For more information or to schedule an interview, contact
Alex VanNess (office 202-835-9077)

WASHINGTON DC, November 13 2012: The Center for Security Policy today hosted three of the nation’s preeminent analysts concerning the totalitarian, supremacist Islamist doctrine of shariah in an examination of its influence and impact on U.S. policy – including the scandal now known as “Benghazigate.” In a panel convened at Hillsdale College’s Kirby Center in Washington, the author of the new book, Shariah vs. Freedom, Dr. Andrew Bostom, syndicated columnist and author Diana West and the former duty expert on radical Islam for the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Stephen Coughlin, Esq. connected the proverbial dots between the failing efforts of the Obama administration with respect to engaging with Islamists and submitting to shariah and the debacle that began in Benghazi, Libya on September 11, 2012 and continues to this day.

Video of the panel is available at
A transcript will be posted at by November 14, 2012. In addition, the video link, the transcript and an executive summary will be distributed to members of Congress on November 14, 2012.

Highlights of the panel moderated by Center President Frank J. Gaffney, Jr. included the following:

Dr. Andrew Bostom, widely published expert on the history of shariah doctrine, noted that “Cynically ignoring sharia doctrines and practices that permanently endanger the life, liberty, and property of non-Muslims, US policymakers–epitomized by the murdered US Libyan Ambassador Christopher Stevens–have sacrificed US lives, and our nation’s principles.” Bostom’s third book on shariah was just published by Prometheus Books: Sharia versus Freedom: The Legacy of Islamic Totalitarianism.

Stephen Coughlin, nationally recognized expert and briefer on the shariah threat to the U.S. military, intelligence and law enforcement communities, commented, “As an explanation for the Benghazi attack, the YouTube clip is ridiculous. Understood in its own right however, the YouTube clip belongs to a cluster of activities that is just as disturbing as Benghazi.” Coughlin’s forthcoming book, Catastrophic Failure: The Big Lie in the War on Terror, will be published in January 2013 by the Center for Security Policy Press.

Diana West, investigative reporter and author, stated “In seeking the details of what happened on 9/11/12 in Benghazi, it’s vital not to lose sight of the real scandal, the policy the Obama Administration supported to overthrow anti-jihad allies in the region and re-align the US with the “bad guys” — the “rebels,” the “martyrs,” the al Qaeda forces, the Muslim Brothers, the whole jihad-happy crew in Libya and the wider Middle East. In Libya, Uncle Sam joined the jihad. In Benghazi, it blew up in our faces.” West’s next book, American Betrayal: The Secret Assault on Our Nation’s Character, will be published April 2013 by St. Martin’s Press.

The panel recommended that congressional investigators use three hearings this week, and others likely to be held down the road, to address a series of questions requiring urgent answers. Several of the most important of these questions are contained in the appended list below.

Mr. Gaffney said: “Now that the 2012 election is behind us and Congress is back in town, legislators must drill down not simply on the details of what happened during and following the murderous terrorist attack in Benghazi last September. They must examine that event as a microcosm of – and teachable moment concerning – the Obama administration’s pro-Islamist policies that gave rise to it. Getting answers to the questions our panel has posed will do much to shed light on both.”

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Sharansky rails against Peres, who thanked Russia for ‘thousand years of hospitality’
Why did world Jewry have to struggle on behalf of Soviet brethren if the country was so friendly to Jews, USSR-born ex-prisoner of Zion asks By Raphael Ahren |
Jewish Agency chairman and former cabinet minister Natan Sharansky (photo credit: courtesy JAFI)

Jewish Agency chairman Natan Sharansky on Tuesday criticized President Shimon Peres for thanking the Russian people for “a thousand years of hospitality.” Centuries of discriminatory laws and pogroms clearly showed that the country was not always the most welcoming place for Jews, Sharansky noted.

“I really don’t understand what this means,” said Sharansky — who was born in the former USSR and spent years in a Soviet prison fighting for his right to immigrate to Israel — in response to Peres’s comments, which were made during a visit to Moscow last week. “For several hundred years, the Jews weren’t allowed to enter Russia, and after that there were 300 years during which a thousand anti-Jews laws were published. I have a book of a thousand laws against the Jews that were passed in Russia. And I am not even talking about pogroms,” he told Israel Radio.

“Why did world Jewry have to fight to liberate the Jews from the Soviet Union, if there was such great hospitality?” Sharansky added.

On Thursday, Peres attended the inauguration of the Jewish Museum and Tolerance Center in Moscow and spoke very warmly about Russia’s treatment of the Jews.
Shimon Peres speaks at the opening of the Jewish Museum and Tolerance Center in Moscow, Russia. November 08, 2012. Photo credit: Mark Neyman/GPO/Flash90)

“I came here to say thank you. Thank you for a thousand years of hospitality,” he said. “A thousand years that the great country of Russia gave to my small nation. It is a historical thank you that remains fresh today.”

Many Jews tend to think of czarist Russia, and its successor state, the Soviet Union, as a place where Jews were systematically persecuted and at the best of times barely tolerated. But according to Hebrew University’s Jonathan Dekel-Chen, a leading expert on the history of Russian Jewry, the historical reality is too complex to be summed up in slogans.

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He is the very model of a major U.S. General
With information vegetable, animal, and mineral
He know the royals of England, and can quote fights historical
From Marathon to Waterloo, in order categorical

He’s very well acquainted, too, with matters mathematical
And understands equations, both the simple and quadratical

On issues of religion he is really quite Canonical

With Predilections for the issues quite Koranical

For his military knowledge, though he’s plucky and adventury
Has only been around for the beginning of the century

In fact, he knows what is meant by “mamelon” and “ravelin”

And he can tell at sight a Mauser rifle from a javelin
When such affairs as sorties and surprises he’s more wary at
But he knows precisely what is meant by “commissariat”

He knows what progress has been made in modern gunnery
And he knows more of tactics than a novice in a nunnery
He has a smattering of elemental strategy and surge,

But couldn’t fight that elemental urge

They say in distant ports there’s nothing like a Broad, Well

That certain tumescence he couldn’t quell

But he is the very model of a patriotic general

He is a soldier at heart and will tell all

On Hillary’s sword he will not fall

DOJ protocol let FBI remain silent on Petraeus
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FBI kept Petraeus probe private until election over
McClatchy Newspapers
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