The Second Law of Thermodynamics and The Body Politic by HERBERT LONDON The Second Law of Thermodynamics, which suggests that physical forces are gravitating to entropy, is a perfect metaphor for the moment. European economies are cascading into the netherworld of insolvency even as governments deny the reality. President Obama seemingly defies the rule of law by issuing executive orders that bypass the Congress. Unemployment in […]

Britain Ruled by Political Correctness by Soeren Kern Nine Muslim men were found guilty of raping dozens of British children. The three month trial revealed that police and social workers had repeatedly refused to investigate; they were afraid of being called racist. A three-month trial that recently ended in Liverpool, where nine Muslim men were found guilty of raping dozens of British […]


Deception: Betraying the Peace Process by Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik There are two layers of media bias when it comes to Israel. The first emanates from the West that focuses on Israel’s “so called” genocidal policies which, because they are not blatantly anti-Semitic are perceived as “legitimate criticism.” The second originates in […]

Muslims Stone Christians in America, Part III — on The Glazov Gang

Muslims Stone Christians in America, Part III — on The Glazov Gang
Tom Trento, Dwight Schultz and Josh Brewster shed a terrifying light on Sharia U.S.A.

ANDREW BOSTOM: TWO MILLENIA OF GLOBAL COOLING? Two Millennia of Global Cooling? Posted By Andrew Bostom On July 10, 2012 Notwithstanding the latest hysterical claims [1] from the sadly politicized climate [2] scientologists [3] of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), insisting 2011 was somehow “a year of extreme weather,” serious investigators at the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz have just […]

RUTHIE BLUM: TALIA SASSON’S CHUTZPAH The Israeli Left has got its knickers in a serious twist, with the release of a report demonstrating the legality of outposts in Judea and Samaria (a.k.a. the West Bank). Peace Now director-general Yariv Oppenheimer — like a true rebel-robbed-of-a-cause-by-reality — put on his best pout-face for the TV cameras when asked about “The […]


Carlos May is Republicans’ choice to challenge U.S. Rep. Andre Carson in November, when the popular Indianapolis-based Democrat is seeking his third full term.

Carlos May to Bring Common Sense,

Conservative Solutions in Bid for Congress

Files to Run for 7th District Seat

INDIANAPOLIS, Ind. (Feb. 10, 2012) – Carlos May, a current official in the Mayor Greg Ballard administration, today filed to be a candidate for Indiana’s Seventh District Congressional seat. May was the officially slated Republican candidate for the same office in the 2010 election.

“Each year, Congress’s approval ratings sink lower and lower as we continue to lose trust in Washington,” said May. “From our national debt crisis to a failing economy to the looming calamities not yet known, the American people realize that this time we need to make some real changes that transform Washington, reject bad leadership and replace poor representation.”

“It’s time to bring common sense, conservative solutions to the problems that plague our country and increase our challenges here in the seventh district,” continued May.

The campaign will focus on setting a tone to transform Washington by returning more control to the states, creating an environment that produces and protects jobs and reducing deficits by more efficiently running government while lowering the tax burden.

“My dedication to public service has only grown in my years working for a great Mayor serving an outstanding city,” said May. “I would like to take that commitment to a place that needs it more, while continuing to serve the citizens of the Indianapolis area.”

May has worked in Mayor Ballard’s administration as a Neighborhood Liaison, and as the current Director of the Mayor’s Office of Latino Affairs.

May earned his B.A. in Political Science from Wabash College in 2001 and graduated in 2003 with his law degree from the Thomas Jefferson School of Law in San Diego, CA. May has also worked in the private sector as Director for West Coast Operations for Marathon Building Services, and as an International Manager for DFS Galleria.


Andre Carson (D-Indiana) wants American schools to be more like maddrassas. And, this is not the first time he’s spouted garbage. Read this:

Rep. Andre Carson: Tea Party Wants To See Blacks ‘Hanging On A Tree’

ABC News’ Amy Bingham reports:

While Republican presidential candidates arrange and re-arrange their schedules in an attempt to court Tea Partiers, one House Democratic member of the Congressional Black Caucus is blasting the conservative group for trying to take America back to the days of Jim Crow.

In a video circulated Tuesday by conservative commentator Glen Beck’s website The Blaze, Indiana Rep. Andre Carson said the Tea Party was preventing African Americans from making progress toward equality.

“This is the effort that we are seeing of Jim Crow. Some of these folks in Congress right now would love to see us as second class citizens. Some of them in Congress right now with this Tea Party movement would love to see you and me… hanging on a tree,” Carson said at a Aug. 22 Congressional Black Caucus Job Tour even in Miami.

“Some of them right now in Congress right now are comfortable with where we were fifty or sixty years ago,” Carson added. “But it’s a new day with a black president and a Congressional Black Caucus.”

Carson’s office confirmed that he made the remarks, which were caught on video. His spokesman Jason Tomsci told the Washington Post that the Congressman’s remarks were in response to many of his constituents’ frustration over “Congress’ inability to bolster the economy.”

BRUCE BAWER: ON CONGRESSMAN ANDRE CARSON A couple of weeks ago I wrote here about a recent piece in the Nation, “Fear and Loathing of Islam,” in which one Moustafa Bayoumi argued that the overwhelming majority of American Muslims are just ordinary people who want to live ordinary lives, and that any doubts about their loyalties, concerns about their potential […]



Last week I met Israel’s foreign minister, Avigdor Lieberman, for a thirty-minute interview. We talked on many issues, like Iran, Egypt, the settlements, the Palestinians and also the European boycott of Israeli goods and companies. Lieberman said: “It’s nothing new.” True, the Jewish people have already been boycotted in the past. But I left Lieberman with the feeling that the Israeli diplomatic chief didn’t really understand the impact of the new economic warfare.

If in the past the orders came from Damascus, where the Arab League headquartered its operations, today the boycott obsession is spreading through Europe’s pension funds, supermarkets, firms and companies, labor unions and food co-ops.
 The campaign is led by transnational groups, mainstream media, charities, pressure groups and campaigning networks. And it has already proven very successful.

Last week Norway’s finance ministry has excluded Shikun & Binui, Israel’s largest real estate company, from the Government Pension Fund Global (the largest in Europe) “over its construction of illegal Israeli colonies in East Jerusalem.” Norway’s oil fund already withdrew its investment from Africa-Israel and Danya Cebus, citing involvement in “settlement construction.”