“So spare us all for a decent interval the long distance shibboleths of gun control, the amateur psychoanalysis, the morbid and soul killing paparazzi shots of parents learning for the first time of the slaughter of their children.
Let’s have a decent silence to contemplate the eternal nature of evil and the tragic loss we all feel. Back away from the microphones. Put down those cameras.” (AMEN!….RSK)

As I do every Friday, I sort through my week’s clipping files in preparation for this column. I was going to write about energy. The optimistic assessments of natural resources and the fracking technique to extract them has every potential of changing our economic future for the better and the repressive regimes of the Middle East for the worse.

This despite the uninformed blather about its dangers and constraints to its use, and the ridiculous wasted billions on government subsidies and grants funneled into a make-believe solar energy future.

Even better, the draft report of the UN’s climate watchdog, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), was leaked this week, and it undermines their claim that anthropogenic (man-made) global warming is a serious global threat. The irradiation from the sun plays a bigger role in the climate of the earth and there doesn’t seem a whole lot that throwing money at bundlers and UN grifters can do about that.

As Professor Pielke notes, the report is optimistic on several other counts: “[IPCC Draft report echoes Climate Depot’s Extreme Weather Report]: ‘No significant observed trends in global tropical cyclone frequency… does not support AR4 conclusions regarding global increasing trends in droughts… low confidence regarding the sign of trend in the magnitude and/or frequency of floods on a global scale… there is currently no clear and widespread evidence for observed changes in flooding'”.

But that and everything else in my clipping file faded to insignificance when reports of the Newtown, Connecticut school massacre hit the wires.

There have been school shootings before but this one was particularly painful to learn about.

In the first place the children were so young and innocent — kindergartners. In the second, it is the season when young children are especially full of happiness. Their homes are filled with Chanukah and Christmas decorations and gifts. Their houses smell of yummy things to eat. Families make a special effort to be together for the holidays. One account of the incident underscores this. Kaitlin Roig, who rescued her first grade students by locking them in the bathroom and barricading the door, told reporters, “The kids were being so good. They asked: ‘Can we go see if anyone is out there? …I just want Christmas… I don’t want to die, I just want to have Christmas.’ I said, you’re going to have Christmas and Hanukkah.. I tried to be positive.”

DANIEL GREENFIELD: GUNS, GUNS, GUNS If you’re the biblically minded sort, then the trouble began when a jealous Cain clubbed Abel to death, but if you’re evolutionarily minded, then it’s a ‘chicken and egg’ question. Violence had no beginning, except perhaps in the Big Bang, it was always here, coded into the DNA. If people are just grown-up animals, […]


Definition of FEINT
Something feigned; specifically: a mock blow or attack on or toward one part in order to distract attention from the point one really intends to attack.
: to lure or deceive with a feint
: to make a pretense of
Clinton faints, may avoid Benghazi hearings
Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, who skipped an overseas trip this past week because of a stomach virus, sustained a concussion after fainting, the State Department said Saturday.

The 65-year-old Clinton, who’s expected to leave her job soon after serving as America’s top diplomat during President Barack Obama’s first term, is recovering at home and being monitored by doctors, according to a statement by aide Philippe Reines. …

Congressional aides do not expect her to testify as scheduled at congressional hearings on Thursday into the Sept. 11 attack against a U.S. diplomatic outpost in Benghazi, Libya, that killed four Americans, including the U.S. ambassador.

Read more:

WILL OBAMA APPOINT A DISASTROUS DEFENSE SECRETARY? ON CHUCK HAGEL BY ROBIN SHEPHERD Democrats and Republicans have both expressed concern over President Obama’s possible selection of former Senator Chuck Hagel as the next secretary of defense Hagel has been criticised for his work in pushing forward a US defence policy lobbying organisation that seeks to rid America of its nuclear deterrent. The former Republican Senator is also […]


PARIS – It was a political protest with shock value, the likes of which has never been seen on French TV news: a group of young people stormed a mosque in the city of Portiers, going to the roof and unfurling a banner calling for a national referendum on Muslim immigration.The banner included the number 732, the year Charles Martel defeated the Islamic invasion in Portiers.

The group calls itself Generation Identitaire, or Generation Identity. They say they are at war with “the 68’ers,” the baby boomers who run France, for wrecking their future with multicultural policies that some fear are turning France into a Muslim nation.They released a video called “A Declaration of War.”

In the video, members say, “We are Generation Identitaire. We are the generation of ethnic fracture, the total failure of coexistence, and the forced mixing of races. We have stopped believing in a ‘Global Village’ and the ‘Family of Man.'”

