A political ploy to curb free speech By Ruthie Blum


 In an act of chutzpah characteristic of the Israeli left, Prime Minister Yair Lapid’s Yesh Atid Party has petitioned the Central Elections Committee (CEC) to declare Channel 14 a “propaganda platform” for Likud, headed by opposition leader Benjamin Netanyahu.

According to the petition, submitted to the CEC on Wednesday by Economy and Industry Minister Orna Barbivai and Energy Minister Karine Elharrar, the right-wing news outlet, owned by billionaire Yitzchak Mirilashvili, “is a real threat to the basic principles” of Israeli elections, as it is “fully harnessed in favor of a candidate and a party, without balance and contrary to every standard of reasonableness, fairness and common sense.”

Barbivai claimed that the move isn’t intended to “influence the content of the broadcasts,” but to demand transparency—to report to the public that the “content constitutes election propaganda.”

Elharrar accused the outlet of “posing as a news channel [but whose] entire purpose is improper propaganda” for Netanyahu.

“Allowing the channel to continue deceiving the public is a real danger to the press in Israel and to democracy as a whole,” she said.

When the Democrats lose the House in November, several FBI investigations will reveal things we can scarcely imagine. Victor Davis Hanson


Investigators will hone in on what transpired under the last four FBI directors: McCabe (lied four times to federal investigators and oversaw fake FISA warrants); Comey (leaked confidential memos of private presidential conversations, feigned amnesia 245 times while under oath before a congressional committee, and used the FBI as an extension of the Clinton campaign’s smear efforts); Mueller (absurdly under oath claimed that he knew nothing of the Steele dossier and Fusion GPS, both synonymous with lying and both jumpstarted his own investigations); and Wray (oversaw the Virginia school board meetings surveillance, the Trump home raid, the leg irons on Peter Navarro, the performance-art nocturnal wake-up of James O’Keefe, and the cell phone grabs of former Trump advisors).

The party that formerly railed about the “military-industrial complex” now finds the Pentagon’s chain of command the most efficient way of mandating woke indoctrination, politicizing the armed forces, and weeding out the politically suspect.

The army may be 50 percent short of its annual recruitment targets (we wonder why?), the public may express historical negative appraisals of Pentagon efficacy (in a recent poll only 45 percent voiced real confidence in the U.S. military), the Pentagon diversity/equity/inclusion czar may spout racist diatribes, the Secretary of Defense and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs may be hunting the white-rage unicorn while overseeing the worst military disaster of the last 50 years in Afghanistan, the retired 4-star cohort may routinely and with arrogance violate Article 88 of their own Uniform Code of Military Justice, but no matter: we are told it is diverse and uses the right pronouns. That fact is surely worth a $15 billion carrier or two, or deters the Chinese People’s Liberation Army, and leaves the Iranians terrified. The pride flag in Kabul was worth a division?

The now revolutionary party that always preached about the sanctity of the radical, activist Warren Supreme Court, now wages war on individual justices.


I’ll skip the requisite fulsome praise for Ken Burns. Yes, he has made some great documentaries. And yes, his documentary on the Holocaust has devastating information on our nation’s indifference to the plight of Jewish refugees during the Holocaust.

 However, he is a polemical dolt for the inference that there is moral equivalence between Jewish refugees seeking asylum before the Holocaust, and those undocumented pouring into our border states.

For elucidation: Jewish refugees desperate to flee Europe would gladly have gone to any and all of the nations that are the locus of the present border surge.

They would have welcomed any harbor and accepted political harassment and economic woes, shacks for homes, lack of potable water, deplorable hygiene, and political strife rather than Hitler’s plan for the Jews disclosed in Mein Kampf in 1925. By 1933 it was a best seller.

 No such document or genocidal agenda exists in any single nation south of our broken Southern border. Rsk

‘Palestinian’ President Called Biden’s Secretary of State, “Little Boy” by Daniel Greenfield


“Abbas humiliating Blinken though is a sign of the PLO’s arrogance and Biden’s weakness.”

In his remarks at the State Department last year, Biden told Secretary of State Blinken, “The message I want the world to hear today: America is back. America is back. Diplomacy is back at the center of our foreign policy.”

America is back. To the ritual humiliations of the Obama administration. It’s not just that China, Russia and Iran are humiliating us. Even the lowest creatures on the totem pole, Mahmoud Abbas, a terrorist leader funded by the United States, humiliates Blinken.

And Blinken blinks and asks, “Please sir, may I have some more.”

Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas told a group of Palestinian Americans last week that he scolded US Secretary of State Antony Blinken for failing to pressure Israel to make peace.

This comes after the Biden administration has repeatedly condemned and pressured Israel, and fought to secure Israel’s capital of Jerusalem for the terrorists by running a rogue diplomatic operation.

While Abbas has not shied away from publicly vocalizing his frustration with the Biden administration over the past year, his remarks during a private meeting with representatives of the Palestinian diaspora on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly in New York appeared to go further and included the belittling of the United States’s top diplomat.

