Mainline Churches vs. Israel By Elliott Abrams In July, Christian leaders in Egypt refused to meet with Secretary of State Clinton, and several thousand demonstrators in Cairo criticized what they saw as U.S. accommodation of the new Muslim Brotherhood government and abandonment of moderates and Coptic Christians. The devastation of the ancient Christian community in Iraq is well known. Christians in […]

Truth is Stranger than Fiction

Tel Aviv’s annual science fiction / fantasy festival Icon TLV [2] has just finished and again demonstrated how quickly the dreams of yesterday’s science fiction writers have become today’s reality. Israeli innovation is bringing that gap even closer. Now that October has been designated Israel Innovation Month [3], and in light of a number of recent dramatic news items, you may wish to re-evaluate some previously held perceptions about the Jewish State.
The Nobel Prize for Medicine has just been announced. The prize was awarded to two men involved in turning mature cells into stem cells. But the truth is that the process is far from being understood and extremely unreliable. So I was impressed to read that Israeli researchers at the Weizmann Institute have worked out the science involved [4] and are now busy working to make a biomedical breakthrough. Another little known fact is that most patients suffering from acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL) can thank Professor Leo Sachs [5] of Israel’s Weizmann Institute for their treatment. Professor Sachs discovered the process of differentiation [6], which causes the cancer cells to return to their normal function and is helping to cure 70% of all APL sufferers.

J.CHRISTIAN ADAMS: LATEST O’KEEFE VIDEO SHOWS OBAMA CAMPAIGN VOTER FRAUD!!!! SEE THE VIDEO James O’Keefe has done it again — this time capturing video of a paid Obama Organizing for America director in Houston, Texas, assisting a double-voting scheme directed toward Florida. In the video, an undercover Obama “volunteer” tells Organizing for America’s Stephanie Caballero that she wanted to vote twice to help reelect President Obama. The […]


It’s not flying. That’s been clear in a week of on-the-stump harangues by the president over Mitt Romney’s announced intention to cut funding to PBS programs including, yes, the beloved Big Bird—a charge the president has been making with evident assurance that he’s delivering a telling blow. One that adds another dark layer to the Obama campaign’s favored image of Mitt Romney—the brutal cost cutter, the tycoon callously indifferent to the needs of good hard-working Americans. All that might enhance their lives—their children’s lives—he wants to take away.

WSJ EDITORIAL: BOTCHED IN BENGHAZI At Wednesday’s House oversight hearings into the attack on the U.S. diplomatic mission in Libya, Democrats protested loudly about a GOP political witch hunt. If only such alleged partisanship were always so educational. The Congressional investigation has in a few hours brought greater clarity about what happened before, during and after the events of […]

DANIEL GREENFIELD: SEX AND THE SINGLE SOCIALIST Americans have been steadily losing rights in every area except the sexual. Freedom of speech and religion are on the decline, but the rights to have other people pay for your birth control and provide a space for your gay wedding are doing well. Under the Supreme Court’s current take on Eminent Domain, your […]


2012.10.10 (Riyom, Nigeria) – Three children and their mother are among over a dozen Christians are slaughtered during a Muslim raid on their village.

2012.10.10 (Dallyam, Nigeria) – Muslim terrorists shoot four members of a Christian family at close range.
2012.10.09 (Harasta, Syria) – At least forty people are killed in two massive al-Nusra suicide blasts.
2012.10.09 (Kano, Nigeria) – Devout Muslims kill two cops guarding health workers administering polio immunizations to children following a rumor at their mosque.
2012.10.09 (Tarin Kot, Afghanistan) – A cleric is assassinated by Religion of Peace rivals.
2012.10.09 (Pattani, Thailand) – A father and son are among three Buddhists gunned down by Muslim militants.

DICK MORRIS: OBAMA’S FOREIGN DONORS | In September, the Obama campaign got 1.8 million donations from small contributors who did not break the $200 threshold requiring that their information be reported to the Federal Election Commission. They gave the campaign 98 percent of the $181 million it raised that month, a figure vastly higher than its take in any previous month.

Is the Obama campaign financing itself through foreign money funneled in through a website owned by a private businessman, living in China, that uses the name

In 1997, we learned — too late — that the Clinton campaign had relied heavily on thinly disguised Chinese government money for much of its early blitz of issue ads in the 1996 election. The early intimations of funding fraud in the campaign (Al Gore’s exploits with the Buddhist monks) shaved off half of Clinton’s margin, cutting his lead from 14 to 7 points in the weeks before the election. But the full dimensions of the scandal were not apparent until then-Sen. Fred Thompson (R-Tenn.) held hearings the following year revealing the depth of the campaign’s reliance on foreign money.

Today’s congressional hearing on the Sep. 11, 2012 attacks across the Middle East, that killed the U.S. ambassador to Libya and three other Americans in Benghazi, have destroyed the Obama administration’s lies about the event. There was not enough security in Benghazi, despite repeated requests; there was no preparation for the attacks, despite intelligence and warning signs; and the assault in Libya had nothing to do with an anti-Islamic video, as President Barack Obama and his appointees had claimed for weeks.

On the eve of the hearings, the State Department claimed not to have linked the Libya attack to an anti-Islamic video made in the United States–although Secretary of State Hillary Clinton did so in television advertisements the State Department produced for Pakistani television, and UN Ambassador Susan Rice told the media over and over again that the attacks had been part of a spontaneous demonstration of outrage across the region. Numerous requests for additional security in Benghazi had been ignored by the diplomats at Foggy Bottom.

James Clapper, director of National Intelligence (DNI), has come out swinging against his critics, just two weeks after his public affairs director said that US intelligence had initially labeled the attacks on our Benghazi consulate “spontaneous.”

Back on September 28, the DNI public affairs director explained, “We provided that initial assessment to Executive Branch officials and members of Congress, who used that information to discuss the attack publicly and provide updates as they became available. As we learned more … we revised our initial assessment to reflect new information indicating that it was a deliberate and organized terrorist attack carried out by extremists.”

But today, Clapper denied that his office had done anything wrong. “The challenge is always a tactical warning, the exact insights ahead of time that such an attack is going to take place and obviously we did not have that,” he said, in particularly Clintonian language. “This gets into the mysteries versus secrets thing. If people don’t behave, emit a behavior or talk or something else ahead of time to be detected, it’s going to be very hard to predict an exact attack and come up with an exact attack …. I flew back to Washington, and I’m reading the media clips about the hapless, hopeless, helpless, inept, incompetent DNI, because I acknowledged publicly that we didn’t instantly have that ‘God’s eye, God’s ear’ certitude about an event that I mentioned earlier. It made me want to go right back to Australia.”