Eight people have been killed and hundreds wounded, but the latest bloody chapter in Egypt’s unhappy recent history is about to draw to a close: this Sunday a referendum will be held on the proposed new constitution, and that, presumably, will be the end of that. And what it will most likely herald is […] Billions in Foreign Aid for Islamists How many billions are U.S. taxpayers willing to give Islamist regimes in the Middle East, both directly and through international organizations? The Obama administration is likely to find out. The Washington Post reports: The United States and a coalition of international lenders are pushing ahead with billions of […]
Not too many Americans noticed last Thursday’s passage of the Magnitsky Act that was part of a larger bill to normalize trade with Russia. But the overwhelming Senate vote (92-4), following passage last month in the House, sure got the Kremlin’s attention.
On its Twitter account, the foreign ministry in Moscow called the human rights statute “something out of the theater of the absurd.” Another tweet said, “It is perplexing and preposterous to hear human rights complaints from the US, where torture and kidnapping are legal in the 21st century.” And: “This biased approach is nothing but a vindictive desire to counter Russia in world affairs.”
Once President Obama signs the law, Russian abusers of human rights will be banned from entering or banking in the U.S. The provision was named after Sergei Magnitsky, a corruption whistleblower who was killed in police custody in 2009.
Another Russian whistleblower, 44-year-old Alexander Perepilichny, collapsed and died recently in Surrey, England, under mysterious circumstances. A Russian citizen, Perepilichny had sought refuge in Britain three years ago and was believed to be providing evidence against those implicated in Magnitsky’s death. He is the fourth person linked to the Magnitsky case to die in suspicious ways. Speaking at a private meeting this week, Jordan’s King Abdullah warned that he had “bargaining chips” to use against the Muslim Brotherhood, which he denounced as a “new extremist alliance” in the Arab world. The news site AI-Monitor today translates a report from al-Hayat, citing sources from the meeting. “Rhe Jordanian monarch was full […]
Exciting new program for tourists
General introduction:
This activity is geared to all tourists of any age who would like to learn about anti terrorism tactics. Experts in anti terrorism combat will teach how terrorism
is fought, how to shoot a pistol and give hands on experience for all participants in shooting a weapon. All this can be experienced at the Gush Etzion, Caliber 3 Shooting Range located in Gush Etzion.
The program is available in Hebrew or in English.
The Program:
A seven minute lecture about anti terrorism tactics will be given by one of our expert combat fighters. There will be a very impressive 15 minute show of the fighting and shooting skills our instructors use in combat.
We continue with a very organized 30 -45 minute lesson in how to shoot in an anti terrorism attack.And we conclude our time together with a 30-45 minute session of live shooting with weapons provided by us and one on one instruction, an experience not to be missed by even the youngest participants.
Of course we practice very high standards of safety precautions at our shooting range.We also have at our shooting range, paintball activities available for families,
friends, birthday parties or for whatever reason you choose.
At our program we combine together the values of Zionism with the excitementand enjoyment of shooting which makes the activity more meaningful.
The contact with real soldiers who have experienced anti terrorism fighting means that everything shown and taught is authentic.
From our familiarity with this program the participants have a very different and special encounter that can not be experienced anywhere else except
on the battle field.
To contact us or for more information call Sharon Gat Tel: 050-3422770
Check out the previous installments in Kathy Shaidle’s Israel Travel Series:
5 Places to Visit in Israel (Once It’s Safe To Go Back): Part One
5 Places to Visit in Israel (When It’s Safe to Go Back): Part Two
5. Caliber 3
Since 2000, Caliber 3 has trained laymen and professionals (including the IDF) in security and counterterrorism techniques.
This Gush Etzion range is one of the few places in Israel where tourists are permitted to fire guns. That makes its 2-hour courses for tourists incredibly popular, even though they aren’t exactly a walk at the beach:
At our program we combine together the values of Zionism with the excitement and enjoyment of shooting which makes the activity more meaningful. The contact with real soldiers who have experienced anti terrorism fighting means that everything shown and taught is authentic.
Don’t worry: you aren’t expected to run an obstacle course, but there is some running back and forth, yelling, and briskly paced team competition with lots of surprises.
Stick it out and you’ll be rewarded with the chance to fire a Ruger (too heavy!) and an M16.
They’ll even serve you lunch. (This is Israel; food is VERY important.)
Definitely one of the highlights of my trip.
(P.S.: Remember to wear long pants, and leave the flip flops at home. Ask permission about whom and what you can film and photograph.)
Our trainer was Steve Gar (below), an impressive guy originally from South Africa. Besides being a weapons expert, he is studying to be a rabbi and he works with special needs youth (one of whom served as Steve’s range assistant). Sorry, ladies — Gar’s married (to a Toronto girl!). On December 5, 2012, the New York Times published an op-ed from Saree Makdisi, a professor of English literature at UCLA, titled “If Not Two States, Then One.” Professor Makdisi and his cohort of fairy-tale-weavers are finally caught up in a fantasy of their own making. It is a textbook example of the unraveling […] As the world watches and waits for the Egyptian people to vote in a nationwide referendum to be held December 15 on a new constitution drafted largely by the Muslim Brotherhood, it would be well to consider another constitutional referendum from 33 years ago when another people who’d just been through a revolution went […] Does anyone seriously suppose that, but for the EU, the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg might annex the Belgian province of the same name? Or that, unconstrained by Brussels, the Italians would re-occupy Nice? Does anyone imagine, these days, that the right-on, pacifist Germans, who can barely be persuaded to join Nato peacekeeping operations, are […] PATRICK DUNLEAVY IS AUTHOR OF AN ESSENTIAL BOOK ON RADICAL IMAMS IN THE PRISON CHAPLAINCY PROGRAMS WHO CONVERT AND RADICALIZE YOUNG INMATES…..RSK The Fertile Soil of Jihad: Terrorism’s Prison Connection by Patrick T. Dunleavy (Sep 2011) They say a picture paints a thousand words. If so, then there can be no greater image to […]