Great Britain: Multiculturalism and Islam Turn It Upside-Down by Giulio Meotti

This year, Leicester’s famous multiculturalism, so praised by the establishment, exploded. Knife attacks, stone- and bottle-throwing, cars torched, religious symbols under siege, dozens wounded, including policemen…. Then the hunt for Hindus began in Britain’s streets.

“Leicester to be first city where white people are minority,” announced The Independent in 2007. Some understood that it would not end well.

What happened? Leicester became Islamized fast. In 2001, the Muslim population was 11%. By 2017, it made up 20%. Among children, Islam is dominant.

For the first time since the 7th century AD, England is no longer majority Christian.

A British bishop, the brave Michael Nazir-Ali, was attacked for denouncing the existence of “no-go areas” in the UK.

No one knows what Britain will be like in 30 years. We might, however, be concerned about a scenario in which large parts of the UK and Europe could resemble Pakistan.

“Leicester has become the poster city for multicultural Britain, a place where the stunning number and size of the minorities – the 55 mosques, 18 Hindu temples, nine Sikh gurudwaras, two synagogues, two Buddhist centres and one Jain centre – are seen not as a recipe for conflict or a millstone around the city’s neck, but a badge of honour,” was how, in 2013, the British liberal newspaper The Independent celebrated the transformation of Britain’s tenth-largest city.

10 Steps to Save America Yes, there is a way. But is there the will? By Victor Davis Hanson

Most Americans know something has gone terribly wrong—and very abruptly—with the United States. They are certain that our wounds are almost all self-inflicted. The current pathologies are not a result of a natural disaster, an exhaustion of natural resources, plagues, or an existential war. 

Crushing national debt and annual deficits, spiraling food and fuel costs amid “normal” seven-percent-plus annual inflation, bread-and-circuses entitlements, a nonexistent border, a resurgence of racial tribalism, pandemic violent criminality, and humiliation abroad—all these pathologies are easily cited as symptoms of a sick patient. Our crises are not as the Left maintains—a nine-person Supreme Court, the Electoral College, or the filibuster—all distractions from existential problems the Left largely created. 

So, what are the therapies and prognoses for America?

In the spirit of constructive rather than blanket criticism, here is a partial, 10-point plan of national recovery.

Cut the Debt 

Americans’ national debt is now $31 trillion. That is about 123 percent of current GDP. The liabilities are unsustainable. We run annual deficits of $1.6 trillion. These financial obligations will eventually ensure that rising interest rates to service the debt crowd out essential spending for national defense and the general welfare. 

Or in extremis, in the not too distant future, the government will be forced to default on what it owes the “rich” bondholders and foreign debt holders. Or the government will be forced to confiscate private wealth, as for example occasional crazy suggestions to nationalize and absorb 401(k)k retirement plans into the soon-to-be-insolvent Social Security system. Or the state will simply print millions of dollars to pay off obligations, Weimar-style.

In addict style, the more we come to realize that our binging habit cannot go on, the less we can practice self-restraint. And the more it is the case that those who receive government redistributions outnumber those who pay the majority of federal income taxes, the less hope there remains to avoid insolvency.

In 2010 then-President Barack Obama appointed a bipartisan “National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform.” More commonly  remembered as the Simpson-Bowles commission, after chairmen Senators Alan Simpson (R-Wyo.) and Erskine Bowles (D-N.C.), it included private citizens and elected officials. 

The commission recommended radical tax simplifications and some cuts—along with reductions in tax deductions and credits, an increase in the gas tax, restraints on entitlement spending, and various spending caps. 

Obama and Congress ultimately rejected the recommendations and the commission’s blueprint died. But had it succeeded, the current debt would have long been frozen at the 2014 level of $17 trillion—with annual reductions ensuring that this coming year 2023 the debt would have plunged to $10 trillion and then disappeared in another decade. 