“I told Blinken, ‘You little boy, don’t do that,’” Abbas told the Palestinian Americans, speaking in Arabic. Some details of the meeting were first published by the Haya Washington Arabic news site.

Biden Administration’s Gift to Russia: Iran Nuke Deal by Majid Rafizadeh


US Secretary of State Antony Blinken has stunningly made it clear to US lawmakers that the Biden administration will not stand in the way of Russia cashing in on the $10 billion contract as well as Russia-Iran nuclear cooperation. And the State Department spokesman Ned Price reiterated the Biden administration’s stance by pointing out: “We, of course, would not sanction Russian participation in nuclear projects that are part of resuming full implementation of the JCPOA”.
“The Biden administration is so desperate for a deal with Iran they’ll broker a $10 billion payoff to Russia and waive their own sanctions to make it happen.” — US Representative Darrell Issa, Washington Free Beacon, May 2, 2022.
In addition, the Biden administration is trusting Russia to conduct the nuclear negotiations on behalf of the US; to be the sole country to oversee compliance of the nuclear deal, and to keep Iran’s highly enriched uranium — able to return it to Iran if the mullahs request it, or possibly even use it themselves.
Fifty bipartisan US lawmakers urgeed the Biden administration “not to permit Russia to be the recipient of Iran’s enriched uranium nor to have the right to conduct nuclear work with the Islamic Republic, including a $10 billion contract to expand Iran’s nuclear infrastructure. We should not let war criminal Vladimir Putin be the guarantor of the deal or the keeper of massive amounts of Iran’s enriched uranium. Iran supports the illegal war in Ukraine and has been supplying Russia with drones used to kill Ukrainians.”
“This Iran Deal if and when it is announced will be a massive win for Vladimir Putin.” — US Senator Ted Cruz, Fox News, March 9, 2022.
“Mr President, you’re the only one in America doing business with the Russians, stop doing business with the Russians. Don’t have them negotiating for us, walk on this deal.” — US Senator Jim Risch, Fox News, March 9, 2022.
The Biden administration nevertheless appears determined to give Russia the biggest gift ever: an Iran nuclear deal, complete with enriched uranium for nuclear bombs to be used whenever Russia or Iran decide.

Gullible Corporate Media Falls for Race Hoax After Race Hoax, Learns Nothing By Ben Bartee


You might be forgiven for mistakenly believing race hoaxes couldn’t possibly get more brazen, or morally depraved, than actor Jussie Smollet’s theatrical rendition of a midnight MAGA lynching in sub-zero downtown Chicago.

That fateful 2019 winter eve, Smollet hired his two Nigerian bodyguards to play the roles of white supremacists, who allegedly attacked Smollett while on his way to Subway in the middle of the night.

The white supremacists, wearing ski masks, allegedly yelled “f****t Empire n*****r, this is MAGA country” from across the street, then crossed the street to grab Smollett.

They proceeded to pour bleach on him (which was somehow still liquid in freezing temperatures), beat him up, wrapped a noose around his neck, and mysteriously disappeared into the night nearly as quickly as they came.

(Smollett undoubtedly got the bleach idea from the iconic scene in the 1997 film American History X in which neo-Nazis, led by Edward Norton, pour milk over a Latina grocery store clerk.)

Everyone knows the white man can’t help but go around slipping nooses on black people everywhere he goes, like Johnny Appleseed.

“You hadn’t noticed it before?” Roberts interjects (the hardest question, by the way, she asks the whole time, despite the palpable absurdity of Smollett’s fantastical account).

Merrick Garland’s targeting of conservatives reveals a bullet dodged By Paul C. Binotto


“Hindsight is 20-20”, is an adage applied most often to hard lessons learned in retrospect, but rarely to occasions of great fortune. In the case of Merrick Garland, what we witness now of his yet short tenure as U.S. Attorney General speaks volumes in miniature about the damage of which he is capable, if given the life tenure of a Supreme Court Justice.

The career of a politician is long remembered, often either for the glory of a single greatest achievement, or as gored through by a single gravest failure. Forgotten politicians usually have failed to distinguish themselves, either for uncommon courage, or unchecked corruption.  Still others are neither remembered nor forgotten but rather come and go unseen, distinguished in no other way than by the irony that even in the most common of controversies, their apparent absence of conviction and of appetite for deliberation, produces in them no more refined legislative action than a grossly belched up vote of, “present.”

U.S. Senate Minority Leader, Senator Mitch McConnell, may rightly be accused at times of resembling each of these types. He has spent much of his considerable political career and capital, especially most recently under a hostile Senate majority, walking a tightrope situated six inches off the ground and over fluffy pillows, yet feigning for his constituent cameras, as if having championed such dizzying depths and breadths dwarfed only by those of the Grand Canyon. Or at least of Mt. Rushmore, where upon its noble face he undoubtedly mentally has chiseled his own countenance countless times, lost as it were, in the kind of self-exultant extasy common to mirror musings.

