How times change. The liberales who now call him a marvelous military man and try to obscure the lying about the Benghazi attack once aligned their furies against the General in a Move.on (Soros funded ????) effort to discredit him in an outrageous New York Times ad called “General BetrayUs” . Senator Cornyn sponsored a congressional amendment to :”To express the sense of the Senate that General David H. Petraeus, Commanding General, Multi-National Force-Iraq, deserves the full support of the Senate and strongly condemn personal attacks on the honor and integrity of General Petraeus and all members of the United States Armed Forces.”

It passed but there were 25 “Nays” against andguess what? Senator Barbie Boxer of California accused Petraeus of painting a “rosy scenario” of the Iraq war and told him to “consider that others could be right.” Boxer also joined 24 of her Democrat colleagues and voted against a provision to condemn a New York Times advertisement that was paid for by attacking Petraeus as “General Betray Us.”

Then at the same hearings then Senator Hillary Clinton, who never lies or obfuscates, told the general in pretty blunt and nasty tone that she had to “suspend disbelief” at his progress report.

P.S. She also voted “Nay” with Barbie and the other Dems…..

Hmmmm……and now Benghazi…..

Politically motivated
Deliberate decision to mislead on Benghazi Read More

Read more:
Hillary avoiding answering Benghazi questions
The Wall Street Journal
Saturday, November 17, 2012
Last month in interviews from deepest Peru, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said, “I take responsibility” for Benghazi. Except she hasn’t. She was conveniently out of the country for the House Foreign Affairs hearing, and Senate Foreign Relations Chairman John Kerry refuses to hold any hearings on Benghazi. Read more…
Benghazi comes full circle to security questions
Human Events
Sunday, November 18, 2012
While some in Congress continue to call for an accounting of why the White House pushed out misleading information about the nature of the Benghazi attacks, others say the real question is the original one: why U.S. interests were left so vulnerable in such a chaotic part of the world. Read more…
Iran bypasses sanctions with gas pipeline to Syria
Associated Press
Monday, November 19, 2012
An Iranian semi-official news agency says the country has started building a $10 billion natural gas pipeline to Syria as part of efforts to boost its energy sector that has been battered by international sanctions. Read more…
Israel steps up targeted attacks in Gaza
NBC News
Monday, November 19, 2012
International mediation efforts gathered steam Monday as Israel bombed dozens of suspected guerrilla sites in the densely populated Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip in its campaign to quell militant rocket fire menacing nearly half of Israel’s population. Read more…

Read more:

PETER HUESSEY: THE OTHER CLIFF Warren Buffett says the US economy is strong enough to withstand a fall over the coming fiscal cliff when taxes and spending cuts are scheduled to take $600 billion a year out of the economy. With his billions I am sure his mortgage is paid and his car will be filled with gas, but […]

HERBERT LONDON: WHERE IS MY AMERICA? Where is my America? The nation of rugged individualists has ceded its position to those who embrace the command economy. Moreover, a failed record doesn’t mean very much when media panjandrums use barrels of print to boost the fortune of their desired candidates. Twenty three million Americans are searching for jobs. College graduates are […]


Home In one of the climatic scenes in Ayn Rand’s Atlas Shrugged, John Galt, the philosopher/scientist who is a prisoner of the government, is taken to a televised banquet in an upscale New York hotel, arranged by the government to show the world its new savior and to hear how he plans to save it. […]


Explosive New Arab Music Video: ‘Strike a Blow at Tel Aviv’
The lyrics pulse with typical Middle Eastern themes of dominance and fear of humiliation.

Many wars are cemented in our memories by the songs that were about or popularized during the days of battle. The Civil War had the “Battle Hymn of the Republic,” and “Yankee Doodle,” World War I had “Over There,” and for World War II it was The Andrews Sisters’ “Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy,” and also “Don’t Sit Under the Apple Tree.” Over time, the more popular wartime songs became protest songs. Strong protest songs were ubiquitous during the Vietnam war, expressing the anti-war sentiments, which became especially pervasive during the Vietnam War. Just one example from that era is the Byrds’ “Turn, Turn, Turn,” a riff on Kohelet 3:1-8.

