning not in utopian politics but in his own individual life. He remembers a woman he loved who died young before their personal relationship could grow. Personal loss, the body’s fragility, limits, begin to feel inevitable.

His close friends, ardent Communists refuse to talk with him about the spiritual and psychological questions his illness raises. He annoys them because death is not personal for them; their friendship is not personal. Rather he is a comrade member of a great revolutionary movement. He notices and is troubled that they aren’t really interested in his uniquely individual experience, but rather in him as a member of a class in the vanguard of the coming new world.

They particularly do not want to hear him say that his period of withdrawal from the world into his illness and recovery had its pleasurable aspect. He liked being cared for and in fact enjoyed contemplating a beautiful rose in his sick room, instead of mulling over the plight of the masses. Trilling places biological reality against utopian longings. 

Frederick Douglass: The Former Slave Who Loved the Constitution His words have generational reverberations. by Ryan Bomberger


“The Constitution is a GLORIOUS LIBERTY DOCUMENT.” These words were delivered by a former slave. The all-caps emphasis was his. In an 1852 speech entitled What to the Slave is the Fourth of July the inimitable Frederick Douglass called out the evil of slavery while praising an undeniable instrument of liberation: the U.S. Constitution.

If you visit the National Museum of African-American History and Culture’s (NMAAHC) online exhibit of Douglass’ Fourth of July speech, you won’t see or hear any mention of the Constitution. It’s not the first or last time that the Smithsonian will suppress history. Remember, NMAAHC is the same museum that heavily pushes racist “White Privilege” rhetoric and the infamous (but removed) “Whiteness and White Culture” infographic that proclaimed having a hard work ethic, intact married family, and using objecting rational thinking were “white.”

The Left loves its racism.

We live in an America that is vastly changed from the one in 1852. Too many enjoy being bound up in the past as they refuse to see the profoundly altered present. They choose to paint a false America and take pride in dividing us by the beautiful hues of our skin.

Former NFL antagonist and activist, Colin Kaepernick, loves trotting out the pre-abolition excerpts from this Douglass’ speech in an attempt to justify his fake oppression as a multi-million-dollar brand ambassador for Nike (an actual oppressor that profits from forced labor) and former professional athlete. Douglass rightfully denounces the failure of our nation’s political and religious leaders to live up to our national creed and Biblical principles. However, anti-America progressives ignore the hope offered in Douglass’ fiery address: “Allow me to say, in conclusion, notwithstanding the dark picture I have this day presented of the state of the nation, I do not despair of this country.”

If a former slave can say he does not despair, why do modern-day, self-proclaimed (celebrity) victims constantly portray America as a place of oppression, doom and gloom? Douglass continued:

“‘The arm of the Lord is not shortened,’ and the doom of slavery is certain. I, therefore, leave off where I began, with hope. While drawing encouragement from the Declaration of Independence, the great principles it contains, and the genius of American Institutions, my spirit is also cheered by the obvious tendencies of the age.”

What are the obvious tendencies of this age? With the rise of wokism in our public schools, the solidifying of Marxism in our colleges and universities, and the celebration of tyrannical regimes like China in Hollywood and professional sports, leftist tendencies seem to want to “burn down the system.” Literally.

Ruth Colker, the Distinguished University Professor and Heck Faust Memorial Chair in Constitutional Law at Ohio State University, has a radically different take than Douglass. She calls the Law of the Land the “White Supremacist Constitution.” Colker, who is white, writes: “The United States Constitution is a document that, during every era, has helped further white supremacy. Rather than understand the document as a force for progressive structural change, we should understand it as a barrier to change. Put differently, the U.S. Constitution has been a resounding success at preserving white supremacy. For example, U.S. citizens in the District of Columbia, who are disproportionately racial minorities, are provided no power in the U.S. Senate, while the former slave-holding states of Alabama and Mississippi have as much Senatorial power as California and New York.”

There’s that hopeless and historically-challenged progressivism. The Senate is intentionally meant to have equal representation from each state; Colker doesn’t mention that the House’ representation is based on population. You would think a “distinguished” professor would know these basic facts. The Constitution was ratified in 1788. The District of Columbia wasn’t created until 1790. In 1800 the U.S. Census Bureau reported that 70% of DC was white. DC didn’t become a majority-black city until 1957.

