Herb was my dear friend and mentor and a stalwart fighter for Israel in the mold of Shmuel Katz and Zeev Jabotinski. In Hebron, the cradle of the Jewish faith and the fist capital of the Jewish people AFSI members headed by Helen Freedman gathered to dedicate ” Zweibon Hall.”

From David Wilder:

Friday afternoon we dedicated a memorial room to our dear friend, Herb Zweibon, founder and director of AFSI, Americans for a Safe Israel. Herb was a genuine friend of Israel, and especially of Hebron’s Jewish community. AFSI’s executive director, Helen Freedman led a group of about 25 friends from the US for a week-long visit in Israel, and to Hebron for this Shabbat. We all gathered at the new “Zweibon Hall,” at the entrance to the ‘Hezkiah neighborhood,” here in Hebron to dedicate this room in Herb’s memory.

RAND Recommends U.S. Government Sell the Muslim Brotherhood to U.S. Public by THE GLOBAL MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD DAILY REPORT !!!! Washington Institute analyst Eric Trager has written an article analyzing a RAND report that discusses how the U.S. government can further engage with the Muslim Brotherhood while insulating themselves from “domestic criticism.” The article begins: November 12, 2012, Vol. 18, No. 09 There is one curious beneficiary of the September 11 attack on the […]

HERBERT LONDON: POLITICS AS CULTURE In Jacques Barzun’s masterwork on cultural history he describes modernity as decadent. Pitirim Sorokin’s narrative of contemporary society includes sensate culture, a belief that the senses are superordinated over ideas and beliefs. There are many explanations for President Obama’s election victory, but in my judgment, none is more compelling than the degradation of American […]

DANIEL HANNAN: IF FISCAL CONSERVATIVES CAN’T WIN IN AMERICA, CAN THEY WIN ANYWHERE? These are awkward times to be a Right-of-Centre candidate. Many voters believe they are living through a crisis of capitalism. They blame the credit crunch on lack of regulation. They think the deficit should be filled by taxing the bankers who, they have been assured, created it in the first place. It is not […]

DAVID SOLWAY: A REVIEW OF JAMIE GLAZOV’S BOOK “HIGH NOON FOR AMERICA- THE COMING SHOWDOWN” Jamie Glazov’s previous book, Showdown with Evil [1], was a collection of interviews he’d conducted over the years with resonant figures in the political world and authors of international standing. Glazov has now followed suit with High Noon for America: The Coming Showdown [2], a collection of symposia, dating from 2008 to 2011, which […]


If you believe David Petraeus really resigned as CIA director over an extramarital affair, you probably also believe that Muhammad filmmaker Mark Basseley Youssef is in prison because of a parole violation. It is much more likely that both Petraeus and Youssef herald the dawning of a new style in American politics – or else Barack Obama is the luckiest man alive.

It has already been widely noted that the timing of Petraeus’s resignation was perfect for Barack Obama: on the same day that the House Foreign Affairs Committee announced that it would be calling the CIA director to testify about the ever-widening Benghazi scandal, he abruptly resigned over an extramarital affair. Now Petraeus won’t be testifying, and one of the most important witnesses as to what really happened when jihadists attacked the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, and who ordered those who would have defended Ambassador Chris Stevens and his colleagues to “stand down,” has been removed from the scene. Petraeus had already said that he issued no such order, which makes it strongly likely that Obama himself did so; but now Petraeus won’t be around to say so one way or the other.


Stem cells when you need them. Weizmann researchers have discovered that the body’s bone marrow is home to stem cells that can be transformed into different types of mature blood immune cells to deal with a crisis. The level of detail within the discovery, however, will eventually lead to better medical treatments.

Heart repairs using pig tissue. The phrase “you cannot make a silk purse from a sow’s ear” is no longer true. Israel Technion scientists have used pig tissue to create a thick “scaffold” for heart muscle. It will allow doctors to rehabilitate the damaged scar tissue caused by heart attacks.

Hope for secondary cancer patients. Israel is to conduct part of an international investigation into targeted treatment of secondary cancer. Such patients do not respond to surgery or radiotherapy. But analysis of the genetic mutations of their tumours may identify medication that could destroy the cancer throughout the body.

A remarkable day in an Israeli hospital. It was one of those days that newsletter subscriber Jay Wohlgelernter was pleased that he went into work at Schneider Children’s Medical Centre in Petach Tikvah.


Obama’s Second Term Horror Show — on The Glazov Gang
by Jamie Glazov
The approaching wailing and gnashing of teeth.


As the 2012 election approached, conservative enthusiasm grew. Mitt Romney was drawing huge crowds while Barack Obama spoke in half-filled stadiums. All the passion lay on the right, while the left was discouraged with a promised messiah who proved merely a politician. And the prediction was that, in contrast to 2008, Republican turnout would dwarf the tuned-out and carry the day. Hence the shock November 6 eve. How could Romney lose, especially by such a wide electoral margin?

Maybe he didn’t

At least not legitimately.

When I predicted Obama’s re-election, I stated that, despite our country’s inexorable leftist slide, Romney would still win on Election Day were it not for vote fraud. I explained that the Democrats could steal more than enough votes in crucial swing states to turn the election. And I still believe what I did then: electoral criminality put Obama over the top.

At the time, we heard stories about electronic-machine “glitches” switching Romney votes to Obama ones. And Patrick Moran, son of Congressman Jim Moran (D-VA), was caught on tape facilitating vote fraud while Bridgeport, CT mayor Bill Finch essentially promised to commit same for a political partner in crime.

Since then, the indications of electoral criminality have been overwhelming. First there are the anecdotes, such as the court-appointed Republican poll watchers illegally expelled from thirteen Philadelphia polling places in wards that, in most cases, went 99 percent for Obama; the poll observers who noted what they considered vote fraud but were powerless to stop; and the Democrats who actually bragged about voting more than once.

Then there are the statistics, such as this staggering fact: in 59 Philadelphia districts, Romney failed to get even one vote. Final Obama-Romney tally: 19,605 to 0.

Huh? Not even one person voted GOP accidentally? I mean, there even was a Washington, D.C. councilman who inadvertently voted to approve faux marriage, saying that he didn’t know what he was voting for (that would be Marion Barry)

MARK LANGFAN: NO ASSAD MEANS NO OBAMA/IRAN BARGAIN Israel can paralyze the long arm of nuclear Iran in Syria and southern Lebanon if it takes advantage of the current situation. The writer, has created an original educational 3d Topographic Map System of Israel to facilitate clear understanding of the dangers facing Israel and its water supply. It has been studied by US […]