Do you see the words “Hamas” and “Hezbollah” in here? Me neither.

Of course, there’s a difference. The omission of God and Jerusalem from the Democratic party’s 2012 platform was quite intentionally meant as a demotion, very much in keeping with Obama administration policy. The jihadists, by contrast, are moving up in the world.

As for God, there’s not room in this universe for two The Ones. In cases of conflict, the president has made it abundantly clear that his pieties control, and the pious better get with the program: Domestically, abortion-on-demand and wealth-redistribution to assure free contraceptives for thirty-something co-eds; internationally, close cooperation and billions in U.S. aid for regimes that abet the persecution of Christians, Jews and other religious minorities.

On Jerusalem, administration mouth-pieces and apologists remain as tongue-tied as they were before The One completed his “evolution” on gay marriage. And for precisely the same reason: their grudging public position — Jerusalem is sorta Israel’s capital, but we’re mulling that one, so get back to us, say, November 7 or so — is miles apart from their private conviction — Jerusalem (or as Obama’s counterterrorism czar, John Brennan, puts it, “al-Quds”) is a “final status” issue that we can’t prejudge because our Muslim friends consider it theirs.

And about those Muslim friends … my friends at the Center for Security Policy remind us of what the Democrats’ 2008 platform had to say about Hamas and Hezbollah:

Our … commitment [to Israel], which requires us to ensure that Israel retains a qualitative edge for its national security and its right to self-defense, is all the more important as we contend with growing threats in the region – a strengthened Iran, a chaotic Iraq, the resurgence of Al Qaeda, the reinvigoration of Hamas and Hezbollah…. [W]e must help Israel identify and strengthen those partners who are truly committed to peace, while isolating those who seek conflict and instability, and stand with Israel against those who seek its destruction. The United States and its Quartet partners should continue to isolate Hamas until it renounces terrorism, recognizes Israel’s right to exist, and abides by past agreements.

DIANA WEST: NO “DISCERNABLE PATTERN” TO ISLAMIC MURDERS OF WESTERN TROOPS? REALLY? From the Stars and Stripes: WASHINGTON – The United States will help the Afghan government recheck the entire 352,000-member Afghan security force in the wake of an upsurge of attacks against international troops by Afghans in uniform, the No. 2 U.S. general in the country said Wednesday. LTG James Terry:”The closer you are in […]

Obama’s Lawless, Job-Killing Immigration Policy by J. Christian Adams We won’t be hearing many details from the DNC podium this week about President Obama’s immigration policies. The DNC can’t talk about details because it combines two main characteristics of Obama’s presidency – job-killing policies and lawlessness. President Obama has granted effective amnesty to 1.7 million illegal aliens under the age of 31. He […]


Did you all know there is no terror threat, no Iran, no Afghanistan no Iraq, no Taliban, no God, no Jerusalem (well maybe little God and Jerusalem, although the Nays among the audience were loud and clear) Nope…only back alley abortions and women subjugated to the back room. By Sharia laws you ask. Nope again. I was actually amused that Fluke’s controlled tantrum and Elizabeth Warren’s wampum was followed by Slick Willie whose treatment of “nutty and slutty” women is one for the records. But, never mind, he aimed his rapier into the heart of the failure of Obamanomics.

Give him another chance, he intoned:

“A lot of Americans are still angry and frustrated about this economy…..If you look at the numbers, you know that employment is growing, banks are beginning to lend again, and a lot of housing prices are even beginning to pick up.

“But too many people do not feel it yet…..If will you renew the president’s contract, you will feel it. You will feel it.”

And then he added this zinger:

“Folks, whether the American people believe what I just told you or not may be the whole election. I just want you to know I believe it. With all my heart I believe it.”

Now would this man ever lie? At least he didn’t wave his finger at his audience.


If a convenient time machine were to deposit a Roman citizen, circa 140 or so, in Charlotte, he would have no trouble understanding what was going on. Our Roman might not understand a word of what was being said, but he would be able to take one look at the garish costumes, the hysterical air of self-congratulation worn by men and women who have accomplished absolutely nothing in life, and the clownish theatrics and realize exactly what was going on. “Oh no, not again,” would be the last thing he would think just before being lobotomized by a loose heel from Nancy Pelosi.
If bankrupting the country, destroying its economy and using its legal documents to roll joints wasn’t bad enough, the people responsible for all this thought it would be a fine idea to make their national convention about abortion and gay marriage. It was either that or any other random thing that will hit the right buttons on the sort of people who leave their buttons exposed to the air.

The old Democratic convention looked like some music video director’s idea of Olympus. The new one looks like the stage for a concert, something popular, noisy and lip-synched. Any minute now some musician who used to be a waiter two weeks ago before going professionally viral will slink out on stage and begin making mouth movements to recorded music while digital fireworks go off in the background.

EDWARD ALEXANDER’S “THE STATE OF THE JEWS” REVIEWED BY P. DAVID HORNIK How well are Jews—and non-Jews—doing with regard to the Jewish state? If the question focuses on the highbrow world, and particularly its predominant persuasion of liberalism (or what is still called by that name), the answer that emerges from Edward Alexander’s new book is—not very well. The State of the Jews: A Critical Appraisal […]

SIDING WITH SAVAGES:MARK TAPSON Atlas Shrugs blogger Pamela Geller, lightning rod for the hateful fury of the unholy alliance of Islamists and the radical left, is under attack again for daring to run a pro-Israel advertising campaign in New York and San Francisco. Ms. Geller is executive director of the American Freedom Defense Initiative (AFDI) and of Stop […]


In 2008, Hamas and Hezbollah were mentioned in the platform. In 2012, they are no longer even mentioned – much less identified as a threat in the region.

The DNC and Obama are claiming the other was the one who took out God and Jerusalem (and then blaming each other for adding God and Jerusalem back into the platform).

Apparently the DNC and Obama agree that the U.S. should no longer oppose Hamas and Hezbollah in the region.

Here’s what was said in 2008 –

AMIL IMANI: THE ISLAMIC KINGDOM Islam is a brutal, tribal warrior cult that glorifies jihad and martyrdom. The Quran is replete with acts of murder, terrorism, and genocide. Let us look at some explicit provisions of the Quran: * Islam is misogynist. Men are superior to women. Women are to obey men and are to be beaten when they […]

ALAN CARUBA: THE LIKEABILITY FACTOR? I keep hearing about “likeability” and how it influences presidential campaigns. Well, obviously, a candidate or an incumbent needs to be liked, but in the end it is his policies, his vision for the nation that matters. President Obama has high likeability ratings, but just being likeable is not going to save him from […]