ANDREW McCARTHY:Hezbollah Joins the White House in Congratulating Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood President-elect

The Shiite jihadist organization that serves as Iran’s forward militia, issued a statement congratulating the Egyptian people and their new Islamic supremacist president, Mohammed Morsi, on their “historical achievement,” adding, “The movement [i.e., Hezbollah] praises this unprecedented step and hopes that Egypt’s first presidential polls will pave the way towards achieving the demands of the January 25 revolution.”

Meantime … the U.S. State Department wants you to understand that when, following President Obama’s congratulations to the Muslim Brotherhood’s victorious candidate, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton demanded that the Egyptian military hand over power to Morsi, that was in no way intended as an endorsement of Morsi and the Brotherhood.

Thanks for that clarification.

ANDREW McCARTHY: Obama Administration’s Breathtaking Arrogance on Questions about Inviting a Terrorist to Washington
One should always hesitate before jumping to the conclusion that the something that just happened is the worst thing that has ever happened — history usually has many worse “worsts” ready to hand. Still, if there has been a more breathtakingly arrogant performance by an administration official in the modern history of the United States than the one Jen Rubin reports on at the Washington Posttoday, I can’t think of it.

The Obama administration recently issued a visa to an Egyptian named Hani Nour Eldin, an operative of a foreign terrorist organization — formally designated as such under U.S. law — so that the administration could consult with the jihadist about Egypt’s future under the governance of Eldin’s pals at the Muslim Brotherhood. This is not speculation: Eldin brags about being a member of the organization and the administration concedes the visa was issued and the meeting happened.

Outrageous as this sounds, it does not do the outrage justice. The terrorist organization in question, the Islamic Group (Gama’at al Islamia), is the group led by Omar Abdel Rahman, the notorious “Blind Sheikh” currently serving a life sentence in U.S. federal prison for his foundational role in forming the jihadist cell that carried out the 1993 World Trade Center bombing and was later thwarted while attempting simultaneously to bomb several other New York City landmarks. (I handled the case for the United States, back when its government thought jihadists should be prosecuted rather than cultivated.) The Blind Sheikh’s cell, essentially, was a U.S. branch of the Islamic Group (IG).

BEN SHAPIRO: OBAMA SCRAPES THE BOTTOM OF THE BARRELL **** Last week, President Obama hit rock bottom with his re-election campaign. Recognizing that having created a slag heap of failed polices, he now has one asset—residual personal popularity– his re-election team decided to move into exploitation mode. First, they sent an email from Michelle, Barack’s wife, explaining: For the first 10 years of our […]

FJORDMANN: THE PRICE OF EUROPEAN IMMIGRATION **** In his 2008 book Et Delt Folk (“A Nation Divided”), The Danish historian and writer Morten Uhrskov Jensen carefully went through publicly available sources. He demonstrated that the opening up of his country for mass immigration was arranged by just part of the population, sometimes in the face of considerable popular opposition. Roughly speaking, […]

TERRORISM DENIAL FROM DHIMMI DEMOCRATS: DANIEL GREENFIELD There are topics that aren’t supposed to be discussed in polite society. Islamic terrorism has become one of those topics. After September 11, it was put forward to us that the problem was not Islam, but the radicalization of some Muslims. And yet the defenders of that formulation also refuse to discuss Muslim radicalization […]

DAVID GOLDMAN: WHAT DO YOU DO WHEN THE PEOPLE ARE THE PROBLEM? Bret Stephens’ last two columns at the Wall Street Journal denote a welcome elevation in America’s public discourse about foreign crises. Here are two excerpts, one from a June 25 note titled “Who Lost Egypt?”: Who lost Egypt? The Egyptians, obviously. This was their moment, opportunity, choice. They chose—albeit by a narrow margin—a party […]


Barron loses in Brooklyn congressional primary *****

NEW YORK (JTA) — City Councilman Charles Barron, a fierce critic of Israeli policy who was opposed by Jewish lawmakers and top party officials, lost in his bid to secure the Democratic nomination in a Brooklyn congressional race.