Their rhetoric sounds racist, but they say they do not believe in racial superiority or racial stereotypes. Rather, they fear losing France to Muslim immigrants from Africa.

CBN News interviewed a leader of the group, Julien Langella, in the southern French city of Toulon.

“It’s not about hate of other people,” Langella insisted. “It’s about heritage. It’s about loving our people and our land. And we fight for this.”

FRANCE BECOMING UNGLUED WITH UNCONTROLLED ISLAMIC ANTI-SEMITISM Daniel Mayer (1909-96) was a French Jew of socialist principles who played a distinguished part in the Resistance and from 1958-75 headed the Ligue des droits de l’homme. A fortnight ago (19th-20th November), evidently in revenge for Operation Pillar of Cloud (Defence) by Israel, pupils at a Jewish lycée named after him in the […]


60 years of medical achievement. 1000 graduates of the Hebrew University-Hadassah Medical School gathered yesterday at the opening of an alumni conference marking 60 years since the graduation of the school’s first class. Jerusalem mayor Nir Barkat said that there are 32,000 medical employees in Jerusalem.

Understanding brain degeneration. Hebrew University researchers have uncovered important details about the origins of brain diseases such as Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, ALS and Huntington’s diseases. The research could lead to new methods of preventing toxic proteins in the brain from causing damage and even death.

Oyster mushroom molecule kills cancer cells. Israeli researchers have discovered that extracts inside the edible Oyster mushroom contain molecules that bind themselves to cancer cells and kill them.

Fighting infectious diseases. The Israel Ministry of Health has designated the Sanford Kuvin Center for the Study of Infectious and Tropical Diseases of The Hebrew University of Jerusalem as Israel’s National Laboratory for Leishmaniasis – a parasitic disease affecting an estimated 12 million people worldwide.

Smartphone apps to keep you healthy. Israeli smartphone apps demonstrated at Tel Aviv’s (Innovations in Cardiovascular Interventions) event included Healarium – an information and incentive system, Mobile-CliniQ from Aerotel – transmitting data from sensors to hospitals, and Dario from Labstyle Innovation – a portable glucose meter for diabetics.

A database for ALS treatment. Israeli non-profit organization Prize4Life seeks to accelerate the discovery of treatments and a cure for ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, also known as Lou Gehrig’s disease). It has set-up a database called PRO-ACT that will help develop viable Phase II and Phase III treatments for ALS.

Fighting lung infections with NO2. Israel’s Advanced Inhalation Therapies is to begin two clinical trials using nitric oxide to treat infectious lung diseases. Immune systems of the young are very sensitive to viral infections. Nitric oxide gas could help toddlers and infants with pulmonary infections due to bronchiolitis.

Using ice to heal. The UK’s Daily Telegraph newspaper has reported on an innovative treatment for breast cancer (and maybe other cancers) using a super-cooled needle to inject balls of ice into the tumor. At the end of the fifth paragraph they finally mention that IceCure – the company that developed the system – is Israeli.

Terrorist victim regains sight. In November, Gaza terrorists fired an anti-tank missile at an IDF jeep, seriously wounding Sergeant Shimon Alankri. Doctors at Soroka Hospital in Beer Sheva saved his sight and celebrated with Shimon last week when he managed to light Hanukkah candles.

Months Before Shooting, “Civil Liberties” Groups Defeated Conn. Law Aimed at the Violent Mentally Ill: David Stein

First of all, I want to say that neither you nor I know all the facts about yesterday’s unthinkably horrific events in Newtown, CT. Intelligent people understand that no news reports can be considered reliable in the first 24 hours following a cataclysmic tragedy. Indeed, it will be weeks, perhaps months, before the facts of the shooting are known.

But with so many on the left exploiting the atrocity to call for new firearms regulations, I thought I might explore a different angle.

There have been reports that the shooter, Adam Lanza, had mental health issues. This would very much fit the profile of people who commit that type of crime, from Laurie Dann (who used a gun to murder schoolchildren) to Steven Abrams (who used a car for the same purpose) to Zheng Minsheng (who used a knife).

And here’s a fact you might not know – Connecticut is one of only SIX states in the U.S. that doesn’t have a type of “assisted outpatient treatment” (AOT) law (sometimes referred to as “involuntary outpatient treatment”). There’s no one standard for these types of laws, but (roughly speaking) these are laws that allow for people with mental illness to be forcibly treated BEFORE they commit a serious crime. Whereas previous legal standards held that the mentally ill cannot be institutionalized or medicated until they harm someone or themselves, or until they express an immediate intent to do so, AOT laws (again, roughly speaking) allow for preventative institutionalization or forced medication (I highly recommend reading the data cited in the link I provided in this paragraph, especially regarding what is known as “first episode psychosis”).

