JERRY GORDON: ON AHMADINEJAD… THERE HE GOES AGAIN…PERHAPS FOR THE LAST TIME A tip of the hat to Jack de Lowe Diminutive President Ahmadinejad held forth at a speech at UN General Assembly Rule of Law forum and in a press conference on Monday in Manhattan. The Israeli delegation walked out, while the US delegation stayed put – perhaps another display of the Obama’s engagement, label […]

BEN STEIN: DON’T LOOK NOW BUT ISLAM IS BECOMING THE FAITH OF THE MAINSTREA MEDIA Don’t look now, but Islam is becoming the MSM’s official religion of America. Don’t look now, but Islam is becoming the MSM’s official religion of America. Now, it’s not just that no one bats an eye at the amazing truth that the United States is beaming TV ads all over Pakistan apologizing for a […]

REZA KAHLILI : ACCORDING TO THE GRAND AYATOLLAH, JESUS IS AN ILLEGITIMATE CHILD Iran’s mullah-dominated regime, even as it was damning the recent video on the Prophet Muhammad as an insult to the sanctity of Islam, has unleashed a ferocious attack on Christianity.Grand Ayatollah Vahid Khorasani, a prominent Shi’ite source of emulation and a Twelver, in condemning the insult to the Prophet, not only insulted Pope […]


“Deep thought of the day from Obama: ‘I think you grow an economy from the middle out, not the top down.’

Oh…I get it now and “you fix Washington from the outside not the inside”….rsk

President Barack Obama, a community organizer who denigrated small-business owners and presided over 43 months of 8+ percent unemployment, is telling America how to increase economic growth. Some, however, are taking Obama’s trite slogan with a heavy grain of salt:

Read more: Family Security Matters
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DR. JAMES “JIM” BLAIR, COL RET, ARMY AMEDD : UNSECURED NUCLEAR MATERIALS PUT ALL AT RISK It is almost surreal how the world has become a place with so little accountability and so much apathy among those who have a moral responsibility to care for a trusting public. Welcome to Superman’s Bizarro World of the 21st century. This summer I spent the better part of a week on Capitol Hill […]


On a beautiful September Sunday afternoon, not far from the scene of the infamous Islamic jihad attack in lower Manhattan, Democrat New York State Senator Tony Avello came face-to-face with Muslim hatred for America and he did something that few people have the courage to do. He got up from his seat as a VIP Marshall of the 27th annual New York Muslim Parade and stormed off the stage in disgust! Over one thousand Muslims in the audience and the large group of Muslim community leaders were shocked that the Senator would walk off the stage, even before it was his turn to speak. But, Tony Avella had enough of the blatant tirade of hate against America by “moderate” Muslim dignitary after by “moderate” Muslim dignitary and his love for America was more important than embarrassing a group of Muslim “wolves in sheep’s clothing.” Sure, the Muslim cultural jihadi’s had the first amendment right to condemn America (which they could never do in their home countries) but Senator Avella had the right to exit, stage left!! Our hats are off to Senator Avella for taking a very public stand on a critically important issue. But a word of warning to the good Senator. The “wolves” will work their magic to lure you back into their den. If they succeed, your stand on principle for this great country, was for naught.


Andrew McCarthy’s second book The Grand Jihad: How Islam and the Left Sabotage America (Encounter Books May 2010)begins with the words: “And so he bowed” referring to April 2,2009, when only a few months into his term America’s 44th President’s reverentially bowed to Saudi King Abdullah, a moment captured in a photograph that is being recirculated as the Arab/Muslim world has exploded into a violent rampage against the United States. Was it to protect America’s oil supply? No, as his subsequent obsequious Cairo speech disclosed, it was abnegation of the leader of the free world to a tyrant who is the keeper of the holy Muslim city of Mecca, home of Mohammed and site of pilgrimage and travel for millions of Muslims. Furthermore, The World Assembly of Moslem Youth (WAMI) is a collaboration between the Saudi government and the Moslem Brotherhood whose chief aim is to “arm the Muslim youth with full confidence in the supremacy of the Islamic system over other systems.”

In the conclusion, McCarthy laments craven American response to a concatenation of Moslem outrages and adds very presciently: “A half a world away, King Abdullah smiled. He knew a bow when he heard one.”

The Moslem Brotherhood and assorted tribes, sects and radicals also heard the bow, while American pundits and commentators, many of whom were alert to the depredations of Communism, but seemed either blind or indifferent to totalitarian Islam, were virtually giddy with the Arab Spring.

Andrew McCarthy begins his new book “Spring Fever: The illusion of Islamic Democracy” with the following words: “Well, that didn’t take very long.” Effectively, his (Morsi’s)election has converted Egypt from a military dictatorship to a sharia dictatorship. As this book argues, that is the end to which “Islamic democracy” leads.

