The attempted commandeering of the cause of liberty should be rejected at every turn, says Austin Petersen

A young, attractive couple joined my group of dedicated liberty activists for cocktails and dinner one night in downtown New York City in the late summer of 2011.

The man, we’ll call him “Sven”, a handsome blonde of Germanic descent, and his similarly beautiful corn silk-haired girlfriend had been invited to join my friends and I in discussion and debate for the evening. We were all classical liberals, fighting for freedom from oppressive government, for civil rights, liberty and free markets for all.

But that’s not what one young man at the party believed.

As the presidential political season approached and the re-election of Barack Obama signaled that there would be no hope for change in leadership, the modern American libertarian movement found itself in a difficult position.

The campaign of Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul had inspired hordes of free market youth activists, including this author, to his banner. The movement was composed of people from all ages and backgrounds and there was really only one thing that united all of them together, the belief in individual rights and personal liberty.

This was the second effort for many of these young men and women who had cut their teeth on the 2008 version of the Texas congressman’s campaign for the White House. Noted organizations such as the Campaign for Liberty, Young Americans for Liberty, and the now International Students for Liberty took root and have seen rapid growth across the nation. The total result of this movement has been to create a mini-industry centered on the ideas of limited government and personal freedom. We have our heroes and villains, our clowns and our workhorses. It’s really quite remarkable.

One self-proclaimed hero (that is up for debate in the community) is a man by the name of Alex Jones, whose conspiracy theory rants are broadcast into millions of homes on a daily basis. Jones is a radio broadcaster whose shows feature stories on how the US government is building camps, presumably to intern Americans in event of national disaster, and that the terrorist attacks of 9/11 were an orchestrated attack carried out by elements within our own government.

Jones was recently made known to the world through an appearance on CNN’s Piers Morgan show where his maniacal rants and ad hominems painted the British host a perfect stereotype of the gun-toting lunatic American. Although Jones has taken steps to personally distance himself from the worse of anti-Semitism; it’s an open secret that his online forums cultivate and harbor the worst kind of backwards thinkers and rage filled racists in the world of political discourse.

Jeffrey Scott Shapiro: A Gun Ban That Misfired What I saw as a prosecutor in Washington, D.C., makes me wary of strict firearms laws. In the wake of the horrific elementary-school shootings in Newtown, Conn., last month, many Americans, desperate to do something in response, have decided that much stricter gun control is the answer. Democrats have proposed reinstating the 1994 Assault […]


And Mohamed al Durah begat Mohamed Merah… (CURRENTLY BEING RENOVATED) The fabricated murder of Mohamed al Dura has not lost its sting. Produced and broadcast by state-owned France 2 TV on September 30, 2000, the staged scene of the “death of a Palestinian child targeted by Israeli gunfire” has replaced “Christ killer” as a […]

Germany and Israel A Relationship Full of Misunderstandings By Christiane Hoffmann and Ren Pfister….see note please\

Well you see where this is going…..bashing Israel is far more “respectable” than just unvarnished anti-Semitism….and Israel’s witless critics have given Germany the cudgels …..rsk

Germany and Israel A Relationship Full of Misunderstandings
By Christiane Hoffmann and Ren Pfister

How critical can one be of Israel? It is a question that Germany has been
debating since SPIEGEL ONLINE columnist Jakob Augstein was included on the
Simon Wiesenthal Center’s list of the world’s worst anti-Semites. Political
leaders in Berlin have a different answer than Germans at large.
Does Angela Merkel mistrust the very people she governs? Is she
uncomfortable with the German people?

In October 2011, the German chancellor stood onstage at the academy of the
Jewish Museum, in Berlin, next to conductor Daniel Barenboim. The
celebratory concert had concluded, and the museum’s director had just
presented Merkel with its Award for Understanding and Tolerance.

This is one of many awards the chancellor has received from Jewish
institutions over the last couple years, including the Heinz Galinski Prize
from the Jewish Community of Berlin, the American Jewish Committee’s Light
Unto the Nations Award and an honorary doctorate from Tel Aviv University.
At the Jewish Museum, Merkel spoke a few pleasant words, calling the award
both an honor and a responsibility. Then she cited a study, according to
which 60 percent of Europeans — including Germans — consider Israel the
most significant threat to world peace.

