Debate Moderator CNN’s Candy Crowley admits that Romney was actually right during the debate on the Libya “terrorism” remark

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ALAN CARUBA: THE WORLD IS BROKE Every time I go to get gasoline or to the supermarket, my dollar buys less and less as the price of everything goes up. It is not the fault of banks, speculators, or any of the usual suspects. It is the fault of the U.S. government and the Federal Reserve. It isn’t just a […]


Timeline of Libya Consulate attack reveals administration contradictions

The timeline of events leading up to last month’s deadly attack in Benghazi and the administration’s shifting explanations have become a major problem for Democrats less than a month before Election Day.
Already under criticism for linking the assault on the U.S. consulate to an anti-Islam video, the administration raised even more eyebrows Thursday when Vice President Biden said he didn’t know about the U.S. mission’s request for more security. Biden’s statement directly contradicts sworn testimony from State Department officials given just the day before.

The following is a detailed timeline of events leading to the Sept. 11 attack and what the Obama administration has said since then.

• April 5, 2011: Special envoy Christopher Stevens arrives in the rebel stronghold of Benghazi to forge ties with the forces battling Moammar Gadhafi. President Obama appoints him as ambassador to Libya on May 22, 2012.

• February: The U.S. embassy requests — and is granted — a four-month extension, until August, of a Tripoli-based “site security team” composed of 16 special forces soldiers who provide security, medical and communications support to the embassy.

• March: State Department Regional Security Officer Eric Nordstrom sends a cable to Washington asking for additional diplomatic security agents for Benghazi, later says he received no response. He does so again in July, with the same result.

• April 6: Two fired Libyan security guards throw an IED over the consulate fence.

• May 22: An Islamist attack on the Red Cross office in Benghazi is followed by a Facebook post that warns “now we are preparing a message for the Americans.” Another Facebook posting a month later highlights Stevens’ daily runs in Tripoli in an apparent threat.

• June 6: Unknown assailants blow a hole in the consulate’s north gate described by a witness as “big enough for 40 men to go through.” Four days later, the British ambassador’s car is ambushed by militants with a rocket-propelled grenade.

• July: Anti-Islam video “Innocence of Muslims” posted on You Tube.

• Aug. 14: SST team leaves Libya. Team leader Lt. Col. Andy Wood has testified that Stevens wanted them to stay on.

• In the weeks before Sept. 11, Libyan security guards are reportedly warned by family members of an impending attack. On Sept. 8, the Libyan militia tasked with protecting the consulate warns U.S. diplomats that the security situation is “frightening.”

Checkmate America’s Enemies with New Technology by PETER HUESSY Defense budgets are declining and America is resetting its security strategy. Many may think it’s counter intuitive to be supporting new defense and homeland security technologies. But during the waning days of the Cold War when defense budgets declined markedly, the research and development we did preserve then gave us the incredible stealth and […]


No citizens would seem to need a strong America more than the Jews, who are once again targeted by aggressors seeking to destroy what they cannot attain. Iran develops the bomb and threatens to annihilate the Jewish state. Fundamentalist-controlled Egypt threatens to abrogate the treaty that cost Israel the Sinai Peninsula. Hezbollah in Lebanon and Hamas in Gaza vie over which is Israel’s more effective enemy, with the latter firing more than 400 rockets into southern Israel so far this year.

Israel rejects having any foreign soldier defend its soil, but no country the size of New Jersey can permanently withstand such disproportionate force without countervailing support from a greater power.

The positive basis for such support was spelled out by Mitt Romney this summer on his visit to Israel: common belief in democracy and the rule of law, common practice of free enterprise, and common freedom of expression that includes the freedom to criticize. The defensive rationale for supporting Israel is that, as Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper has put it, “those who single out the Jewish people as a target of racial and religious bigotry will inevitably be a threat to all of us.”


Click here: Townhall: Boring or Slugfest? – Maggie’s Farm
Townhall: Boring or Slugfest?

