The political rift between Hamas and Fatah arising from their struggle to control the minds and the hearts of the Palestinian Arabs has continued unabated and unresolved for the last six years.

Gaza and the West Bank have become two separate and distinct political fiefdoms that have materially contributed to making the attainment of the “two-state” solution envisaged in the Oslo Accords and the Bush Road Map impossible to achieve. The divide is so wide that the areas themselves have been dubbed “Hamastan” and “Fatahland” – signifying the utter hopelessness of reconciliation between two very polarized forces.

Political commentators Amos Harel and Avi Issacharoff have succinctly summed up the position in their recent article – “Palestinian unity can wait – discord still growing between Hamas and Fatah”-

“Both entities – the West Bank (Fatahland) and the Gaza Strip (Hamastan) – continue their bizarre dance: endless negotiations on the need for unity with zero actions or results, and a reality that only proves how wide the internal Palestinian divide is.”

The results of a recent survey indicate that there is also deep division between the “1948 Arabs” – those who did not flee the 1948 War between the Jews and six invading Arab armies – and those Arabs who did – identified as the “1967 Arabs.”

The survey was undertaken by Professor Shifra Sagy, director of the Conflict Management and Resolution Program at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev – with funding from the German research foundation DFG.

The study came at the initiative of some of Professor Sagy’s Palestinian students. It was co-directed with her postdoctoral student Dr. Adi Mana, and PhD students Anan Srour and Serene Madjali.

The survey was taken among 1104 Israeli Arabs and 948 West Bank Arabs – who were all personally interviewed.

Views were expressed by each group on the following matters – and commented on by Professor Sagy:

1. Loyalty to the land:

“We asked Arabs of ’48 about their narrative, which is that they were loyal to their land when they didn’t desert it and stayed. The ’67 people look at the same issue, and they say the ’48 Arabs stayed on their land because they gave up and succumbed to the occupation without any resistance,”

2. The relative well-being of the 1948 Arabs as compared to the 1967 Arabs

“The ‘48 Arabs say this is our right as citizens of Israel, but in the West Bank, the popular narrative is that this relative affluence is because Israel coopted them into being loyal,”

3. On marrying each other

60 percent of Israeli Arabs surveyed said they would not want their daughter to marry a West Bank Arab, while 41% of West Bankers had the same attitude to their daughter marrying an Arab with Israeli citizenship.



It Still Won’t Keep Maddie Albright from Getting her War-begotten Goodies

No sooner did I blog about the multiple-stabbing “suicide” of Kosovo’s privatization czar, and no sooner did I read that “Albright Capital Management has bid for the privatisation of Kosovo’s most profitable company PTK” (note: “The telecoms infrastructure that PTK today owns was initially funded by the citizens of all of Serbia before it was seized without any reparations”), than I was forwarded the following update:

Firm Eyes Kosovo’s Contested State Telecom (Aug. 30)

Kosovo is preparing to sell a majority stake in its state-owned post and telecom company PTK, a deal that could yield as much as €600 million ($753 million) for Europe’s newest and poorest country.

The bidding, set to begin next month [September], has attracted interest from European and Turkish phone operators, as well as from an investment company headed by former U.S. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, who was a major backer of Kosovo in its war against Serbia. Already, however, the sale process has been clouded by corruption allegations, legal challenges, and the death of the state privatization agency’s chief, Dino Asanaj. In June, his body was found in his apartment in Kosovo’s capital city of Pristina, with 11 stab wounds. Authorities say he committed suicide.

Kosovo, which declared independence in 2008, is an economic basket case. National unemployment stands near 45 percent, and per capita income hovers around $7,000, the lowest in Europe. The International Monetary Fund this year approved a $134 million bailout for the country and urged its government to raise more money by selling a stake in profitable PTK. “We expect big impacts on the economy and the telecommunication sector on the one hand, and at the same time we want to signal foreign investors that Kosovo is an attractive country to invest and do business [in],” Economy Minister Besim Beqaj says.

The government has tried, and failed, to privatize PTK before. An attempt launched in 2010 fell apart last year following a corruption investigation at the company. And earlier asset sales were tainted by accusations of wrongdoing: At the time of his death, privatization chief Asanaj faced investigation for allegedly demanding a bribe from purchasers of a privatized hotel property.


http://www.prudenpolitics.com/newsletter?utm_source=P&P%20Auto%201&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=4425 Bill Clinton did what he set out to do, and did it well. He brought the attention and focus of the Democrats, if only briefly, squarely back to his favorite person: “Don’t you wish I was the man at the top of the ticket?” Nobody honks, wonks and bonks quite like the ravisher-in-chief. The […]



Obama goes full witchcraft by telling voters they ‘can do something about’ droughts and floods and wildfires — Climate Depot Responds

Climate Depot’s Morano reminds voters: ‘Acts of the UN and the U.S. Congress or EPA, cannot control the weather’

President Barack Obama’s Democratic National Convention speech declared that American voters can “do something about” extreme weather by supporting his re-election.

