The irony is that clinging to delusion rather than face the necessity of deep cuts in borrow-and-squander budgets will lead to the involuntary reset of the entire system, depriving every vested interest of their share of the swag. We are living in the United States of Delusion. The delusion has four key sources: 1. […]
The siege of Baghdad and China’s rise
American leaders bring to mind the last Abbasid Caliph, who made no preparations for the approach of the Mongols in 1258. What, asked al-Musta’sim Billah, could Mongol arrows do to the walls of Baghdad? When the Mongol commander Hulagu Khan arrived on January 29, though, he had with him 1,000 Chinese bombardiers, as well as Persian, Turkish and Georgian auxiliaries.
Historians disagree as to whether the Mongols used cannon or counterweighted catapults, but in any case the bombardment breached the city’s walls within three weeks, and they proceeded to slaughter between 200,000 and a million of its inhabitants. There are various accounts of how al-Musta’sim died, some quite colorful.
Like the Abbasids, Americans have no idea what is about to hit them. We are a disruptive, bottom-up economy driven by entrepreneurship, and we look with contempt at China’s clumsy, top-down model. The trouble is that we haven’t done much innovation since the 1980s. A new generation of well-educated and eager Chinese may assimilate our past innovations and pass us by.
As a culture, to be sure, the Mongols had no capacity for technological innovation. They didn’t need it. After they conquered Persia, the source of the best available siege technology in the 12th century, the Mongols employed Persian catapults hurling 100-kilogram missiles to reduce the walls of Chinese cities. By the time they turned their attention to Mesopotamia, they commanded Chinese technology as well. China, of course, was the great technological innovator of the age. Between 800 and 1200 CE, it invented gunpowder, firearms, explosive bombs, moveable type, and the magnetic compass.
Hollywood Producer: John Wilkes Booth a “Poster Child for the Tea Party” (Erik Jendresen, writer of Bill O’Reilly’s Killing Lincoln special on National Geographic, said that Lincoln assassin John Wilkes Booth was just like today’s Tea Party)
Last year, noted Hollywood entrepreneur of independents Harvey Weinstein put out a movie about bullying. Bully featured the stories of teenagers who had been bullied in school. The New York Times lauded the film for taking a look at “the extent to which that cruelty is embedded in our schools and therefore in our society as a whole.”
And the Obama administration immediately showed the film at the White House, just after informing the public that he would support two bills designed to target bullying. Valerie Jarrett said, “Earlier today, we screened BULLY at the White House. This film is a powerful call to action: We must do everything we can to work toward the day when no young person or family suffers the pain, agony, and loss caused by bulling in our schools and communities.”
But the Obama administration has no interest in stopping Hollywood bullying. So they didn’t call out Weinstein for his own career-long bullying – he has assaulted a reporter from the New York Observer, threatened a director’s companion, and screamed at Democratic higher-up Terry McAuliffe, “You motherf***er! I’ll rip your balls off!”
Hollywood bullying isn’t restricted to the screaming producers and vile thugs who inhabit the town. It carries over to the political viewpoint of those who work here. For example, producer Erik Jendresen, writer of Bill O’Reilly’s Killing Lincoln special on National Geographic, said that Lincoln assassin John Wilkes Booth was just like today’s Tea Party:
No Hebrew, Please — This Is Europe
I wrote about it here recently: Israel’s ambassador to Denmark and the head of Copenhagen’s Jewish community have both warned Jews in that city that if they don’t want to be roughed up on the street by anti-Semites, they’d better not wear anything that would identify them as Jews – and, for good measure, they should also lower their voices when speaking Hebrew. The other day, in a supremely depressing article for Israel National News, Giulio Meotti provided a round-up of similar developments from around Europe.
For instance: a Jewish theological seminary in Potsdam has asked its rabbis not to wear yarmulkes in public. Pupils at a Jewish school in Berlin have been warned to speak German, not Hebrew, on school trips – and to wear baseball caps over their yarmulkes “so you don’t give stupid people something to get annoyed about.” Jews at Rome’s main synagogue now remove their yarmulkes when leaving services; so do Jews in Malmö, Sweden. A Jewish teacher at an adult education center in Kristiansand, Norway, has been told “that wearing the star could be deemed a provocation towards the many Muslim students at the school.” And so on.
The reason for all this cautious behavior, of course, is to avoid the fate of people like the Paris Metro passenger who, Meotti noted, was recently beaten unconscious by a mob who pegged him as Jewish because he was reading a book by Paris’s chief rabbi.