Barron lost to state Assemblyman Hakeen Jeffries Tuesday in the fight to succeed 24-year incumbent Rep. Edolphus Towns, also a Democrat, who is retiring at the end of this year. Jeffries attracted support from pro-Israel activists throughout the city and around the country.

Several current and former New York Jewish elected officials had denounced Barron’s candidacy to represent New York’s 8th Congressional District, citing what they called his anti-Israel views. Ex-Mayor Ed Koch, Rep. Jerrold Nadler (D-N.Y.), City Councilman David Greenfield and state Assemblyman Dov Hikind, among others, gathered earlier this month in front of the Museum of Jewish Heritage-A Living Memorial to the Holocaust in downtown Battery Park to call Barron an “enemy of the State of Israel” and the New York Jewish community.

Barron’s candidacy drew widespread opposition, including from the liberal group MoveOn and Rabbi Shmuley Boteach, who is running as a Republican for Congress in New Jersey.

The politicians at Battery Park expressed support for Jeffries and called Barron an “anti-Semite,” “hateful” and a “bigot.”

Barron has compared the Israeli treatment of the Palestinians to the Nazi treatment of Jews during World War II. He also has publicly praised foreign dictators such as the late Muammar Gadhafi of Libya and Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe.


Too bad Bob Turner lost yesterday and now Wendy Long will challenge Gillibrand so she’s now my candidate.


On a good front Chris Collins is the GOP challenger for Congress in New York District 27……stay tuned.


Charlie Rangel remains unchallenged in New York, so don’t make fun of Chicago style politics.


Senator Hatch stays on as GOP Senate candidate in Utah.

Stay tuned!

Charlie Rangel remains unchallenged in New York, so don’t make fun of Chicago style politics.

Senator Hatch stays on as GOP Senate candidate in Utah.

Stay tuned!


Iran VP blames Jews for ‘inciting global drug trade’
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
Iran VP blames Jews for ‘inciting global drug trade’
In blatantly anti-Semitic speech, Iranian Vice President Mohammad Reza Rahimi condemned the “Zionists” and the teachings of the Talmud for “inciting global drug trade and addiction in a bid to annihilate non-Jewish communities.” Read more…

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Malkin: Holder hiding behind race demagogues
Attorney General Eric Holder’s peopl…
EDITORIAL: Obama to shoot down armed pilots

EDITORIAL: Obama to shoot down armed pilots
The Washington Times | The Obama administration’s hatred for the Second Amendment has reached new heights. After nearly a decade of safe operation, the White House is looking to reduce the number of pilots who provide an extra layer of security against airborne terror by packing a pistol in the cockpit. This plan shouldn’t fly. Read more…

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Last-ditch Holder-GOP meetings end in failure
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
A pair of last-ditch meetings between the Obama administration and House Republicans failed to avert a scheduled contempt vote for Attorney General Eric Holder over the ‘Fast and Furious’ documents dispute. Read more…

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CLEAN ENERGY MATH DOES NOT ADD UP….ECONOMISTS WITHOUT CALCULATORS: ROBERT BRYCE Last week, just before the opening of the U.N.’s Earth Summit meeting in Rio de Janeiro, the New York Times ran an op-ed that decried the rapid rise in carbon dioxide emissions during the two decades since a similar meeting was held in Rio. The authors of the article — Christian Azar, a professor […]

Andrew Tisch: Let’s Ban the Word ‘Trillion’ U.S. national debt is $15,800,000,000,000. Our lingo shouldn’t obscure how dangerous that is. Pop quiz: What’s bigger—$15.8 trillion, or $15,772,177,351,447? Of course, rounding off, they’re about the same. But don’t we all think that the first number seems so much smaller and more manageable than the second?The first number incorporates a tidy unit of […]