For those following the campaign, the Townhall is mostly repeat of talking points. For those who haven’t, the collection of talking points may be informative. The questions come from the 82 uncommitted voters from the NY area chosen by Gallup. Their questions reflect a NY perspective. If it were a slugfest, it goes by slight points to Obama, but Obama fails to score big, still has no second term agenda, and Romney holds own well. Each’s supporters got what they wanted. The undecideds? Undecided. — If it were a snooze, we needed more colorful NY-type characters. Probably the most injurious moment to Obama was when a black man who voted for him in 2008 says he has doubts now. Probaly the other most injurious moments to Obama was the number of NY accents and the slant of their questions, a turn off to most of the rest of the country.

Round One, Jobs: Both promise jobs in the future. Romney has experience creating jobs. Obama has had 4-years not doing so.
Round Two, Energy: Obama says oil imports lowest in 20-years. Doesn’t mention depressed economy uses less. Romney points out that all increases in production on private land and despite federal interference and opposition. Obama interrupts Romney repeatedly, showing his inner-Biden. Finally, Romney tells Obama to let him finish speaking. Obama lies and lies.

Round Three, Taxes: Romney will not raise taxes on middle class, and will broaden tax base. Obama channels his inner Occupy, and his Big Bird. Romney says Obama takes US on road to Greece. Candy Crowley keeps interrupting, expected.
Round Four, Women: Obama trots out his grandmother, Ledbetter, government inflating college tuitions through churning out student loans! Romney actually recruited women and accomodated their job and family needs. Obama talks about government benefits that make it easier for women to work. His two daughters should have same opportunities as any man; sure they will with him and Michelle as rich parents. Romney has to use his time from next question to say that he does not oppose contraception.

SHOSHANA BRYEN: CHANGING THE BATTLEFIELD The wars against us have not ended – responsibly or otherwise. They are fought by people who need the United States as an organizing principle, and who will not be dissuaded by our absence our reluctance to cooperate with Israel, or the President’s flattery. Separately, the Shiite and the Sunni elements despise one another; […]



The mission of One Israel Fund is to provide essential security, emergency medical and humanitarian aid to the over 350,000 men, women and children living in YESHA (the communities of Judea and Samaria as well as the Jewish Communities formerly of Gush Katif including those communities left vulnerable by the evacuation such as Sderot, Ashkelon and others in the Western Negev Region).

Our goal is to undertake ongoing fundraising campaigns to help ensure the physical, emotional and moral well being of the Jewish families living in each and every community in YESHA.

Helping to make available a broad spectrum of communal needs, One Israel Fund is a recognized 501(c)(3) not for profit charitable organization, ID# 11-3195338 and is the largest North American charity whose efforts are dedicated to the citizens and communities of YESHA.

Marc Prowisor

Director of Security Projects

For details please contact:

It has been a busy few weeks…holidays, day trips, and back to bringing equipment and needs to our communities. I would like to report that all is quiet, but unfortunately this is not the case. A steady increase in incidents on the roads, attempted infiltrations, probes and sabotage continue to plague our people.

Our Tac Sight campaign has created new realities in the field, this wonderful piece of equipment, Made In Israel, has brought the level of security to new heights of operational efficiency. All of the communities have requested them. I am grateful and proud to say that this equipment has proven its worth many times over in foiling attempted infiltrations, who knows how many lives have been saved already because of the participants in this project. We have already supplied 10 of these and look to supply another 50 to our high risk areas. It is quite a challenge as each unit costs $13,000, but the return of saved lives is well worth it.

Bringing equipment, both Security and Medical are constants for One Israel Fund, and in the last week alone, we have supplied three Tac Sights – Portable Thermal Cameras for Infiltration prevention and detection, to Gush Etzion East – Nokdim, Tekoa and Sde Bar Bloc, to Yitzhar in the Shomron and Beit Chagai in the Southern Hevron region, with more, Gd willing, on the way.

