ROGER KIMBALL: FEELING SORRY FOR AMUREEN DOWD I wonder whether the New York Times provides psychiatric coverage for its employees. I wonder this because it seems clear that poor Maureen Dowd has finally lost it. I say “finally,” but I should acknowledge that I am not a regular reader of her column. I long ago concluded that Dowd was one of […]

DAVID GOLDMAN: EGYPT IS AN ADVERSARY….NOT NEUTRAL Update: The Obama administration is offering a trickle of new money for Egypt under the grandiose rubric of a “bailout” for the Egyptian economy. The Wall Street Journal reports that the US will offer debt forgiveness of slightly over half a billion dollars (with little impact on the country’s massive cash crunch) and will […]


New York Times Proves Clint Eastwood Correct — Obama Is Lousy CEO – Forbes NY Times Proves Clint Eastwood Correct — Obama Is Lousy CEO Rich Karlgaard, A New York Times front page story today — New York Times! — might have killed President Obama’s re-election hopes. The story is called “The Competitor […]


CHARLOTTE – Democratic National Committee chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz claimed on Monday that Israel’s ambassador to the United States has accused Republicans of being “dangerous” to Israel by criticizing President Obama’s record. (Update: The Israeli embassy has responded.)

The Florida congresswoman made the charge at a training session for Jewish Democrats held by the Obama campaign here at the Democratic National Convention, aimed at teaching Jewish Democrats how to convince their fellow Jews to vote for Obama.


The Israeli ambassador to America, Michael Oren, has released a statement rebuking the chair of the Democratic National Party.

Ambassador Michael Oren just released this statement:

“I categorically deny that I ever characterized Republican policies as harmful to Israel. Bipartisan support is a paramount national interest for Israel, and we have great friends on both sides of the aisle.”

Fat New Targets for the Gaffe Patrol: By Wes Pruden The Gaffe Patrol is on the job this week in Charlotte. Bob Schieffer of CBS News, a wing commander who does not ordinarily fly combat missions, got the first kill at the Democratic National Convention. When Gov. Martin O’Malley of Maryland inadvertently committed a gaffe – defined as a politician unexpectedly blurting the truth […]


Interview: Obama Had Marxist Vision For US At Occidental College

Has anyone ever been interested in President Obama’s ideological past? What were Obama’s beliefs while he was at Occidental? Several interviews by Dr. John Drew during the 2008 campaign cycle gave some insight, but few were interested at that time in what Obama really believed when he attended Occidental College. (See “Meeting Young Obama” and “Even Republicans Rejected Info About Obama’s Past” at Dr. Drew wrote, “Meeting Obama”, about Obama and his ideology about taking the United States over and making it fail so the, “revolution” could in his article “Meeting Young Obama” on February 24, 2011. He clearly remembers what Obama stated, in his own words, “Like it was yesterday”. Obama espoused without hesitation, “There’s going to be a revolution,” saying, “we need to be organized and grow the movement.” This is disturbing due to the fact what our nation is going through right now drives it to the edge of failure; just what the young Obama stated he wanted to accomplish in 1980: the end of capitalism in the United States.

Obama has in the last three years been declaring, the people with money are the problem with the United States. This reflects back to his Marxist/Socialist training while he was at Occidental College. Obama discussed this ideology with young John Drew during a Christmas break when Drew visited his then girlfriend, Caroline Boss. It was during his visit that he met Obama face to Face. Dr. Drew stated the man Obama had shown up with was an individual by the name of; Mohammed Hasan Chandoo, a 21-year-old Pakistani student Obama hung around with along with Chandoo’s girl friend, Margot Mifflin. All of them were fervent with their ideas of Marxist and Socialist ideology. Dr. Drew gave context to his recollections with the observation he had also read other stories about how Obama had dreamed of working to bring the downfall of Capitalism. Today it looks like Obama is working very hard to obtain those 1980 dreams.

ANDREW HARROD:Michael Mannheimer’s Continuing Lawfare Odyssey in Germany

As previously reported at the Middle East Forum’s Legal Project, the independent German journalist and researcher Michael Mannheimer received on February 14, 2012, a 2,500 Euro fine from a local German court (Amtsgericht) under German laws against hate speech (Volksverhetzung) for his remarks condemning Islam as an aggressive and authoritarian belief system.

Read more: Family Security Matters
Under Creative Commons License: AttributionSpecifically, the court cited Mannheimer’s April 8, 2011, internet manifesto calling for “resistance” against the German political and media “establishment” on the basis of a charged uncritical acceptance of unassimilated mass Muslim migration to Germany. Now this past August 16, 2012, Mannheimer’s “at the moment coalescing and anonymous legal team” has issued a press release concerning the latest developments in Mannheimer’s appeal of his preliminary conviction under a Strafbefehl or punishment order. The press release is available online in German at the conservative German website Politically Incorrect (PI), the original publisher of Mannheimer’s manifesto. Judging from this document, Mannheimer’s fight for free speech is far from over.

As discussed in the Legal Project article, the press release notes that Mannheimer’s manifesto referenced the natural law right of resistance articulated in Article 20(4) of Germany’s Basic Law or Grundgesetz. According to the press release, the “interpretation” of Mannheimer’s specific call to “[t]ake up arms, when there is no other alternative”

now concerns the judiciary. Did Mannheimer call for violence? Or did he only indicate a basic right that can materialize in the future “when there is no other alternative”, that is to say as the last resort in the fight for the maintenance of a free democratic basic order [freiheitliche demokratische Grundordnung or FdGO, a German legal terminus technicus occurring in various passages of the Grundgesetz, such as Article 18].

Aside from this basic dispute, Mannheimer’s defense team finds the court’s Strafbefehl judgment “conspicuous” in a variety of ways. In the first place, the Strafbefehl “neither cites Mannheimer’s statements about Islam nor Islamic religious or political texts. Facts do not therefore necessarily concern the court.” The defense team’s true “shock”, though, came on April 18, 2012, with the arrival of the prosecution’s Mannheimer dossier. “Parts of the Strafbefehl presented themselves as almost literal repetitions of the August 16, 2011, criminal complaint from the Imam Baschschar Masri of the Islamic Center [Islamisches Zentrum] in Düsseldorf.” “Did,” asks the defense team, “the judiciary allow itself to become an extended arm of legal jihad.”

PETER FARMER: THE HISTORY OF THE MOSLEM BROTHERHOOD PART 3 HITLER’S IMAM Part I – A Brief History of the Muslim Brotherhood (Can be found by clicking here) Part II – The Muslim Brotherhood – Haj Amin al-Husseini (Can be found by clicking here) After escaping Iraq ahead of pursuing British security forces and making his way to fascist Italy, Amin al-Husseini arrived in Germany in […]

BILL SIEGEL: FACE THE IRANIAN REALITY! Perhaps President Barack Obama has cleverly back-timed his Iran policy so that he retains the option to act in some forcible manner immediately prior to, and to garner votes for, the 2012 election. He has allowed three years to pass between the time he received a clear rejection of his efforts at “engagement” and […]


U.S. Hones Plans for Big Bailout of Egypt CAIRO—American diplomats are closing in on an agreement to dole out $1 billion in debt relief to Egypt, part of a gilded-charm offensive that Washington hopes will help shore up the country’s economy and prevent its new Islamist leadership from drifting beyond America’s foreign-policy orbit. A […]