ANDREW BOSTOM: PRE-BENGHAZI ATTACK PENTAGON REPORT: AL QAEDA JIHADISTS’ SIGNIFICANT THREAT TO LIBYA The nonpareil national security investigative reporter Bill Gertz [1]brings to our attention an internal 54 pp. Pentagon report obtained by the Washington Free Beacon., “AL-QAEDA IN LIBYA: A PROFILE [2]—A Report Prepared by the Federal Research Division, Library of Congress under an Interagency Agreement with the Combating Terrorism Technical Support Office’s Irregular Warfare Support […]


In Kuala Lumpur, the capital of Malaysia, politicians and civil servants devote a surprising amount of time to thinking about Israel, 7,612 km away. Sometimes they appear to be obsessed by it. Malaysia has never had a dispute with Israel, but the government encourages the citizens to hate Israel and also to hate Jews whether they are Israelis or not.

Few Malaysians have laid eyes on a Jew; the tiny Jewish community emigrated decades ago. Nevertheless, Malaysia has become an example of a phenomenon called “Anti-Semitism without Jews.” Last March, for instance, the Federal Territory Islamic Affairs Department sent out an official sermon to be read in all mosques, stating that “Muslims must understand Jews are the main enemy to Muslims as proven by their egotistical behaviour and murders performed by them.” About 60% of Malaysians are Muslim.

ALAN CARUBA: THE EPA’S APPALLING HUMAN EXPERIMENTS!!!!**** EPA’s ‘Science’ Evokes Nazi Death Camp Memories The “EPA has admitted to a federal court that it asks human guinea pigs to sacrifice their lives for regulatory purposes-and $12 per hour.” That was a recent news item reported by’s founder, Steve Milloy. “EPA has responded to our emergency motion for a temporary restraining […]

DAVID ISAAC: EGYPT’S CHRISTIANS DISTRAUGHT AND DISPLACED Reuters reported last week that “Most Christians living near Egypt’s border with Israel [in the town of Rafah in Sinai] are fleeing their homes after Islamist militants made death threats and gunmen attacked a Coptic-owned shop.” Photos of desecrated churches and Christian property show Arabic graffiti saying things like “don’t come back” and “Islam […]

STANLEY KURTZ: “REGIONALISM” IN OHIO….SEE NOTE PLEASE PLEASE READ: Suburbanites of Ohio, listen up. As swing voters in the ultimate swing state, you will have an outsized impact on this election. President Obama has pledged to govern in the interests of middle-class voters like you. With so much resting on your shoulders, that is a promise you should scrutinize with […]

THE “VIKING” RACISTS SET SAIL TO BREAK THE GAZA BLOCKADE A Swedish ship with rights activists from several countries aboard sailed from Naples on Saturday in the latest bid to break Israel’s blockade against Gaza. A crowd of well-wishers saw off the sailing vessel Estelle as it left the Italian port as part of the “Freedom Flotilla” movement. “We think it will take around […]


Obama Admin. Sends Anti-American, Anti-Israel Islamist Marayati To Speak Overseas on Human Rights It was, unfortunately, no surprise when the Obama Administration selected Salam Al-Marayati to join the U.S. delegation at a human rights conference being held in Warsaw by the Organization of Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE). No surprise, because Marayati, the director […]

JEWISH DHIMMITUDE: MIKE LUMISH In an earlier piece on my own blog, Israel Thrives, I discussed the sad phenomenon of contemporary Jewish “dhimmitude,” or what is sometimes called Jewish Stockholm Syndrome. This is what psychologist Kenneth Levin discusses in his groundbreaking work, The Oslo Syndrome: Delusions of a People Under Siege. Levin writes: Almost invariably there are parts […]


“That’s your “finally” point — a miasmic vision of peace-loving democrats in a Palestinian state and more “peace process” by which Israel is further stripped and weakened? Mitt, You’re a numbers-guy. Try this number: In a recent poll in Judea-Samaria and the Gaza Strip, 73 percent of Palestinians agreed with the canonical hadith (the words and deeds of Islam’s prophet Muhammad which have a weight often equal to the Koran), included in the Hamas Covenant, that quotes Mohammed on the necessity for “Muslims to fight the Jews and kill them.”…..(OH PULEEZ!!!! RSK)

Dear Mitt,

I know you’re a busy man. But this foreign policy needs some more time and thought on your part, and before your next debate with Obama.

It’s not that O’s a foreign policy genius; he’s not. It’s not that his foreign policy is good; it stinks. But what you have crafted (excerpted below) is more of the same. Just as you want to remap the economic course of the nation, you should also want to remap the foreign policy course of the nation. Why? The fact is — the fact your experts won’t tell you — through the Bush-Obama years our foreign policy course has been hijacked by a tiny band of extremists: Leftists, dupes and Islamic agents. Or, as we call them today, COINdinistas, neocons/McCainiacs and the Muslim Outreached.

I’ve read excerpts of your Monday speech at VMI at NRO. I’m going to skip your paean to George Marshall, about whom the nicest thing I can say is that he is the most overrated of American statesmen (but if you win the election, the subject should be revisited). For now, I want you to imagine Uncle Sam were a Bain client with a big problem: his foreign policy isn’t working and the cost in blood and treasure is taking him down.

With that in mind, let’s take another look at your VMI excerpts.

The attacks on America last month should not be seen as random acts.


DAVID ISAAC: “INNOCENSE OF MUSLIMS” MOVIEMAKER MAY HAVE TERRORIST TIES ***** Los Angeles County sheriff’s deputies escort Nakoula Basseley Nakoula from his Cerritos, Calif., home Sept. 15 to answer questions about his role in the anti-Islamic movie “Innocence of Muslims.” Photo Credit:KNBC-TV The YouTube video that spawned a wave of violent protests across the Islamic world might be more than a crude exercise in anti-Muslim […]