Biden orders 171 million doses of fifth Covid booster with a safety study on a grand total of 8 mice By Thomas Lifson


Dr. Joseph Mercola reports on Substack:

August 31, 2022, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration authorized the reformulated COVID bivalent booster shots by Moderna and Pfizer1 — all without the required convening of its Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee (VRBPAC), which would typically discuss or vote on the authorization or approval of a new vaccine.

Instead, the FDA pushed the matter before the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP). ACIP met for eight hours September 1, 2022, and authorized the untested boosters 13-to-1.2 3 CDC director Dr. Rochelle Walensky endorsed the recommendation later that evening. (snip)

As explained in “What They’re Not Telling You About the New mRNA Boosters,” the emergency authorization of these reformulated boosters is based on nothing more than preliminary test results from a grand total of eight mice,6 and that data hasn’t even been released to the public. (snip)

A key take-home here is that efficacy against infection and severe disease has NEVER been ascertained. Those trials were not done for the original shot, and won’t be done for the reformulated boosters. Yet the efficacy of these boosters is assumed and declared as having been “proven” based on the original trials.

Talk about a circular argument! It’s just assumptions piled upon assumptions. Yet, based on the antibody response in eight mice alone, the Biden administration has now ordered 171 million doses of the two boosters.

This blog is not intended to offer medical advice. Always consult a physician you trust and inform yourself of all the facts making any medical decisions.

The left’s suicidal pact with Silicon Valley Supporting corporate censorship is a folly of historic proportions. Brendan O’Neill


The British comedian Jack Dee was the target of last week’s Two Minute Hate. The online left pointed its bony finger of judgement at the famously dour funnyman and accused him of the sin of bigotry. He’s far right, they screeched. He sides with fascists. Yet another cis white hetero dude spraying his prejudice everywhere. What offence did Mr Dee commit to attract such florid denunciations? He defended freedom of speech against the arbitrary power of unaccountable corporations.

Yes, in the 21st century it is ‘far right’ to believe in freedom and it is left-wing to insist that billionaires none of us ever elected should be the moral arbiters of public debate. We are well and truly through the looking glass.

Mr Dee’s fascistic offence was to take the side of the Free Speech Union when it was locked out of its accounts by PayPal on the utterly spurious grounds that it engaged in ‘misinformation’. The Daily Sceptic, the website set up by the FSU’s founder Toby Young, was similarly defunded by PayPal’s thoughtpolice. UsForThem, a campaign group that raises essential critical questions about Covid lockdowns and their impact on the young, was also frozen out by PayPal. All were physically prevented from accessing the thousands of pounds that citizens have donated to them. This was an extreme and authoritarian intervention into the democratic life of the United Kingdom by a multi-billion dollar corporation headquartered in San Jose. It is mindblowing that anyone, least of all those who call themselves left, could support such imperial interference by a section of the capitalist class into public discussion.

Time to Investigate the FBI’s Sketchy CHS Program Confidential human sources serve an important purpose in the modern-day FBI: to advance a political narrative beneficial to the Democratic Party and Biden regime. By Julie Kelly


To the surprise of no one paying attention, the Department of Justice recently acknowledged the use of several FBI informants in its investigation of the Oath Keepers, an alleged militia group tied to the events of January 6. 

Prosecutors last week asked for a protective order to conceal from jurors information about confidential human sources (CHS) expected to testify during the seditious conspiracy trial of five members of the Oath Keepers; jury selection is now underway. Not only does the government want to prevent defense attorneys from asking personal questions that could reveal the informants’ identities but prosecutors don’t want the sources to publicly disclose any involvement in past or pending criminal investigations or details of “the FBI’s CHS program and the training and methods used by the FBI as part of their undercover operations.”

That request, of course, is to protect the bureau, not informants, in what appears to be just another corrupt, political, and unaccountable section of the FBI. 

For example, court filings in Special Counsel John Durham’s probe into Russiagate just revealed that Igor Danchenko, a subsource for the infamous Steele dossier now facing perjury charges, was hired by the FBI in March 2017 as an informant to shield the agency from questions about the dossier’s credibility in the early stages of the scandal. “[The] bureau put him on its payroll as a confidential human source, or CHS, making him part of the bureau’s untouchable ‘sources and methods’ sanctum and thereby protecting him and any documents referencing him from congressional and other outside scrutiny,” investigative reporter Paul Sperry wrote this week.

The FBI-hatched plot to “kidnap” Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer involved numerous informants working out of multiple FBI field offices. At trial, informants and agents confessed the rules were broken in the process of engineering the caper; violations included sharing a bed with a target, suggesting “overt acts” to produce incriminating evidence, and initiating the lead informant into a fake militia to advance the plot. Another longtime informant—a convicted felon many times over—committed at least two crimes while working the Whitmer fednapping ruse and was accused by the government of acting as a “double agent.”