Obama: “And yes, my plan will continue to reduce the carbon pollution that is heating our planet – because climate change is not a hoax. More droughts and floods and wildfires are not a joke. They’re a threat to our children’s future. And in this election, you can do something about it.” (For full Obama speech text see: President Obama’s Speech: Full Text From the Democratic National Convention – September 6, 2012)

Climate Depot response:

“President Obama — who once declared his presidency would result in ‘the rise of the oceans beginning to slow’ — now wants us to believe voters can help regulate the weather by supporting his re-election. Obama’s declaration that “you can do something about” droughts and floods and wildfires is akin to medieval witchcraft. For any confused voters out there, Climate Depot reminds them that acts of the United Nations and the U.S. Congress or EPA, cannot control the weather. The president of the United States may be able to command great armies, but he cannot control the climate or command better weather. (For more on global warming activists seeking to control the weather, see here.)

Even Nancy Pelosi recognizes Obama cannot control the weather. (See: Nancy Pelosi: Obama can’t control the weather — ‘Whether it rains or not is not in the president’s control’ – ‘The Democratic leader said the weather is ‘a higher power’ that the president can’t control. ‘There are some decisions that are made from a different place and whether it rains or not is not in the president’s control.’)

Amen! Pelosi clearly has more scientific acumen than President Obama.

Despite President Obama’s claims, Co2 is not controlling temperatures and current global temperatures are well within natural variability. In addition, the latest scientific studies and data reveal that droughts, floods and wildfires and extreme weather are not currently unusual or unprecedented.”


God, the Afterthought http://pjmedia.com/spengler/2012/09/06/god-the-afterthought/2/ The Democratic Party didn’t quite succeed in banning God from its platform, but it did its best to ensure that no-one would listen to him by putting a liberal clergyman who talks about anything except God in front of a deserted stadium. That checked the God box without allowing the Maker […]


The Islamification of Middle Eastern governments was helped along by the White House and the State Department, writes Ruthie Blum. www.jpost.com/ On the night of April 24, 1980, American special forces gathered in the cold desert of Iran waiting to be joined by other American forces that were being helicoptered in. A combination of bad […]



Throughout his presidency, Barack Obama and his supporters have been dogged by criticism of his position on Israel. From the very outset of his tenure in office, critics and supporters alike have not been able to shake the sense that Obama is deeply hostile to the Jewish state.
Obama and his supporters have responded to every criticism of his treatment of Israel by pulling out a list. Every time his record on Israel is criticized, Obama and his supporters pull out a list of the things he has done for Israel. Just this week, in an op-ed in The New York Times, Democratic donor Haim Saban pulled out the list to justify his support for Obama.

Op-Ed: Lara’s Lies – Or How Peace Now Sees the IDF: Phyllis Chesler ****


A fundraising brochure from Americans for Peace Now just arrived in the mail. The cover quotes Lara Friedman, their Policy and Government Relations Director. She states:

“Sometimes the Zimmermans of the world turn out to be Jewish and/or Israeli. Their actions bring shame to all of us and are a stain on our community, our religion, and the Jewish state.” Shame on you, Lara Friedman!

Friedman equates the Israel Defense Force, (the IDF), WITH a 28-year-old neighborhood watchman, George Zimmerman, who is neither Jewish nor Israeli, BUT who is, in fact, a multi-racial Hispanic.

American.Zimmerman is the Sanford, Florida man charged with second degree murder in the tragic shooting of 17-year-old African-American teenager, Trayvon Martin, on February 26, 2012. Zimmerman has not yet been tried or found guilty–except in the media.

Within weeks, President Obama said that “If I had a son, he would look like Trayvon. I think that Trayvon’sparents are right to expect that all of us as Americans are going to take this with the seriousness this deserves and we are going to get to the bottom of exactly what happened.”

The IDF, several oceans away, are hereby implicated by Friedman in the assassination of the President’s (imaginary) son.

Egypt: The Muslim Brotherhood Bomb? by Raymond Stock

http://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/3333/egypt-muslim-brotherhood-bomb “We [Egyptians] are ready to starve in order to own a nuclear weapon that will represent a real deterrent and will be decisive in the Arab-Israeli conflict.” — Dr. Hamdi Hassan, Spokesman, Muslim Brotherhood Parliamentary Caucus, 2006 When Egypt’s first civilian, democratically elected dictator,[1] Mohamed Mursi became his country’s first head of state to […]

The Libya We Fought For Or Is Libya the New Iraq? by Daniel Greenfield

http://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/3329/libya-iraq In Benghazi, a car bomb aimed at Libyan intelligence officials shook a crowded street. It’s not the first car bomb to strike Libya after the fall of Gaddafi. Benghazi has its own insurgency and remains a flashpoint for the looming civil war that no one is talking about. Postwar Libya has not received the […]