Additional Security equipment has been supplied to the Security Patrols, Response Teams, and Security Chiefs including High Powered Search and Spot lights and more, all across Judea and Samaria. We are constantly working to maintain and improve upon what already exists, and supply what is missing and needed. Most people do not realize that it is the Security Chiefs and Security patrols that stop most infiltrations, and that is exactly the threat we are addressing, to prevent, to prevent, to prevent.Recently One Israel Fund finished the first round of additional training for the Security Chiefs and due to the need and requests from all Regional Security Chiefs we will be starting Round Two. The training sessions are focusing on the training needs that these Security personnel do not receive in order to protect their communities and themselves better. A week doesn’t pass without requests for continuing this valuable training.

Another “gap” we have been filling is supplying security equipment to the farmers and shepherds of Judea and Samaria.

These people do not merit the assistance of others that claim to be the answer to Arab criminals who destroy and steal livestock, and produce. One Israel Fund proudly stands with our farmers and shepherds throughout Judea and Samaria, and we do not view any “cease fire line” as being our limit to our work.

One Israel Fund has lately also been requested to assist in the training and equipping of the Emergency Response Teams. These first response teams are often the immediate answer to terror that has managed to penetrate the community’s defenses. Equipment ranging from Bullet Proof Vests, Communications, Tactical Lighting and Rescue are needed, the vests and equipment that exist are outdated and the “plates” no longer up to par. These requests are coming now from most of the communities and we will do our best to be able to fund and assist in preventing terror from infiltrating our communities.

I am a proud to report that One Israel Fund is refurbishing Armored Ambulances in Judea and Samaria. The first three, are already on the road from the Shomron and Binyamin with more on the way.

There is so much more to report, there is so much going on, thank Gd we are making headway and achieving much. We do this together as one, working together as one, that is the One Israel Fund way.

DIANA WEST: DID THE BUCK STOP WITH HILLARY OR DID THE BUCK JUST STOP? First, late last night in Peru, SecState Hillary Clinton phones it in that she has “taken responsibility” for the Benghazi — almost literally, what with a CNN correspondent doing a post-modern “Hello, sweetheart, get me rewrite” routine on the line into the NY bureau with a breathless report of what her SecStateness had just […]

Islamist free-speech attacks given pass
National Review Online
by: Mark Steyn
Islamist free-speech attacks given pass
Supporters of Islamic political movement Hizb ut-Tahrir protest outside the U.S. Embassy in London against what they call an anti-Muslim film mocking the Prophet Mohammad in September. Islamists have mobilized protesters against free speech, saying freedom of expression does not include hurting religious feelings, and demanding the film be taken off YouTube. Photo Credit:AP

So there was no movie protest in Benghazi, but there was in London, England. To register their objections to the “film” (aka YouTube trailer) Innocence Of Muslims, ten thousand British Muslims besieged Google’s U.K. headquarters. They’re planning a Million Muslim March in Hyde Park in a few weeks’ time.

Speaking of free speech, ten thousand Muslims demanding censorship in London is far more disturbing than ten thousand Muslims doing the same in Lahore or Sana’a. When a private company finds itself with thousands of highly motivated protesters on its doorstep, it can take up the torch for a core principle of liberty – or it can opt for a quiet life. Following Obama’s prostrations before the UN and the Barack & Hillary apology ad on Pakistani TV, western Muslims have made a bet on which way the necessary distributors of free speech – the ISPs, the TV networks, the publishers – will jump. As Jonathan Turley wrote in in The Washington Post this weekend: “Shut Up And Play Nice.“

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Suspect arrested in Morsi assassination plot
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
Egyptian security forces raided the home of a man who planned to assassinate Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi during his visit to Alexandria. Read more…

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CBO at odds with Obama financial bailout boast
CNS News
Monday, October 15, 2012
President Obama said that “we got back every dime we used to rescue the financial system.” But according to the Congressional Budget Office, however, the government will lose about $24 billion on the bailout. Read more…

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Obama policy puts damper on petroleum reserve
The Wall Street Journal
Monday, October 15, 2012
President Obama is campaigning as a champion of the oil boom he’s had nothing to do with, and even as his regulators try to stifle it. The latest example is the Interior Department’s decision to close off from drilling nearly half of the 23.5 million acre National Petroleum Reserve in Alaska. Read more…

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