In light of the dismaying set of events that has put our country at great risk, it is intriguing to read the words of Alexander Hamilton to George Clinton dated February 13, 1778. Written from Valley Forge immediately after his arrival at headquarters, Hamilton expressed his deep concern about the “degeneracy of representation in the great council of America.”
Hamilton notes that each day Americans “see and feel, that there is not so much wisdom in a certain body, as there ought to be, and as the success of our affairs absolutely demands.”
Many members of it are no doubt men in every respect, fit for the trust, but this cannot be said of it as a body. Folly, caprice, a want of foresight, comprehension and dignity, characterise the general tenor of their actions.
Of relevant concern to 21st century Americans is Hamilton’s assertion that
Their conduct with respect to the army especially is feeble, indecisive and improvident — insomuch, that we are reduced to a more terrible situation than you can conceive.
Furthermore, “[this] has produced such carelessness and indifference to the service, as is subversive of every officer-like quality.”
Consider how the current American military brass is betraying the United States by “embracing leftist racism and anti-Americanism. Their radicalism is pushing conservatives out of the armed forces while undermining unit cohesion and troop morale.” Critical Race Theory (CRT) has infiltrated the military and dividing members of the armed forces into opposing camps of ‘oppressors’ and ‘oppressed’ [.]”
Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin is an advocate of anti-American views and has required CRT and the 1619 Project as part of the military training programs.
Moreover, Gen. Mark Milley, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff has worked to “divide and weaken the military by bringing the Black Lives Matter curriculum of anti-white and anti-American hate into its ranks.”
In 2020, Admiral Michael Gilday, Chief of Naval Operations vowed to eliminate “systemic racism.”
Although Marxism is the animating feature of the above, Alexander Hamilton’s words highlight that “they have disgusted the army by repeated instances of the most whimsical favouritism in their promotions; and by an absurd prodigality of rank to foreigners and to the meanest staff of the army. They have not been able to summon resolution enough to withstand the impudent importunity and vain boasting of foreign pretenders [.]”