Following Merkel’s logic seems to present a conclusion that two thirds of
Germans harbor anti-Semitic sentiments. Is this really what the chancellor
believes? Or was her intention simply, as she said in her speech, to warn
against allowing anti-Semitism to increase?

Merkel’s speech provides a direct path into the minefield that is relations
between Jews and Germans, and between Germany and Israel. Of course it is
absurd to label Israel the world’s worst aggressor. But does simply making
such a statement count as anti-Semitism?

Where does objective criticism end and defamation begin? The controversy over journalist Jakob Augstein’s
columns in SPIEGEL ONLINE and elsewhere has re-ignited this debate, a storm
triggered when the Simon Wiesenthal Center in Los Angeles placed Augstein on
its list of the world’s worst anti-Semites.

The 100% Fatwa-Compliant Iranian EMP Nuclear Weapon : Mark Langfan The 100% Fatwa-Compliant Iranian EMP Nuclear Weapon From Mark Langfan Iran’s Supreme Religious leader has repeated his fatwa against nuclear weapons and the country’s foreign minister made much of it for foreign media. Much has been, and will be, said about that Iranian Supreme Leader Khamenei’s February 2012 informal speech to a group of […]

WILLIAM KRISTOL: ON SCHUMER’S CAPITULATION ON HAGEL In a private meeting Monday—not just any old private meeting, but a 90 minutes long private meeting!—New York senator Chuck Schumer was reassured by secretary of defense nominee Chuck Hagel that he didn’t mean the many things he’s said over the years and didn’t stand by the many votes he’s cast over the years. […]

SOEREN KERN: THE REVIVAL OF THE CULT OF ANTI-SEMITISM IN HUNGARY “Things that were unthinkable five years ago are acceptable today.” — Adam Fischer, Music Director, Austro-Hungarian Haydn Orchestra The Hungarian national football team, after fans chanted aggressively anti-Semitic abuse during a game with Israel, has been ordered to play the next World Cup qualifier in an empty stadium. The international governing body of football, […]

JACK ENGELHARD:Oscar ban aimed at Zero Dark Thirty angers Sony’s Amy Pascal

WASHINGTON, DC, January 14, 2013 — Kudos to Sony Pictures’ Amy Pascal for snapping right back at Ed Asner and Martin Sheen for suggesting an Oscar ban against those involved in the movie “Zero Dark Thirty.”

“To punish an artist’s right of expression is abhorrent.”

Yes, abhorrent! This brings to mind John F. Kennedy’s brilliant reminder of our First Amendment:

“Democratic society, in it, the highest duty of the writer, the composer, the artist, is to remain true to himself and let the chips fall where they may.”

By virtue of Asner, Sheen and others like them, the chips have already fallen upon Kathryn Bigelow, director, and Mark Boal, screenwriter, for “Zero Dark Thirty.”

We saw this coming right here on these pages.

As noted and as reaffirmed, out First Amendment now comes with an asterisk.

Sheen acted as (West Wing left-wing) President of the United States on TV, and Asner portrayed the boss of a TV newsroom. It’s a good guess that they would be politically selective, and that they feel duty-bound to tell the Academy and the rest of us what’s in and what’s out.

DANIEL GREENFIELD: THIS IS THE REVOLUTION There are a few things worth knowing about revolutions. Most people don’t participate in them, even if the history books often make it seem otherwise. Revolutions are thought up by small groups of people who then make it everyone’s business. Or alternately they don’t. And those are the revolutions that never happen. Most people, […]

RUTHIE BLUM: A LESSON IN LEFT WING HYPOCRISY An incident at a junior high school in Hod Hasharon on Friday morning catapulted the issue of societal violence to the top of the news, just below coverage of the coming Knesset elections. A teacher was attacked by the father of a student whose cell phone had been confiscated because he was talking on […]