Using at best no research, and at worst venomous research, Freedom House chooses to honor the libel which emerges against Israel primarily from the same totalitarian countries Freedom House would have it believe it scrutinizes. Freedom House, once a reliable guardian of protecting freedom and human rights, continues to slander Israel based on false […]
Dear Member:
A new video has gone up.
Part three of Course 2: “Origins of Zionism” is now available.
You can see it directly via the following link:
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Part 3: “Modern Zionism” chronicles the rise of the modern secular movement to restore Jewish sovereignty to the Land of Israel.
As Theodor Herzl said to a Berlin audience in 1898:
“We must not abandon our people to an uncertain future. We must see to it that they can live in safety. Look upon this movement as one which is committed to the general welfare, which wishes to serve the poor, is inimical to no one, and can bring a measure of relief to all mankind.”
We encourage you to share information about “Zionism 101” with your friends, family, and co-workers, plus anyone else who is interested in learning about the most important development in modern Jewish history.
If you haven’t already, please watch our completed video series on the founding fathers, including Theodor Herzl, Chaim Weizmann, David Ben-Gurion and Vladimir Jabotinsky.
We welcome questions and comments.
David Isaac
Executive Director
Petraeus’ briefing raises questions about motive
New York Post
by: Michael Goodwin
Petraeus’ briefing raises questions about motive
Former CIA Director David Petraeus Photo Credit:AP
[David] Petraeus, once talked about as presidential timber, played a big part in the administration’s misleading narrative surrounding the murder of four Americans in Benghazi, Libya.
That we now know he was under investigation by the FBI for an affair and a security breach when he told congressional leaders that the attack that killed Ambassador Chris Stevens and three others was a spontaneous reaction to an anti-Muslim video adds a level of intrigue that is extraordinary even for the spooky world of the CIA.
Before that briefing, the State Department had evidence that the attack was carried out by an al Qaeda offshoot, a fact that led some members of Congress to suggest Petraeus was parroting the White House political line. His confession of the affair and the FBI probe give that suggestion new meaning because he could have had an ulterior motive for being a team player.
Read more:
McConnell ‘may not survive’ Tea Party challenge
Monday, November 12, 2012
McConnell ‘may not survive’ Tea Party challenge
Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell is looking over his shoulder at his own re-election prospects in Kentucky in 2014 and the possibility of a primary challenge from the right, which could limit his flexibility in negotiations over pressing tax and spending issues such as the “fiscal cliff.” Read more…
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Axelrod’s next project: Create institute of politics
CNS News
Sunday, November 11, 2012
President Obama’s senior campaign adviser David Axelrod said that his next project will include inspiring young people to become “journalists.” Read more…
Read more: Evangelist Billy Graham told Christians to base their vote on supporting Israel, yet anti-Israel activists held a “24 Hour Middle East Leadership Briefing” at a center named after him at Wheaton College on November 8-9. The irony should serve as a reminder that evangelical support for Israel cannot be taken for granted and must […] Last Shabbat I sat at a table in my local synagogue while a group of men argued over the election. They weren’t arguing over who they should vote for, they were arguing over just how bad Obama was, their voices rising and falling as they named one detail after another. They weren’t necessarily Republicans, […] It’s such a cliché. A powerful man, away from home for years at a time, in jobs that put him under enormous emotional strain. A younger woman, attached to him by her job, spending endless hours with him on and off duty. That they fell into a love affair is so ordinary as to […] The election post-mortem has identified all manner of causes for the Republicans’ defeat, from the “woman problem” and the “Hispanic problem,” as Peggy Noonan put it, to Romney’s fatcat persona and his inept campaign. But there’s a simpler reason, one consistent with the critics of democracy starting in ancient Athens––Obama and the Democrats promised […] The chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee said that the timeline of the FBI’s investigation into the Petraeus emails in relation to campaign season “doesn’t add up.” “First of all, I’m wondering — excuse me, how a — something about emails went to the level of the FBI, how the FBI could have […]
Most of the questions related to the Benghazi debacle are about the mechanics, both offensive and defensive. What did the White House know and when? What assets were available to the military? Did someone order a stand down, and if so, who? Why was “the video” blamed long after the administration knew the truth — and didn’t the administration know the truth from the beginning? If it didn’t, why didn’t it?
All reasonable questions, but a generally unasked one deserves attention: “Why did al-Qaeda want to kill Ambassador Chris Stevens?”
The ambassador had good relations with some of the most extreme Libyan militias, including those with al-Qaeda ties. Did he upset them with something he did, or didn’t do? Was the White House fully apprised of his connections and dealings with the militias? Was he killed because of something the administration told him to start doing or to stop doing?
There are things we know and things upon which we must speculate, including the entry of surface-to-air missiles to the Levant.
Emerging from the chaos is a dim understanding that the U.S. was operating a clandestine arms operation from the CIA post that was loosely — and incorrectly — described as a “consulate.” Before and during the revolution, Ambassador Stevens had helped arm the anti-Gaddafi militias, including the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIF), whose leader Abdulhakim Belhadj later became the head of the Tripoli Military Council.
The LIF’s Abdel-Hakim al-Hasidi told an Italian newspaper in 2011 (later reported in the British Telegraph) that he had fought the “foreign invasion” in Afghanistan. Captured in Pakistan, al-Hasidi was handed over to the U.S. and returned to Libya, where he was released from prison in 2008. Speaking of the Libyan revolution, he said:
Members of al-Qaeda are also good Muslims and are fighting against the invader. The Democrats are masters of political language, and as you may have noticed, they just won. Basically, they have two tricks. They concoct a simple negative label for anything they want to defeat and then relentlessly shriek it in unison. You know the drill: “racist,” “homophobe,” “bigot,” “right-wing lunatic,” etc. Then, they sanctify with […]