As yet another round of the relentless jihad against Israel opens up, it’s useful to consider: would the two-state solution now taken for granted and offered by both parties really bring peace? The need to establish a Palestinian state wasn’t even a point of controversy during the last election campaign. The Democrat Party platform […] A possible stunning development may be occurring in Egypt. With President Mohamed Morsi, former spokesman for the Muslim Brotherhood, in office just over 100 days, the official website of the Muslim Brotherhood reported on Monday that Morsi is considering replacing current Prime Minister Hisham Kandil with Brotherhood hardliner and former presidential candidate Khairat al-Shater […] It’s amusing to read (in Patrick’s update) that the Israeli government has agreed, as part of the “ceasefire,” to stop the “targeting of individuals.” What moral universe do we live in where Hamas launches hundreds of missiles and sets off bombs the intent of which is the mass homicide of civilians, yet what the […] I’ve been on the road for the past several days and out of the loop so to speak. I just got home last night. I read a blog post by Jonathan Tobin from Commentary today where I discovered that the post-Zionist poster boy of the American Jewish left Peter Beinart is now accusing Israel’s […] There is no Fundamental Islam. “Fundamentalism” is a word that came from the heart of the Christian religion. It means faith that goes by the word of the Bible. Fundamental Christianity, or going with the Bible, does not mean going around and killing people. There is no fundamental Islam. There is only Islam full […]
Israel and Hamas announce cease-fire, while US, Egypt helped both sides reach agreement
“Hudnah” and “Sulh” Do Not Mean “Peace”. By: Moshe Sharon
(A Hudnah is a cessation of hostilities for one reason; and that is to
permit Muslims to re-fortify themselves and continue Jihad, until a just
peace is achieved, under Shari’ah. It’s so simple. Muslims are compelled to
do so because systemic Islamic text demands it and all Muslims must follow
the ethics and lifestyle of Prophet Muhammad, because his behavioral example
is to be emulated by all Muslims).
The war of terror, which has been waged against Israel since October 2000,(
actually for hundreds of years), has brought again to the fore simple facts,
which the government of Israel, as well as most of the media, refuse to
understand and face boldly. The facts are derived from one truth which
should be presented in the clearest words possible: the Arab-Moslem
strategic decision has always been, and will always remain, the destruction
of the State of Israel, and the annihilation of its Jewish population. The
Palestinians are the spearhead of this Arab-Moslem long-term strategy, and
terror has been chosen as the method to weaken Israel by spreading in it
defeatist feelings, and loss of self-confidence. Frontpage Interview’s guest today is David Hayden, the author of the new book, Muhammad and the Birth of Islamic Supremacism: The War With the Jews 622-628 A.D. FP: David Hayden, welcome to Frontpage Interview. Let’s begin with what motivated you to write this book. Hayden: I’ve always had a keen interest in history, but […] Frontpage recently noted that the Federal Bureau of Investigation has been handing out awards to mosques. Frontpage should also note that the FBI has not neglected its undercover work against terrorism. That work has now culminated in the recent arrest of four Muslims eager for “violent jihad.” The more I think about it, the […] Tuesday, by the evening, had been the roughest day so far for Israel since launching Operation Pillar of Defense against Gazan terror last Wednesday. A soldier and a civilian were killed by fire from Gaza. A rocket with a heavy warhead hit and severely damaged a building in the city of Rishon Lezion near […] It is in the nature of the media beast that anything that happens in or around the Jewish State gets far more attention than anything that happens throughout the rest of the region. Israel has also created a safe zone for reporters. It is one of the few places in the Middle East where […]