Editor’s note: The following is the fourth installment of a series of articles Frontpage is running in response to Oliver Stone’s revisionist documentary series, “The Untold History of the United States,” currently airing Mondays on Showtime. Frontpage will be reviewing each episode of the Stone series, exposing the leftist hateful lies about America and setting the record straight. Below is a review of Part 4 of Stone’s series.
Related articles on Stone’s series:
1. Bruce Thornton’s introduction to this Frontpage series.
2. Matthew Vadum’s review of Stone’s first episode.
3. Daniel Flynn’s review of “Roosevelt, Truman and Wallace,” the second episode.
4. Daniel Greenfield’s review of “The Bomb,” the third episode.
Oliver Stone is the mastodon of the La Brea tar pits of left-wing ideology. In his movies over the years he has recycled stale left-wing narratives with all the nuance and complexity of a Soviet-era Pravda editorial. Now he has brought his agitprop gifts to cable television in the Showtime series “The Untold History of the United States.” In episode 4, “The Cold War: 1945-50,” Stone once again tells the fossilized and duplicitous tale of America’s greed and aggression against a Soviet Union that just wanted to get along with its war-time ally.
Those of a certain age will recognize the story Stone tells, for it was dominant among left-wingers all the way up to the day the Soviet Union collapsed into the dustbin of history, and still can be found among diehard true believers. In this rewriting of history, the Soviet Union had been a stalwart ally during World War II, bearing the brunt of the fight against Nazism and suffering 27,000,000 dead. In 1945, the possibility of continuing cooperation between the West and the Soviets was destroyed by America’s aim to use its overwhelming economic and military power to dominate the world and to destroy the socialist and communist challenges to its hegemony. Winston Churchill is one of the villains in this story. Eager as he was to maintain the British Empire, Churchill’s famous “iron curtain” speech delivered in Fulton, Missouri represented to Stone a “quantum leap in bellicosity” against the Soviets.
President Harry Truman also took a hard-line against the Soviet Union and the democratically elected communist parties in France and Italy, and in 1948 helped England to crush a “popular leftist” government in Greece. This aggression, camouflaged as the “Truman Doctrine,” against a wartime ally was rationalized by propagating what Stone calls the false “image of the Soviet Union out to conquer the world.” In fact, Stone explains, the Soviets––“stunned” by Truman’s bellicosity–– were simply trying to rebuild their war-shattered country and alleviate its “crushing poverty,” defend their western borders against their historical enemy Germany, and seek the “warm water ports” necessary for their geopolitical interests. Ignoring these understandable needs, Truman bullied the Soviet Union, using nuclear blackmail to drive them from Iran, forcing Germany to cut off reparation payments, and continuing to test nuclear weapons.
Fearful of Truman’s imperialist expansionism, the Soviets responded to intervention in Greece with a coup in Hungary, and imposed on its Eastern European satellites a “new and stricter order,” as Stone euphemizes the brutal totalitarian regimes imposed on Eastern Europe. The hero in Stone’s tale is communist fellow traveler Henry Wallace, who “tried to put a stop to the growing madness,” but was spied upon and denigrated by the Truman administration, ending any chance of stopping the “nuclear arms race.” Yet fearful of the “Republican right,” Truman at home instituted surveillance of suspected “subversives,” demanded loyalty oaths, and investigated suspected communists in Hollywood and unions, thus pandering to the irrational fear of communism widespread among Americans vulnerable to the machinations of capitalist overlords. What followed this “red scare” were anti-communist propaganda in movies, and the “witch hunts” conducted by the FBI and CIA, “capitalism’s invisible army,” as Stone calls it.
So goes Stone’s melodrama, in which peace-loving Soviets are driven to occupation and subversion by the imperialist hegemonic ambitions of a United States eager to become the world’s dominant power in order to maximize capitalist profits. Every Soviet move is explained as a natural response to American provocations and aggression. Thus the Soviets overturned the Czech government and installed a puppet regime in 1948, a “purely defensive move,” Stone explains, because the Czech acceptance of Marshall aid was understandably seen as a tool of American penetration. This is the same stale apologetics for tyranny that I remember parroting in my left-wing callow youth, and it will only impress those who are as ignorant of historical fact as I was then. And it works, as most bad history does, by omitting inconvenient truths.
To order Jamie Glazov’s new book, High Noon For America: The Coming Showdown, click here.
Frontpage’s editor Jamie Glazov recently joined CBN’s “Stakelbeck on Terror,” with William “Kirk” Kilpatrick, author of Christianity, Islam and Atheism, to discuss the unholy alliance between Islamists and the radical Left and what can be done to preserve Judeo-Christian, Western civilization.
