The Sigd Festival Comes Home to Jerusalem “Last year,” said Orly Sahalo, a 21-year-old Israeli of Ethiopian descent, “I arrived only at the end, and I missed out.” She was talking about the Sigd festival, which recently took place in Jerusalem. In Amharic, the lingua franca of Ethiopia, “Sigd” means prostration. On the Sigd, Ethiopian […]
Can Faith Win? — on The Glazov Gang
by Jamie Glazov
Paul Crowshaw, Mike Finch and Dwight Schultz ponder whether God-fearing conservatives are on the losing side in this culture war. In Spring Fever: The Illusion of Islamic Democracy, which is generously reviewed by VDH in the current edition of NR, I argue that Egypt under the Muslim Brotherhood will follow (and is following) the trail blazed by Turkey’s Islamist prime minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan and his Brotherhood-influenced party, the AKP. This path is called […]
Israel, you are not the world’s piñata; end the masochism. It’s enough already.
When is enough really enough? For the State of Israel, apparently, still not yet.
Israeli military occupation over the “West Bank” is a 45-year-old mistake and must now end with Israel’s official annexation of the Jewish heartland. There should also be a withdrawal, not from any land but from the United Nations.
For the sake of Jewish identity, heritage, and history – and of Israeli security and survivability – Israel should immediately assert sovereignty over Judea and Samaria (Judah, Benjamin, Ephraim, and west Menasheh), granting Palestinian Arabs the dignified options of permanent residency status or emigration with compensation.
Those Arabs who wish to remain should be allowed to do so and enjoy the rights of permanent residents while fulfilling the attendant responsibilities. Those who wish to leave should be paid fair market value for their property, plus a reasonable sum to cover moving expenses to Jordan (Palestine) or elsewhere. Those who insist on violence should be dealt with accordingly.
Israel should also withdraw immediately from the United Nations (whose full name seems more accurately to be UNAI, the United Nations Against Israel) and help found a robust league of democracies, a new body where human rights violators don’t preside over human rights councils and where blocs of Islamists and communists don’t dictate to progressive republics. The UN might have arguably been the greatest endeavor man ever embarked upon; instead, it is a tiresome farce run by malevolent circus clowns. This is one club to which the Jew, and the Jewish State, should not belong and not wish to belong.
These are no extreme measures; rather, they are reasonable and moderate propositions representing nothing more than common sense. Such steps ought to have been taken long ago.
Whatever Israel does or does not do, it will face global condemnation. Therefore, it only stands to reason that it should do what is necessary and proper for its fundamental needs as the Jewish national home, and act both domestically and internationally with self-respect and determination on behalf of all its citizens and residents, Jewish or otherwise. Acting with halfheartedness and trepidation invites the world’s contempt like nothing else.
Israel, you are not the world’s piñata; end the masochism. It’s enough already.
Much has been made of the Palestinian exodus of 1948. Yet during their decades of dispersal, the Palestinians have experienced no less traumatic ordeals at the hands of their Arab brothers. As early as the mid-1950s, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, and Libya expelled striking Palestinian workers. In 1970, Jordan expelled some 20,000 Palestinians and demolished their camps; in 1994-95, Libya expelled tens of thousands of long-term Palestinian residents in response to the Oslo process; and after the 2003 Iraq war, some 21,000 Palestinians fled the country in response to a systematic terror and persecution campaign. As recently as 2007, Beirut effectively displaced 31,400 Palestinian refugees when the Lebanese army destroyed the Nahr el Bared refugee camp during fighting between the militant Fatal al-Islam group and the Lebanese army.[1]
Click here: Cut The Crap, Culture Of Peace – Maggie’s Farm,-Culture-Of-Peace.html
Most of the most prominent in the West who claim to want peace in the Middle East are, instead, prime facilitators of hate.
By disdaining those Muslims who are closer to Western values,and pandering to Islamist extremists, or one-sidedly denouncing the defensive measures of the only Western oriented nation in the Middle East, Israel, the claimants of upholding peace have consistently encouraged those who believe and act out of hate.