As events now demonstrate, we see exactly where it leads. Using a film that insults Islam as a pretext, Muslims are rioting throughout the Muslim world- Egypt, Lebanon. Libya, Tunisia, Pakistan chanting “death to America.” Why the surprise? An old saw states “if you want to know what a person is thinking, listen to what he says.” As McCarthy demonstrates, Moslems wasted no time in doing their Spring cleaning by escalating the persecution of Christians, and averring time and again: “There is no place in the Arab and Muslim world for liberal and secular democratic values,” and for good measure they reaffirmed their “struggle against Zionism.”

In a chapter appositely titled “Sharia and Factophobia” McCarthy observes, the Moslem Brotherhood clearly dominates the presentation of Islam in America, and in a witty and biting statement he derides “a government so desperate to “reach out” to Muslims that it is reliably found canoodling with, and thus increasing the cachet of, Islamic supremacists whose defining trait is contempt for the West.”

Others are not spared his wit and sarcasm. About inter-faith “dialogue” he describes how “Christian and Jewish clerics explain how much they admire Islam, then Muslim clerics reciprocate by explaining how much they admire Islam.” Touche!

THE SPIN WE CAN EXPECT FROM PRESIDENT OBAMA AT THE U.N. BY ANNE BAYEFSKY President Obama is fond of boasting about his foreign policy prowess and is anxious to use his UN General Assembly address on September 25 to amplify that claim. His competence took a hit this past week after he pontificated on CBS – less than 24 hours after the murder of our Libyan ambassador […]


On Sunday morning, BuzzFeed correspondent Michael Hastings emailed Philippe Reines, Hillary Clinton’s longtime aide and personal spokesman at the State Department, asking a series of pointed questions about State’s handling of the Benghazi fiasco, and Reines’ over-the-top attack on CNN. The emails quickly got personal, with Reines calling Hastings an “unmitigated asshole” before an exchange of harsh words on both sides.

The email chain concluded with Reines writing that Hastings should “Fuck Off” and “Have a good life.”

The full exchange (with one typo fixed) is below.

From: Michael Hastings

Sent: Sunday, September 23, 2012 10:32 AM

To: Reines, Philippe I 

Subject: Request for comment

Hey Philippe:

A few quick questions for you. Why didn’t the State Department search the consulate and find AMB Steven’s diary first? What other potential valuable intelligence was left behind that could have been picked up by apparently anyone searching the grounds? Was any classified or top secret material also left? Do you still feel that there was adequate security at the compound, considering it was not only overrun but sensitive personal effects and possibly other intelligence remained out for anyone passing through to pick up? Your statement on CNN sounded pretty defensive–do you think it’s the media’s responsibility to help secure State Department assets overseas after they’ve been attacked?

Let me know if you have a second.Michael

On Sun, Sep 23, 2012 at 11:28 AM, Reines, Philippe I wrote:

Good morning Michael

I’m adding my colleague Toria Nuland who I believe you know. She has addressed much of your questions below during her daily press briefings, so I’ll let her weigh in to remind you of what’s already been thoroughly answered. As far as the tone of my email, I think you’re misreading mine as much as I’m misreading yours as being needlessly antagonistic.

But on your questions pertaining to CNN’s handling of the diary:

• You know that all USG personnel were evacuated from Benghazi after the attack. So I’m not sure why you’re asking why State didn’t find the diary first.

• On material, I’ll let Toria reiterate, but the answer is no. Though you might want to ask CNN if they took anything else from the crime scene that they haven’t yet told anyone about.

• In terms of the media’s responsibility, I’ll start with the outlandish statement that I believe the media does have responsibilities. Your question seems to imply they have none and any expectation of responsible behavior is too much to ask. To be specific:I believe CNN had the responsibility to act as human beings and be sensitive to their loss when they first approached the family.

I believe CNN had a responsibility to not make promises to the family it would not keep.

If that’s too much to ask, I believe CNN had at the very least a responsibility to make their intentions on the use of Chris’s diary clear to the family from the outset.

I believe CNN had a responsibility to not deceive its own viewers for more than 48 hours on the source of their reporting, using convoluted attribution they themselves had to clarify, before admitting it was the diary they were relying on.

I believe that when they finally did admit to using Chris’s diary, they had a responsibility to their viewers and to the family to explain why they broke their pledge.

I believe that many within CNN agree with everything I’m saying.

More than anything else, I believe that CNN – since they had already read every word of the diary before calling the family on Friday the 14th, the day Chris’s remains were returned home – had all the information they needed at that point to make an editorial decision on whether the contents of the diary compelled them to report on it. I believe the time to invoke their standards to justify using the diary came six days late. I believe that CNN, if they felt strongly that they had an obligation to use the diary should never have presented the family with a choice in the first place that they’d later disregard.

Why the Media Spin on Nov. 6 is Wrong By Wes Pruden A few more “really bad weeks” like last week for Mitt Romney and somebody will have to stick a fork in President Obama. He’ll be done. Despite the hammering Mr. Romney took from the president and his media claque, he moved from 5 or 6 points behind in the Gallup Poll to a dead-even […]