If the re-elected Obama administration has not quite shown its true colors, it’s given the world a peek. As former UN Ambassador John Bolton observed, the Palestine Authority could not have swung a UN vote for “observer” status without the passive support of Washington. After Israel responded to the Palestinian end-run around the Oslo […]
Click here: New York Times Sells A Bridge, Then Buys A Map – Maggie’s Farm,-Then-Buys-A-Map.html New York Times Sells A Bridge, Then Buys A Map When Israel announced that planning would begin for some housing in an area known as E1, the New York Times led the media howling that building there would cut […] At a ceremony in Oslo town hall later today the European Union will be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. The EU’s three presidents – Jose Manuel Barroso of the Commission, Herman Van Rompuy of the Council, Martin Schulz of the Parliament – will accept the honour for fostering “peace and reconciliation, democracy and human […]
UN condemns Israel’s “violation” of Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. Funny, because Israel isn’t a signatory on the 1968 pact.
“The US-backed Road Map , like the prior and once functional Oslo agreements, is merely a convenient enemy expedient. Nothing more. If ever taken seriously in Jerusalem, it could become an irreversible cartographic detour to oblivion.”
On December 3, just four days after voting in strong support of a Palestinian state, the UN General Assembly condemned Israel for allegedly violating the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. Of course, this enthusiastic condemnation made no formal legal sense, because Israel, for very good reasons, has chosen to remain outside the 1968 pact. For Israel, agreeing to join the NPT as a non-nuclear member state, its only available treaty membership option, would be tantamount to national suicide.
Why would joining be so lethal to Israel? Plainly, making the Middle East in particular a nuclear weapon free zone could endanger Israel, and correspondingly strengthen Israel’s enemies, including non-Arab Iran. By removing Israel’s indispensable deterrent to suffering annihilatory military defeat, Israel’s non-nuclear enemies would no longer be confronted by the near-certain prospect of unacceptably damaging retaliations.
Barack Obama ain’t afraid of no stinkin’ fiscal cliff. Why should he be? When the rest of us go over the cliff, doomed to pain and oblivion among the soup cans, plastic bags and empty soda-pop bottles at the bottom of the abyss, he’ll be soaring over the rooftops as only a tin-pot messiah can.
When the George W. Bush tax cuts expire at midnight on New Year’s Eve, with the rest of us singing a tearful adieu to Auld Lang Syne, the president will be popping corks. He’ll have his higher taxes. The joke will be on us, but nobody at the bottom of the cliff will be laughing.
Barack Obama’s goal is to raise taxes, and how he does that is of small consequence. He is determined not to cut spending. This has become clear enough to all. He will have redeemed FDR’s famous mantra – “Tax and tax, spend and spend, elect and elect” – in a way that Mr. Roosevelt could never have imagined. Mitt Romney’s infamous “47 percent,” the Americans who get a monthly government check, will balloon toward a hundred percent. Cuts, reforms, restraints, disciplines of any kind will be silly notions of the past. Dependency will be enthroned.
Once this is understood, there’s no mystery about why the “negotiations” between the Democrats and the Republicans have never amounted to very much. Mr. Obama reads the November 6 election result as a landslide, though 51 to 49 is far from a landslide. Nevertheless he is bold, and acting as if it were. He, and even a lot of timid and fearful Republicans, never absorbed the home truth that nothing recedes like success.
For now, everything is going his way. Mr. Obama’s vision of America is one he learned in his community-organizing days. Americans have to give up the idea that America is, in Lincoln’s memorable formulation, the exceptional nation, and learn to be miserable in solidarity with both Upper and Lower Slobbovia. The man who founded the Heritage Foundation in the 1970s explains how to build a think tank ‘for the long haul.’ Ed Feulner, who is finishing a 35-year run as the president of the Heritage Foundation, should be glum. As one of conservatism’s senior officers in the war of ideas and policy, Mr. Feulner […] The bad news continues in Egypt, with the glorious revolution of 2011 evolving into a not-so-glorious present of violent political clashes and a slide toward Islamic authoritarianism. Over the weekend President Mohammed Morsi scrapped his recent dictatorial decree, but he is still insisting on a rushed December 15 national referendum on a new constitution. […] …our people have witnessed, and continue to witness, an unprecedented intensification of military assaults, the blockade, settlement activities and ethnic cleansing, particularly in Occupied East Jerusalem, and mass arrests, attacks by settlers and other practices by which this Israeli occupation is becoming synonymous with an apartheid system of colonial occupation, which institutionalizes the plague […]
“The Day of Judgment will not come about until Muslims fight the Jews, when the Jew will hide behind stones and trees. The stones and trees will say O Muslims, O Abdullah, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him. Only the Gharqad tree would not do that because it is one of the trees of the Jews.”
Sahih al-Bukhari, 4:56:791
For Muslims the boxthorn tree is their botanical metaphor for the Jews, but for Israelis their own self-chosen botanical metaphor is the prickly pear. Both are thorny plants at home in the desert and more than capable of protecting themselves in that harsh environment. For Muslims the Jew is a tree that must be torn out of the soil, but the Jew in Israel sees his people becoming trees whose roots hold fast to the soil of a revived land.
Lycium ferocissimum, the boxthorn tree, or the Gharqad tree, is the overarching metaphor of David Solway’s The Boxthorn Tree. Muslims see the Jews as the people of the boxthorn tree and that same genocidal Hadith, which appears in the Hamas covenant, among so many other Muslim Brotherhood documents, is how Solway’s book looks back at Muslim hatred, persecution and terror.
The Boxthorn Tree by David Solway is a collection of essays, literary in intent, practical in expression, that touch on the topics of Jewish identity and Jewish life under the shadow of constant genocide. As Solway notes, Jews live always under the threat of the fate of the boxthorn tree and of every tree in a desert land. There is always someone seeking to tear them out of their small piece of good earth.
David Solway however explores more than just Islamic terror, that quintessential threat, which in the Hadith, from whose name the book emerges, the end of the world concludes with every rock and tree, but the boxthorn tree, crying out for the death of the Jew. The Boxthorn Tree is about more than the rendezvous with evil that has become such a part of Jewish history; it is about Jewishness itself.
Terror raises the Jewish question again, summons up the ghosts of the new anti-Semitism and covers them with rotten flesh and causes them to speak with rancid tongues, but David Solway is more concerned with how Jews respond to the experience of being hated, than with the hatred alone. The Boxthorn Tree is less about hatred and more about self-hatred, whether it is the self-hatred of the Post-Jewish Jew chanting bellicose slogans outside the Israeli consulate or the Post-Christian Western leader selling out Israel and then his own country, in that order, in the hopes of winning a stay of execution from the demographic Damocles Sword of Islamic immigration and Islamist terror.
“’Peace’ means that we are no longer willing to fight for the principles and traditions that have raised us to the top of the dominance hierarchy and that we are ready or eager to submit to a clear ideological foe,” David Solway writes of the degenerating instincts of the senescent free world. “’Freedom’ means that we have accepted the growing likelihood of defeat and comparative servitude. And ‘Justice’ means the acknowledgment of the ‘rights’ of our adversaries to game the social, political and legal systems of their host countries to their advantage, in other words, to insinuate their norms of conduct and cultural presuppositions into a way of life we have long taken for granted and are now prepared to surrender piecemeal to the claims of the ‘other.’” The effort to turn public school classrooms into laboratories for government propaganda has reached a new milestone. Common Core State Standards in English is a program already adopted by 46 states and the District of Columbia. It calls for an increase in the reading of “informational text” instead of fictional literature. When the new […]