There are a host of reasons, actually excuses, proffered by those who cloak themselves as plastic doves. At root they shield self-hate for enjoying civilization’s comforts while others purportedly suffer. Their solutions all come down to the same end, take away what has been deservedly earned and give it to those who haven’t earned it. One may argue that many of those supporting this redistribution would also be affected, but in reality they usually shield themselves or are just too blind to realize that until the taker is at their door and their generosity has been squandered or stolen.
I haven’t the slightest care if the above offends anyone who is too effete to speak the truth or so befuddled as to not recognize it or so deceitful as to deny it or so quibbling as to host relative trivia against overriding facts. No, It’s Not the Same Sharia Provision as in the Old Egyptian Constitution I’ve now been in a few debates about Egypt’s new draft constitution, which will be put to a vote next week — in fact, I debated Abbas Barzegar, an assistant professor of Islam at Georgia State University, on Sean Hannity’s radio […]
The World’s Most Pressing Problem Seems to be Hill E1
A lowly mountain connecting Jerusalem with its eastern suburb is all the world has time for. Sorry, Syrians, step back and wait your turn. The world is up in arms, as it so loves to be. What is it about now?
No, no – not Syria and the violence there. Not Afghanistan; certainly not Iran. They aren’t condemning Turkish television fining the Simpsons for mocking God; or a social club at Harvard University saying Jews need not apply. No, it isn’t about Hungary cataloguing Jews as they would cattle and certainly nothing about Iranian warships sailing towards Sudan.
It’s all about a mountain that sits between Maale Adumim and Jerusalem. Even left-wing papers in Israel mistakenly write that Israel is threatening to “bisect” the West Bank and the news is filled with country after country condemning Israel for damaging chances for peace.
Chances for peace? We were at war two weeks ago and nothing has changed since then. There are currently NO chances for peace on the table. In fact, there is no table.
No, no, no – what we have is a mountain – not a very tall one, lower than the ones next to three of its sides.
It is barren, but for a road that snakes its way up to a midpoint where a large police station has been built – barren, but for that building. No one lives there – no one has.
The land was once part of the Ottoman Empire – no village, no homes, no dwellings on it. Sheep and goats might sometimes have grazed on the lower areas of the hills, but that’s about it. When the Ottoman’s made way for the British, it was under their rule, and still nothing there but the camels and the sheep and the goats and, perhaps, an occasional ground hog.
In the 1920s, England cut off 2/3 of the land that was called Palestine and gave it to the Hashemites – and thus Jordan was born. The remaining 1/3 was ruled by the British until 1947, including that land that today we call E1.
In 1948, the Arabs chose war over peace, death over life. They attacked and lost – but they got some land that the Jews could not defend, and that included E1 – the barren land between Jerusalem’s eastern border and the west bank of the Jordan River.
And then, in 1967, it was clear that Egypt and Syria were preparing for war – Israel launched a pre-emptive strike and sent a message to the Jordanians. We have no quarrel with you; stay out of the fighting. We will not attack you. The Jordanians sent back their message in two ways – in words and action, the message was the same – we fight with our brothers…and so they did. They attacked – as they had in 1948 and the result was the same – they lost.
This time, E1 came into our hands. State-owned under the Turks; state-owned under the Jordanians, and now state-owned under Israel. Never the home of Palestinian Arabs; no villages there, no buildings but for the one we built a few years ago…and the ones we will now build. Airplanes are not the only things Arafat’s virtual progeny have liked to hijack over the years. They’ve also tried very hard to turn themselves into the old and new Jews. The recent United Nations’ vote to recognize Arab state # 22 was just the latest case in point. Arabs timed it so that the […] Israel under the microscope No matter how many times the Palestinians prove to the world in word and deed that they are a cog in the war against the West — with an emphasis on annihilating the Jewish state — Europe and America continue to insist that this is not so. What the Palestinians […]