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The Fertile Soil of Jihad: Terrorism’s Prison Connection by Patrick T. Dunleavy (Sep 2011)

What happens when a terrorist goes to prison? What type of special security risk do they pose for authorities. In the case of Abu Hamza al-Masri, indicted for conspiring in a 1998 kidnapping of American and other tourists in Yemen and in trying to help set up a terrorist training camp in Oregon, prison officials went after his arms, literally.

Masri lost both of his appendages from the forearm down as the result of an explosion when he was fighting in Afghanistan. He was later equipped with metal hooks as prosthetic devices to assist him. Correctional personnel felt that that type of prosthesis posed a security risk to personnel in the

Metropolitan Correctional Center in New York City and confiscated them. They said he will be fitted with more benign, non metallic hands to be paid for by the government. If that were the only threat posed by incarcerated terrorists there would be no need for concern. Once jailed are they actually rendered harmless?

Prior cases tell us this is not the case.

El Sayyid Nosair arrested in 1990 for shooting Rabbi Meir Khane had been in prison for over two years when he was charged with participating in the conspiracy to bomb the World Trade Center in 1993. He was able to use the privileges accorded him in jail, phone, visits, program assignment, to carry out the terrorist act. Rendered useless, I think not.

And what of Masri and his prior sphere of influence. Many forget that one of the reasons travelers have to remove their footwear before boarding a plane was in part due to Masri’s influence. In 1996 Abu Hamza al Masri became the Imam of North London Central Mosque in Finsbury Park, London. One of his disciples was a recently released inmate who had converted to Islam in prison. That individual was Richard Reid, the now infamous “shoe bomber”, who attempted to detonate an explosive device hidden in his sneaker while on an American Airlines flight from Paris to Miami in December 2001.

In other cases the acts and influences of jailed terrorists can be seen. Talib Jan was a member of the Taliban placed in the Pul-e-Charkhi prison, the National Detention Center in Kabul, Afghanistan after being captured by coalition forces. From there Jan was able to continue to direct terrorist operations. His involvement included the selection of both personnel and targets for attacks. In addition, according to authorities he had the ability to communicate specific instructions to the would-be suicide bombers from his prison cell. In one attack he directed the “shaheed” to a Finest Supermarket in the Wazir Akbar Khan section of the city, killing fourteen people in 2011.


What a sickening spectacle the GOP has become kicking Governor Mitt Romney around instead of focusing on their own problems. Let us revisit the primaries:

Rick Perry: He actually had ideas and a record and a tax reform plan. He was admittedly a klutzy debater, and the attacks from Michele Bachmann on mandatory vaccinations, and the others dumping on him because he gave the children of illegal immigrants the ability to get a college education. Now, they are all whining about “compassionate” treatment of illegals.

Jon Huntsman, whose fluency in Chinese and his snippy one liners impressed no one but himself .

Rick Santorum” No charm, no charisma and his claim of being a “winner” was made risible by the fact that he was defeated as Senator in a landslide election.

Ron Paul: Forget I mentioned him.

Newt Gingrich: Whose personal life story and struggle with his zipper makes Petraeus look like a choir boy. He is smart but smarmy.

Michele Bachmann: Great in Congress, whiny and annoying and squinting and no traction as candidate for the White House.

Herman Cain: Oh well….9-9-9 and that’s all.

Romney won and ran an honorable campaign.


Iran smuggling missiles to Gaza via Sudan
Monday, November 19, 2012
Iran smuggling missiles to Gaza via Sudan
United States, Israeli and Egyptian officials have long suspected that Iran is using Sudan to smuggle weapons and equipment to Hamas. Then the weapons start a long road trip across the Egyptian border and up through the Sinai Peninsula to Gaza. Read more…
Hillary heads to Mideast to mediate Gaza conflict
CBS News
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Hillary heads to Mideast to mediate Gaza conflict
President Obama is sending Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton to the Middle East in hopes that she can help mediate an end to the bloody conflict between Israel and Gaza. Read more…
Lawmakers give Egypt choice: Hamas or U.S. aid
Roll Call
Monday, November 19, 2012
Lawmakers give Egypt choice: Hamas or U.S. aid
As Israel’s bombardment of the Gaza Strip continues with no let-up in sight, lawmakers are focusing their attention on Egypt, warning that country’s new president to rein in the militant group Hamas or risk U.S. aid. Read more…

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Syrian fighters reject West for Islamist rule
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Islamist rebel groups in the Syrian city of Aleppo say they reject the new Western-backed opposition coalition. Read more…

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QUESTION: This question actually comes from a brain trust of my friends at Global Telecom Supply (ph) in Minneola yesterday.


QUESTION: We were sitting around, talking about Libya, and we were reading and became aware of reports that the State Department refused extra security for our embassy in Benghazi, Libya, prior to the attacks that killed four Americans. Who was it that denied enhanced security and why?

U.S. Presidential Debate, October 16, 2012

In the second Presidential debate, the September 11, 2012 killing of the U.S. Ambassador to Libya in Benghazi was the one foreign policy question that made it into the Townhall-style debate. This led to much analysis of the exchange between President Obama and Governor Romney regarding whether the President had referred to the attack as “an act of terror” in the Rose Garden a day after the attack, and what that really meant. The main point Romney was trying to make was that the Obama Administration had for two weeks incorrectly blamed an “anti-Muslim” film made in California for prompting the attack, rather than acknowledging the fact that it was a premeditated assault by Islamists. Later, the moderator, Candy Crowley, who, during the debate, had ruled in favor of President Obama’s claim that he had indeed called the attack premeditated terrorism, admitted she had made a mistake herself: “you’re totally correct that they (the Obama Administration) spent two weeks telling us this was about a tape… He (Romney) was right in the main, I just think he picked the wrong word,” by focusing on whether President Obama specifically said “acts of terror.”

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