Something like Simpson-Bowles could still stop the madness and avoid the natural corrective on the horizon of financial collapse. Note that federal tax revenue has increased almost every year since 2010. Sometimes it grows by nearly a half-trillion dollars per annum, even as we sink deeper in debt. Our crisis, then, is one of spending what we do not have rather than one of declining revenue.

How German It Is: Sentences Suspended for Tormenting a Young Jewish Man The defendants insisted that the assault had been “light-hearted.”


Just to make absolutely sure there would be no further executions of Nazi war criminals, in 1949, the West German government passed a law prohibiting capital punishment. It was, in effect, a way to prevent hundreds of thousands of people involved in mass murder of Jews, prisoners of war, and Resistance fighters all over Europe from ever receiving the punishment they deserved.

Such indulgence brings us to the recent story of three German men who, found guilty of having repeatedly whipped, beaten, and insulted a Jewish man, were nonetheless received suspended sentences. That story is here: “German Elite Fraternity Students Responsible for Antisemitic Assault Receive Suspended Sentences,” by Ben Cohen, Algemeiner, December 8, 2022:

Three German students from an elite fraternity who were charged with beating a Jewish student and subjecting him to antisemitic insults have been handed suspended sentences by a court in the city of Heidelberg.

The three convicted individuals — who all received suspended sentences of eight months and no financial penalties in Thursday’s court verdict — were members the right-wing nationalist Normannia student fraternity. A fourth member of the group accused of involvement in the assault was acquitted.

The incident occurred at a party at the Normannia fraternity’s mansion at the University of Heidelberg on Aug. 29, 2020. A 25-year-old student in attendance who spoke about his Jewish ancestry was berated with antisemitic abuse, whipped with belts and pelted with metal coins by the four assailants.

These students at what is described as “an elite German university fraternity” regularly greeted each other with the words “Heil Hitler” and used the word “Jew” as a pejorative, according to one of the fraternity’s former members, Karl Stockmann, in an article he published in the German newsmagazine Der Spiegel. That disenchanted former member of the fraternity described the antisemitism and glorification of Germany’s Nazi past that prevailed at the Normannia fraternity. He left the group, “repulsed” by the behavior of fellow members of the fraternity, citing as an example their habit of drinking heavily while listening to recordings of Hitler’s speeches.

The FBI’s Heart of Darkness A glimpse into subversive campaigns. by John Nantz

“Comey was a neophyte at partisan hackery compared to our current Attorney General. AG Merrick Garland is the heart of darkness behind much of the current politicization rampant in the halls of FBI HQ.”

Our military and federal law enforcement structures are rotten. The culture of the armed forces has been corrupted by subversive campaigns to degrade our ability to confront, deter, and destroy the adversary — particularly the Chinese.

COVID mandates were designed to cull those who aren’t automatons. Liberal, compromised politicians have waged a psyops war to demoralize our troops by foisting humiliation (i.e. the Afghanistan “withdrawal” debacle) and confusion (the LGBT identity psychosis) on our military men and women. It’s a rust that erodes the chain of command and oxidizes discipline and good order.

The culture of the armed forces has been corrupted just like the culture at the FBI — by the same people.

In many respects, the FBI is a paramilitary organization. It shares a deference to chain of command like the military. And, it’s a massive bureaucracy staffed by cumbersome layers of management. It’s a top down organization just like the military.

“Defund the FBI,” has become a fashionable trope. But this time, oddly enough, the rant is coming from the right, not the left, having just run out of hot air for “defund the police.”

Would you say it’s reasonable to sloganeer for “defund the Marine Corps” just because there are politicized elements inside the Pentagon? The statement seems absurd on its face. In real, practical terms how would you replace the Marine Corps? And, even if you could perform such a herculean task, would it be any better than the storied branch of the Armed Forces that currently exists?