Don’t let historical accuracy get in the way of political zealotry. New York Times bestselling author and anti-racism propagandist, Dr. Ibram X. Kendi, wants to pass an “anti-racism” amendment to our Constitution. Kendi has expressed the only way to fight (alleged) discrimination is with more (actual) discrimination. He believes his racist Critical Race Theory approach to governance is the way forward: “To fix the original sin of racism, Americans should pass an anti-racist amendment to the U.S. Constitution that enshrines two guiding anti-racist principals: Racial inequity is evidence of racist policy and the different racial groups are equals.” In his Politico Op-ed, Kendi duplicitously demands that “we have to prevent public officials from dividing Americans through racist ideas” as his best-selling books undeniably divide people by color.

Kendi’s worldview is hostile to that of Dr. Martin Luther King. With “anti-racism”, content of character no longer matters; color is supreme. Yet Dr. King, who actually experienced the codified systemic racism that Kendi pretends to face, had this to say about nonviolent activism and the Constitution in his I’ve Been to the Mountaintop speech: “And I knew that as they were sitting in [at the lunch counter], they were really standing up for the best in the American dream, and taking the whole nation back to those great wells of democracy which were dug deep by the Founding Fathers in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution.”

The concepts of liberty espoused in our Declaration of Independence and our amendable Constitution are worth defending and celebrating. Combined with our rich Judeo-Christian heritage, they make America an exceptional nation that draws more people worldwide than any other nation.

Douglass impacted millions in his lifetime with his indefatigable advocacy for human equality. His words have generational reverberations. He influenced a President – a friend – who continually evolved on the issue of “race” because of Douglass’ faith-based convictions and eloquence. Abraham Lincoln so presciently summed up the power of We The People: “The people — the people — are the rightful masters of both Congresses and Courts — not to overthrow the Constitution, but to overthrow the men who pervert it.”

After Biden Sent $1B to PLO, Israeli Deaths Rose 900% It cost $10,000 to kill a 6-year-old boy and the terrorists have the money. by Daniel Greenfield


When Secretary of State Blinken met with PLO leader Mahmoud Abbas, he boasted of the over billion dollars in aid that the Biden administration had programmed for the terrorist territories.

That aid has come with a very heavy price.

In Feb 2019, President Trump’s total cutoff of aid became official. That year, 10 Israelis or people in Israeli controlled areas were killed in stabbings, shootings, rocket and other attacks, down from 12 the previous year, and 15 in 2017, and 16 in 2016.

In 2020 however only three Israelis were killed.

These numbers reflected the diminished capacity of the Islamic terrorists. The reduction in numbers was not due to the pandemic. 2020 still saw attacks, including firebombings, rocket launches and stabbings, but the success and lethality rates for these attacks were lower.

The numbers turned around dramatically once again in 2021.

In April 2021, the Biden administration restored aid to the PLO. Terror incidents, reflecting attack attempts, shot up sharply from 91 in February and 89 in March to 130 in April.

The Morning Briefing: The Physician of the Future — Dumber, Woker, and More Likely to Kill You By Stephen Kruiser


A couple of stories have popped up recently that don’t inspire hope for the competency of the next generation of American physicians. As if we already didn’t have enough about the future to make us worry.

The first that caught my eye was a video that Ben shared at the beginning of the month in a post titled: Medical Schools Sacrifice Entry Standards at Altar of Racial Equity.

Prominent law and medical schools are throwing standardized entrance exams and merit out of the window to keep affirmative action alive long past its expiration date.

Leftists will no doubt say I object to this because I’m a knuckle-dragging conservative racist. While it’s true that I’ve never bought into the whole “standardized tests are culturally and racially biased” canard, it’s because I think is actually more racist than the racism it purports to be highlighting.

I’m just saying that an across-the-board lowering of entrance standards for medical school MIGHT be fraught with unpleasant consequences. Maybe I’m old-fashioned, but I think it should be more difficult to become a physician, not easier.

Yeah, I have trust issues when it comes to the medical profession. Ben has some interesting comments on the overall state of healthcare in the United States at the end of his post. I highly recommend reading them.