AMBROSE EVANS PRITCHARD TO FRANCE’S HOLLANDE….” DON’T CRY FOR ME FRANCOIS’ Ambrose Evans-Pritchard has covered world politics and economics for 30 years, based in Europe, the US, and Latin America. He joined the Telegraph in 1991, serving as Washington correspondent and later Europe correspondent in Brussels. He is now International Business Editor in London. French leader François Hollande is uncomfortably close to a collapse in […]


Is he speaking for NASA?: Warmist Jim Hansen (identified as “NASA’s James Hansen”) goes on Al Gore’s TV network, claims we “have” to implement his wealth-redistribution policies to prevent bad weather

James Hansen: ‘Neither Party Wants To Offend The Fossil Fuel Industry’ | ThinkProgressAnd these climate effects — $20 billion effect from this storm. Who’s gonna pay for that? You are, the taxpayer. Not the fossil fuel industry. So what we have to do is collect a fee from the fossil fuel company at the domestic mine or the port of entry and distribute that money to the public.Hey Jim: Let’s say we obediently implemented all of your bad-weather-preventing policies over the last three decades. Would the New York City storm surge in that scenario have been measurably different than the storm surge we actually saw? If so, how much different?

A RUSSIAN AMERICAN SAYS “NYET” TO OBAMA: ALLA AXELROD Why a Typical Honest Russian Immigrant Hates Obama By Alla Axelrod I spoke to many people — Russian immigrants like me — being curious what they think about the current situation in our new Motherland. In my 32 years here, I have never seen this country shaken by such political turmoil, now especially inflamed […]

Nuclear Posture And Israel’s Survival By: Louis Rene Beres

Nuclear Posture And Israel’s Survival Nuclear weapons and nuclear war. This is not a new subject for my column in The Jewish Press. What is new is the urgent need to confront, head on, an expanding international movement to eviscerate Israel’s nuclear posture – and at precisely the precarious moment when this critical posture should […]


Debt Ridden NY Times Squeezing Writers, Golden Parachuting CEOs
Remember how the NYT lionized the Occupy Wall Street vigilantes? What a shock to learn about the barrels-full of money it has thrown at its own bigwigs.
Is it time to say kaddish for the New York Times?

Investors in the paper may already be doing so. The last time they received a dividend was in late 2008.

The NYT, considered by many to be the global paper of record, has incurred more than $300 million in net losses since 2005, and its advertising revenues have been declining for five consecutive years.

In fact, the paper’s own financial report made headlines when its third quarter revenues were so much worse than expected that the value of its shares plummeted 22 percent, its biggest one-day drop in at least thirty years. Investors were warned to expect dismal news for the next quarter, as well.

But while the newspaper industry as a whole has been in a funk for years – with Internet news, blogs, and other ’round the clock news sources available—many for free—there are elements of the NYT‘s precarious financial position that make it unique.

The most significant is the stench of hypocrisy hovering over the differences in the way the NYT handles its executives versus its writers.

WES PRUDEN: “THE ONE” WHO HAS COME MAY SOON BE GONE October has come and gone with no surprise, with just a slow, plodding accumulation of signs and portents suggesting that “the One” who has come will soon be gone. The polls are tight and the numbers are steady, but it begins to feel like 1980 again, when a tight race between President Jimmy Carter […]

West Bank: What the West is Funding by Khaled Abu Toameh Harb said that the decision to summon him for questioning was in the context of the Palestinian Authority leadership’s campaign to intimidate Palestinian writers and journalists and stop them from discussing internal issues. International human rights groups and countries that fund and support Abbas’s authority have yet to sound their voices. Failing to hold […]

Islam Overtaking Catholicism as Dominant Religion in France by Soeren Kern Meanwhile, the Socialist government in France recently inaugurated a new mega-mosque in Paris as a first step toward “progressively building a French Islam.” A majority of people in France, according to a new poll, believe that Islam is too influential in French society, and almost half view Muslims as a threat to their national […]

FRANK GAFFNEY: Obama’s Perfect Storm Libya Cover-up Threatens Re-election

Barack Obama faces not one but two perfect storms. He actually may be grateful for the meteorological one if it predictably helps obscure the political one at least for the next week. Hurricane Sandy is, of course, a disaster no one would welcome. Untold numbers of Americans are having their lives endangered, or at least severely disrupted, and the potential economic harm is unimaginable at this point.

The president could nonetheless see a silver lining in this horrific “weather event.” For one thing, he gets to posture as the leader of the nation in a terrible time of testing, the one to dole out federal emergency assistance and the great consoler around whom we instinctively rally in such circumstances.

Perhaps more importantly for Team Obama, many voters are going to have many other things on their minds for the next few, critical days instead of thinking about the evidence that their commander in chief was seriously derelict regarding the murderous attack in Benghazi, Libya. The president’s re-election bid cannot afford in the closing days of a putatively very close election to have his fraudulent claim to successful stewardship of the national security portfolio become as exposed as his dismal economic record.

It remains to be seen, however, if Frankenstorm Sandy will do more than simply defer the day of reckoning for Mr. Obama. Whether it occurs on Nov. 6 or afterward, the rising popular revulsion at what happened in Libya on Sept. 11, 2012, and the Obama administration’s dissembling, deflections and outright lies in the weeks that followed should blow this presidency away. Consider a sample of the damning information that has come to light so far:

As the attack was under way, the president knew what was going on. Thanks to two unmanned drones, real-time intelligence was being fed to as many as eight different critical civilian and military nodes — including the White House. Published reports indicate that Mr. Obama himself and his senior subordinates were exposed to those video feeds.



A former Biden aide said that Obama was “financially illiterate”, but he may just be plain old illiterate.

Obama’s current economic plan for the next four years is to “break” Republicans and force them to do everything he wants by threatening to use sequestration to wreck the country and the military. This makes Clinton’s government shutdown look good by comparison.

Once Obama has pulled that off, he’s going to raise taxes and cut Medicare. And then he will, in his own words, “Be able to shrink government and create jobs through infrastructure projects, like building roads.”

Not only is this the same exact proposal from four years ago, which he made a mess of, even with a Democratic majority in Congress, but he doesn’t appear to understand the definition of the word, “shrink” and his job growth plan is more of the same “shovel ready” jobs and stimulus plans that ran us into trillion dollar deficits.

Other words that Obama doesn’t understand include, “Debt” when he says, “‘If we’re spending 17% of our GDP on health care, and every other country is spending 11%, and their outcomes are better, that difference is 6%, that’s our deficit and our debt.”

It’s actually neither of those things. Nor is every country spending that much. The numbers vary widely by country. The problem is not the demand on services, that Obama would like to meet with rationing, but the growth of a vast bureaucracy surrounding health care. ObamaCare is a template of the kind of policies that lead to runaway spending and the government bureaucracy that eats up most of the money then begins rationing care and killing the elderly to protect its own structure.

If you liked the last four years, then you’ll love a second term of the same thing.