The Mullahs’ Public Hangings The depravity of the theocratic regime knows no bounds. by Struan Stevenson

The depravity of the Iranian theocratic regime knows no bounds, as it has once again resorted to horrific acts of barbarity in an attempt to suppress the nationwide uprising, now into its 87th day. The mullahs’ regime announced on December 12 that they had hanged a young protester in public in the city of Mashhad in northeastern Iran. Majidreza Rahnavard was publicly executed less than three weeks after his arrest for participating in anti-regime protests. Majidreza was hanged from a crane after being lifted slowly into the air and left kicking and struggling as he slowly asphyxiated. He was denied access to legal representation at his trial and severely tortured in prison, suffering a broken arm and other injuries. Afraid that signs of torture on his body would be exposed, the mullahs ordered Majidreza’s body to be buried in secret, without informing his family.

The medieval brutality of Majidreza Rahnavard’s public execution, comes only days after the hanging of Mohsen Shekari, a 23-year-old student arrested during the ongoing protests, tortured into making a confession, then sentenced to death for the mullahs’ sham offense of “waging war against God.” The clerical regime’s resort to torture and execution as they attempt to quell the escalating revolution is testimony to their increasing panic and desperation as they try to cling to power. They are prepared to defy all legal norms and all basic human rights in their vicious retaliatory measures against their own people.The civilized world must hold them to account. More than 700 mostly young men and women have been murdered so far by the regime in their shoot-to-kill policy of confronting the protests. Over 30,000 have been arrested and many more death sentences will be carried out unless the civilized nations of the world intervene.

The Perpetually Endangered Polar Bears are Doing Great There are more polar bears than at any time in 60 years. by Daniel Greenfield

My daughter loves polar bears. All bears really, but especially polar bears. If it’s white and covered in fur, she’s likely to mistake it for a polar bear. There’s something about bears that kids love. In real life, polar bears are one of the few bears that will prey aggressively on human beings.

And environmentalists love scaring little kids by telling them that all the polar bears are about to die off because people insist on heating their homes and driving to work.

Every December and July brings another edition of the same warmunist nonsense.

Canada’s polar-bear capital Churchill warms too fast for bears – BBC

Churchill embodies the inextricable link between preserving the natural world and fighting global warming. The polar-bear capital of the world is simply getting too warm for polar bears.

As Bjorrn Lomborg recently demonstrated, there are more polar bears than at any time in 60 years.

Millions in Hundred Dollar Bills Flown to the Taliban for “Humanitarian Aid” Terrorists are being funded in plain sight. by Daniel Greenfield

As the Taliban were taking over Afghanistan, I predicted that Biden would fund the Taliban using “humanitarian aid” as a pretext. Since then, Biden has provided $1.1 billion in Afghan aid.

Despite assurances that the money would not go to the terrorists, the Biden administration issued global licenses authorizing financial transactions with the Taliban and the Al Qaeda allied Haqqani Network that include the “delivery and provision of humanitarian aid”.

Biden looted $3.5 billion from money awarded to the families of 9/11 victims in a lawsuit against the Taliban and put in a “trust fund” to provide “humanitarian aid”. His DOJ then went to court arguing that the judgment for the victims was too large and that it interfered with the Biden administration’s foreign policy in Afghanistan.

Now an Australian Broadcasting Corporation report has revealed massive stacks of hundred dollar bills sitting on the tarmac at Kabul International Airport. ABC noted that “the picture is just one of several images of United States $100 notes boxed, bagged, or bound in plastic, posted on Twitter by the Taliban-controlled central bank of Afghanistan in recent weeks.”

El Paso Mayor Declares a State of Emergency as Illegal Aliens Literally Flood Up From the Sewers By Rick Moran

It’s even worse than predicted.El Paso Mayor Oscar Leeser declared a state of emergency after conferring with federal officials about the thousands of illegal aliens who are in El Paso, waiting to be released into the United States.

There is no room for them in the overflowing shelters, so thousands of them are sleeping in the streets. Or, sleeping in the sewers.