AOT laws vary state-by-state, and often bear the name of a person murdered by an untreated mentally ill person (“Kendra’s Law” in New York, “Laura’s Law” in California, etc.).

Earlier this year, Connecticut considered passing an AOT law (and a weak one, at that), and it failed, due to protests from “civil liberties” groups.

And here’s my point. I have NO idea, as in ZERO, as in NADA, as in ZILCH, whether that law, had it passed, would have made a difference in the case of the Newtown killer. I’m not claiming to know, and that’s not the point of this piece. My point is, when mental health experts advocated a law that might reduce the violence caused by mentally ill people who are untreated, “rights” advocates shot it down. The risk that innocent people might be murdered was not as important as the fact that the mentally ill might lose their “right” to walk around untreated.

Okay. So, “rights” trample safety. Got it.

But when it comes to the Second Amendment, these same “civil liberties” advocates say that rights DON’T trample safety. “Gut the Second Amendment! The Bill of Rights shouldn’t mean that our children can be murdered by a gun-wielding lunatic!”

All I’m saying is that earlier this year, Connecticut debated a bill that would have made it easier to treat mentally ill people who might pose a threat to the community. And “rights” advocates (including the ACLU) torpedoed it. “RIGHTS ABOVE SAFETY!” But when it comes to the Second Amendment, which, unlike the “right” to be a dangerous untreated schizophrenic, is actually part of our Constitution, rights must be curtailed in the name of “safety.” Never mind how many American lives are saved each year by the defensive use of a firearm. This particular right must be restricted, if doing so can prevent even one school shooting.

Well, where was that line of reasoning during the debate over Connecticut’s AOT law?

VICTOR SHARPE: EVIL STALKS OUR WORLD AND ALWAYS WILL Does evil stalk the world?  Of course it does: It always has and it is an integral part of our history as human beings.   The ferocious display of death within the animal kingdom is primarily undertaken to fulfill the need to find food in order to survive. In humans however there are hatred […]



The legacy of Chanukah – faith, patriotism, defiance of extreme odds and tenacity in the battle of liberty against tyranny – has underlined the American spirit since the early Pilgrims, enhancing the unique foundation of the US-Israel covenant: shared values.

For instance, the statue of Judah the Maccabee, the hero of the Jewish rebellion against the Syrian-Seleucid Empire, is displayed at the West Point Military Academy, the most prestigious US military academy, founded in 1802. The statue of Judah the Maccabee, known for his principle-driven leadership and daring battle tactics, is displayed along with the statues of Joshua, David, Alexander the Great, Julius Caesar, Hector, King Arthur, Charlemagne and Godfrey of Bouillon – “the Nine Worthies.”

George Washington became acquainted with the spirit of the Maccabees, upon settling, in December (Chanukah) 1777, at his new headquarters at Valley Forge, Pennsylvania, with ill-equipped, weary troops. Faced with a super-power, George III of Britain, Washington concluded that only a dramatic change could avoid a defeat. According to the diary entries of Louisa Hart, Washington told the Harts about a Jewish solider at Valley Forge who lit a Chanukah candle and explained its significance. Washington’s reaction was: “Perhaps we are not as lost as our enemies would have us believe. I rejoice in the Maccabees’ success, though it is long past…It pleases me to think that miracles still happen.” Six months later, on June 19, 1778, the Continental Army implemented the battle tactics of Judah the Maccabee, leaving Valley Forge in pursuit of the British, who were moving towards New York. Although the war would linger for five more years, Washington won a decisive victory.

Benjamin Franklin, John Adams and Thomas Jefferson were inspired by the Maccabees, proposing “Rebellion against Tyrants is obedience to God” as the American official seal. Just like the Founding Fathers, the Maccabees were a tiny minority of “rebels” – condemned by the “loyalist/pragmatist” Jewish establishment – rebelling against an oppressive super-power. They prevailed due to their conviction-driven determination. They knew that swimming against the stream gets one closer to the source. The Maccabees were a role-model for Paul Revere, who was referred to as “a modern day Maccabee” and the organizers of the Boston Tea Party, who realized that there were no free lunches for freedom-seeking nations.

“In God We Trust” was inspired, also, by the Maccabees’ battle cry, which adopted Moses’ battle cry against the builders of the Golden Calf. A literal translation of the battle cry is “Whoever trusts God; join me!” The Maccabees’ sacrifice and political-incorrectness, also, inspired Patrick Henry’s “Give me liberty or give me death.”