In the discussion, Dr. Glazov sheds light on how Obama is doing the bidding of the Muslim Brotherhood and how the administration is working hard to carry out Islamic blasphemy laws. He strongly recommends the David Horowitz Freedom Center’s pamphlet, The Muslim Brotherhood in the Obama Administration, written by Frank Gaffney, for anyone wanting to get the whole story on the Islamist infiltration and penetration of the U.S. government.
In his analysis of what motivates the Left in its romance with Islamic Jihad, Glazov urges the viewers to read David Horowitz’s memoir, Radical Son, which profoundly crystallizes the leftist mindset and its totalitarian yearnings.
Dr. Glazov also discusses the deceptive charade of the term “Islamophobia,” the Left’s abandonment of Muslim women suffering under Islamic gender apartheid, and much, much more.
“Right Wing Watch” attacked Dr. Glazov for his statements on Stakelbeck; read his response here.
See the video of his Stakelbeck appearance below:
To get the whole story on why the Left is attracted to Islamo-Fascism, get Jamie Glazov’s critically acclaimed book, United in Hate: The Left’s Romance With Tyranny and Terror. Without a doubt, the most exciting political development in Israel in decades has been the sudden and unexpected brilliant success of the Bayit Yehudi (Jewish Home) party of Naftali Bennett. The shy and straight-talking Bennett, who built a highly-successful high-tech entrepreneurial career, started his political career by taking over the splinter that was left […]
Esther Duflo is one of those people who are taken seriously by the sort of people who eat up TED talks with a silver spoon. Her big number is how to help people in the Third World up from poverty, which is a surprisingly profitable branch of economics when you consider the sheer number of NGOs and billionaires interested in getting into the aid business.
But there’s one particular billionaire at Duflo’s back. Abdul Latif Jameel.
Esther Duflo is one of the co-founders of the Poverty Action Lab at MIT, more commonly known as J-PAL for the father of Abdul Latif Jameel aka Mohammed Abdul Latif Jameel, a Saudi billionaire with a net worth of approximately 5 billion dollars.
Mohammed Abdul Latif Jameel owns the world’s largest Toyota dealership and sits on the board of Coexist as well as a number of other organizations. And Jameel provided 3 major endowments for J-PAL. Around the same time the Abdul Latif Jameel Group sued the Wall Street Journal for reporting its presence on the list of accounts monitored for funding terrorism.
Mohammed’s brother was sued by victims of Al Qaeda on accusations that he helped fund its terrorist activities after his name was found on a list in the offices of Benevolence International Foundation, an Al Qaeda front group started by Bin Laden’s brother-in-law.
Now Obama has chosen Duflo to serve on the President’s Global Development Council which will shape American global development policy worldwide.
Fatah’s heroes:
Saddam Hussein, Dalal Mughrabi and the rifle
by Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik
January 1st is the date Fatah celebrates as the anniversary of its first terror attack, which it calls “Launch Day.” Palestinian Media Watch has examined how Fatah used its Facebook page to mark its 48th anniversary.
The page glorifies violence and terror as acts of heroism, and depicts a world without Israel. The Facebook page is filled with pictures of automatic rifles and slogans venerating arms. In some pictures, young children are shown carrying rifles.
Other pictures show maps of “Palestine” that include the PA areas as well as all of Israel. Fatah’s page glorifies Saddam Hussein and memorializes terrorist Dalal Mughrabi, who led the most lethal terror attack in Israel’s history: a bus hijacking attack that killed 37 civilians.
In addition to his position as PA Chairman, Mahmoud Abbas is also Chairman of Fatah.
As part of its celebrations, Fatah posted two pictures showing young children holding automatic rifles that are almost as large as the children. One picture has the words:
“The 48th anniversary of the Launch of the Palestinian revolution”
My mother gave birth to me to fight,
and Fatah gave me the gun.”
[, Dec. 20, 2012]
Another picture shows a young girl marching with a rifle, and Fatah’s Facebook administrator chose to caption it as follows:
“This is Fatah, spark of the Palestinian revolution, the revolution that turned refugees into fighters and turned fighters into an army to build the state. This picture shows columns of refugees who Yasser Arafat turned into fighters by virtue of his keffiyeh (i.e., headscarf) and his revolution.” To read and order Frank Gaffney’s pamphlet, The Muslim Brotherhood in the Obama Administration, click here. November was just about done and Chris Matthews, the MSNBC host voted most likely by his own staff to have a poster of Barack Obama over his bed, was cheerfully coming to the end of his sideshow list. […]