“Talking to some of our federal partners they really believe that on Wednesday our numbers will go to 4-, 5- or 6,000, and when I asked them, I said do you believe that you guys can handle it today, the answer was no. And when I heard the answer was no, I knew we had to do something right away,” Leeser said. (emphasis added)

Why can’t they handle it? The Biden administration has known since the summer that Title 42 was going to end. They have known since the beginning of May that they were facing an unprecedented crisis — up to 18,000 illegal aliens a day showing up at the border.

DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas told America back in May, no worries, we’re on it.

“What we do is we prepare and we plan, and we’ve been doing so for months understanding that the Title 42 authority that the CDC holds is not going to be around forever because, quite frankly, we want to conquer the pandemic and put it behind us,” Mayorkas said on CNN’s “State of the Union.”

As it turns out, that was a lie.

El Paso represents but one crossing point for illegals in Texas. There are 28 main border crossings in that state alone. And if they’re getting slammed with 6,000 illegals arriving every day in El Paso, 18,000 illegals a day along the entire southern border is an optimistic number.

It’s time to tell the story of Black success, not Black victimhood by Robert Woodson Sr. and John Sibley Butler


“Garvey’s vision provided hope for poverty-stricken Black communities all over America — and the world. Hope that they could help themselves, that they could respect themselves. And his hope has been vindicated.It’s time to tell the story of Black victory, not Black victimhood. It’s time to build a future where Black Americans have the independence, optimism and pride Garvey saw for them: A future of thriving Black enterprise.”

….among those who do remember Marcus Garvey, too few know his real legacy. To some, he was a “Black Moses” who tried and ultimately failed to initiate a radical “back-to-Africa” movement that would unite all Black people under one government. To others, he was a prophet who foretold the victory of anti-colonialist movements throughout Africa and the diaspora.

But Garvey’s true significance for America today is as one of the first and most successful champions of Black self-determination, exhorting Black Americans to become agents of their own uplift. He was the first leader to reach and motivate masses of low-income Black men and women with a vision of independence, pride and enterprise.

The story of his rise and ultimate betrayal by the civil rights establishment is one of the greatest and most tragic in our history. Garvey could be biting in his criticism of groups such as the NAACP, which had more political clout but far fewer rank-and-file members than UNIA. In response, leaders including A. Philip Randolph and W.E.B. DuBois denounced Garvey as a demagogue. Their “Garvey Must Go!” movement, along with the efforts of a hostile young Justice Department investigator named J. Edgar Hoover, effectively ended Garvey’s public career. He was convicted on trumped-up mail fraud charges and deported as an undesirable alien.

We’re living with the results of the “white guilt” model. Black America has gone from the self-determination of the Garvey era to self-extermination of the present; our communities are wracked by senseless violence and deprived of real, community-based solutions in favor of federal-level programs. Black schools, which a century ago were capable of outperforming their white counterparts in major cities such as New York and Washington, now struggle to educate at all. Systemic racism is not the cause of this crisis in low-income, predominantly Black neighborhoods, but rather, systemic betrayal by those governing officials who look like, but don’t look out for, those they serve.

Let’s Talk About Joe Biden’s Millionth Embarrassing Gaffe Sarah Arnold

It wouldn’t be a speech without President Joe Biden embarrassing himself and the rest of the Democrat Party. In Biden’s latest dementia-fueled claims, he got several things wrong. 

First, he confused First Lady Jill Biden’s father for her grandfather, then he claimed his uncle received the Purple Heart, and then exaggerated trips he took to Afghanistan and Iraq. 

On top of all of that, Biden belittled the Irish culture. 

During a speech to U.S. veterans in Delaware, Biden 102-year-old World War II veteran Ray Firmani applauded his time serving, to which he thanked the president. 

In response, Biden made an off-putting comment saying “thank you. I may be Irish, but I’m not stupid…. I married Dominic Giacoppa’s daughter. So, you know, I got a little Italian in me now, you know?”

However, Giacoppa is not his wife’s father. Donald Carl Jacobs from Hammonton, New Jersey is her father and Giacoppa is her grandfather.