RUTHIE BLUM: A NEW YEAR’S RESOLUTION ABOUT VOTING A New Year’s resolution about voting The higher the expectations, the greater the disappointment when they are not met. It is this aspect of the human condition that causes some of us to shun hope, in an attempt to avoid the pain involved when it is dashed. It leads others of us to imagine […]

Sesquicentennial Comparisons—Black Slavery in America and Ottoman Turkey By Andrew Bostom January 1, 2013 marks the sesquicentennial (150th anniversary [2]) of President Abraham Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation [3], which set the United States firmly on the path toward the abolition of slavery. Frederick Douglass, in his autobiography, Life and Times [4], described how, in his view, Lincoln’s proclamation morphed the Civil War beyond a struggle to […]

Islamic Supremacy Alive and Well in Ankara Turkey, Past and Future by Diana Muir Appelbaum Supersessionism refers to the belief that Christians have superseded Jews in a new covenant with God. Islam, too, sees itself as superseding all previous divine revelation but, unlike Christianity, which canonized the Old Testament embedding long centuries of pre-Christian history into the Christian narrative, Islam freely erases history itself. But Kemalist Turkey appeared to […]

“Side effects: In addition to the desired effect of the medicine, adverse reactions may occur during the course of taking this medicine, such as rapid weight and land loss; loss of fluids and water resources; and withdrawal tendencies. Deafness — especially to Palestinian anti-Semitism, hostile unilateralism, accusations of war crimes and ethnic cleansing, and threats of violence — may develop. Consult your doctor and reconsider your political affiliation immediately if you experience blindness to Palestinian treaty violations, Iranian nuclear programs, deteriorating security situations on the Syrian and Egyptian fronts, and the like; or if you find yourself always excusing the other side’s gross failures and breezily overlooking its dictatorial character.”

This week, our august President, Shimon Peres, suddenly and unexpectedly began to talk again about “the New Middle East” and the “peace accord with the Palestinians that is within easy reach.”

Ah yes, the New Middle East, that nirvana-like world dreamed up by imaginative minds. That easily achievable peace with Abbas and Haniyeh. Dreamy indeed.

The president, God bless him, must be back on the Peres pill.

The Islamization of France in 2012 by Soeren Kern Muslim immigrants and their supporters have been using a combination of lawsuits, verbal and physical harassment — and even murder — to silence debate about the rise of Islam. Opinion surveys show that to voters in France — home to an estimated 6.5 million Muslims, the largest Muslim population in the European Union — […]


May thousands of homes be built throughout Judea and Samaria stretching in every direction from Jerusalem to the Jordan River.

May America and Israel wake up from the pacifist slumber and delusions that cripple major foreign policy decisions.

May we survive the next four years and live to fight another day in peace and harmony.

And for my friends and e-pals:

May you and all those whom you love have a wonderful New Year filled with success, joys, health and fun.



Andrew Breitbart died in April 2012. At the age of 43 Breitbart contributed so much to the conservative cause and media.

David Littman died in May of 2012. He was the beloved husband of Gisele Bat Ye’or. David was a distinguished scholar and great humanitarian.

May their memories be a blessing….

NEWS AND BUZZ 24/7 ‘Lady of the cells’ Nobel winner dies at 103 Associated Press Sunday, December 30, 2012 News Italy’s “Lady of the Cells,” Rita Levi-Montalcini has passed away aged 103. She was a joint Nobel Prize for Medicine winner in 1986, owing to her work unlocking the mysteries of how cells develop. Read more… Read more: […]

ANDREW HARROD: MOHAMMED AT THE MOVIES….A SEQUEL Internationally-known Koran burner Terry Jones has returned to the internet with a film condemning Islam’s prophet Muhammad after Jones helped promote the internet trailer Innocence of Muslims, a source of global controversy. Posted on Jones’ website Stand Up America, the over one-hour long movie The Innocent Prophet: The Life of Muhammad from a Different […]

New Year, Same Struggle Against Tyranny By Bruce Bawer And so yet another year ends, and a new one begins. And at the instant when we exchange the old, crumpled calendar, crammed with activities once planned and now completed, for the freshly printed one, a map of a land yet to be discovered, we clink champagne glasses to toast the relentless, one-directional movement […]