And now we have the Hamas-Israel offensive of 2012. It, too, has inspired a fighting song. This one is both a throwback to the jingoistic style of the earlier wars, but with a pulsing rap beat. Oh, and it practically drips blood.

The first original song to come out of the 2012 Hamas-Israel offensive has a hard rap beat, grainy graphics and a title that delivers the message, without any subtlety: “Strike a Blow at Tel Aviv.”

Thanks to the location and translation services of the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI), we have access to the lyrics written by the two “West Bank” authors.

The lyrics pulse with typical Middle Eastern themes of dominance and fear of humiliation.

The refrain, “Strike a Blow at Tel Aviv” is repeated early and often, but the hopes expressed are more expansive. In addition to extolling the virtues of grinding Israel into the ground and disdaining the concept of a ceasefire, the musicians take several x-rated swipes at Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu.

The song also ridicules the Gulf States – the oil-rich Arab countries, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Oman, the United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Bahrain and Oman – for their stately but meaningless conferences and their reliance upon NATO.

Some of the boasting in the lyrics are fantasies, such as Hamas having downed an Israeli warplane, but the urban legend has already taken off on a life of its own.

Here are excerpts from the lyrics:

We don’t want to truce or solution,
All we want is to STRIKE TEL AVIV.

Here is the breaking news,
We shot down the plane,
And the pilot is missing.

We have downed their airplane,
And filled up their air raid shelters.

My entire people cry out loud,

GO ALLEN WEST!!! VOTE RECOUNT MAYHEM IN FLORIDA….JOHN FUND The characters in the latest example of South Florida’s dysfunctional election system — recall the Bush v. Gore debacle in 2000 — are worthy of a Carl Hiaasen potboiler. Congressman Allen West, an outspoken tea-party favorite whose district was pushed into largely new territory by redistricting, is claiming that massive voter irregularities are robbing […]


Chicago Teachers Strategize on How to Indoctrinate Kids with Marxism

In September, the Chicago Teachers Union went on strike, shutting down the Windy City’s schools for 10 days. Many of those same teachers were in attendance on Nov. 10 at the Midwest Marxism Conference held at Northwestern University in Chicago.

The topics of the conference were:

Marxism, Crisis & Resistance
The Meaning of Marxism
The Flint Sit-down Strikes & The Founding of the UAW
From Apartheid Schools to the New Jim Crow: Racism, USA
The Democrats: A Critical History
Russia: A Case Study in Workers Power & Revolution
Socialists & Trade Unions
Class, Race & the Civil Rights movement
Education & Capitalism
Lenin’s Theory of the Revolutionary Party
Marxism & Women’s Liberation
Whose City? Labor, the 1%, and the Democratic Party Machine in Chicago
Imperialism: Why Capitalism Creates War
Detroit, I Do Mind Dying

Among some of the speakers at the conference was Jesse Sharkey, vice president of the Chicago Teachers Union. Another speaker who kicked off the conference was Becca Barnes, a Chicago teacher, who refers to American capitalists as capitalistic vampires. Barnes told the crowd:

LLOYD BILLINGSLEY: FBI TO HONOR CAIR LINKED GROUP Next April in Washington, FBI director Robert Mueller will give the agency’s community service award to Farrukh Saeed, chairman of SALAM, the Sacramento Area League of Associated Muslims. “SALAM’s openness and commitment to the community as a whole, regardless of faith, makes them a shining example of community leadership,” said FBI special agent Herb […]

P. DAVID HORNIK: A GROUND OP IN GAZA? By Sunday night, Day 5 of Operation Pillar of Defense, the question of the hour in Israel was still: ground operation or no? It’s clear by now that Israel’s top decision-making triumvirate of Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, Defense Minister Ehud Barak, and Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman is genuinely not thrilled about the idea and […]