Travelers across the vast stretches of the Arabian desert have been known to get lost and in their thirst and exhaustion hallucinate oases with palm trees and flowing water. Western policymakers lost in the vast stretches of madness that define the Muslim world are even more wont to hallucinate the oasis of a moderate Islam to take refuge in. Whether you’re dying for a drink or a way to reaffirm your reality, a mirage is sometimes the only way you can find it.
Moderate Islam is a mirage, a projection by desperate Westerners of their own values and culture, on an entirely different religion and culture. It is a mirage that many Muslims are eager to uphold, in the same way that desert merchants might sell goblets and bowls of sand to passing travelers foolish enough to confuse water with dust. And like travelers who think they are drinking water, when they are actually swallowing sand, it is a deception that will eventually kill the deceived.

When the Western cultural elite look at Islam, they see what they have to see to avoid falling into crisis mode. Like the traveler who would rather choke on sand, than face up to the fact that he is lost in a desert, they would rather keep most things as they are, even at the cost of the extinction of the nations they preside over, than confront the full scope of the threat surrounding them. A threat that they had a hand in nurturing and feeding in the name of goals that seemed to make sense at the time.


Romney’s math and the Ryan nomination
by Spengler

As pollsters on both sides of the American political divide point out, the standout fact about the presidential election is the small number of undecided voters. As Jeff Zeleny observed in the New York Times August 15, polls show that only 5% of voters remain undecided.Both the Barack Obama and the Mitt Romney camps, Zeleny adds, are fighting for the enthusiasm of their own supporters rather than the marginal vote from the center: Romney “is now running a campaign more focused on energizing an anti-Obamacoalition than on trying to expand the universe of Romney voters with an argument that he is the most qualified economic steward. Mr Obama has been responding in kind, opening a deeply divisive period in the race in which firing up hard-core partisans is taking priority over trying to pursue relatively small numbers of undecided voters in the middle.”

Polarization of this extreme degree is not ideological, but existential. The great split down the center of America society is not between the rich and the middle class, as the Obama campaign suggests, but within the middle class itself.

This helps explain why Paul Ryan was a smart choice for the second spot on the Republican ticket. There are still more people paying taxes than getting a check from the government, and their patience with tax creep is exhausted.

The home price collapse wiped out nearly half the median family’s wealth during 2007-2010, but the tax burden middle-class homeowners continued to rise.


2012.08.19 (Lashkar Gah, Afghanistan) – Islamic bombers kill two people at a cemetery.
2012.08.19 (Malgobek, Ingushetia) – A Fedayeen suicide bomber enters a funeral and slaughters at least seven mourners.
2012.08.18 (Mosul, Iraq) – Muslim terrorists kill six family members in their homes.
2012.08.18 (Michni, Pakistan) – Four young men are brutally gunned down by radical Sunnis.
2012.08.18 (Herat, Afghanistan) – Fundamentalist bombers murder four people at a crowded market.
2012.08.18 (Aden, Yemen) – An al-Qaeda rocket attack and suicide bombing leaves twenty people dead.

PAUL RYAN THE PERFECT ANTI GORE: S. FRED SINGER Vice-president hopeful Paul D. Ryan is the polar opposite to former VP Al Gore. Instead of promoting fears, the candidate is a pretty solid skeptic when it comes to catastrophic anthropogenic global warming (CAGW). Romney is obviously comfortable with that stance and is using Ryan to reposition himself on the issue of global warming […]





The Moby-Dick author sought spiritual connection on an 1857 Holy Land trip. He found dust and rocks instead.

Herman Melville, the popular writer of adventure stories, all but lost his readership with the publication of Moby-Dick; or The Whale. “Mr. Melville has survived his reputation,” one critic wrote in 1851 of the “imposing” novel, with its diatribes, tangents, and verbosity. “If he had been contented with writing one or two books, he might have been famous, but his vanity has destroyed all his chances for immortality, or even of a good name with his own generation.” While some reviewers recognized the greatness of Moby-Dick, it failed to achieve the success Melville had hoped for, selling only a scant 3,100 copies during his lifetime. “Though I wrote the Gospels in this century,” he lamented to his friend Nathaniel Hawthorne, “I shall die in the gutter.”

Melville never fully recovered from the disappointing response to Moby-Dick. In 1857, upon the suggestion of his wife, Melville set off to Europe and the Middle East in the hopes of finding some clarity, inspiration, and cheer. It was on this trip that Melville visited Jerusalem, a place that did not live up to the author’s high expectations. The journal Melville kept on his journey, along with Clarel: A Poem and Pilgrimage in the Holy Land, the epic the trip helped shape, illustrate what a strange and mystifying place Jerusalem was for the 19th-century traveler. But Melville’s descriptions and reflections, his spiritual longing and ultimate disenchantment, also hint at the development of a remarkable relationship—that between the American tourist and the Holy Land.


FROM ONE OF MY MOST TRUSTED E-PALS…..I, like many others, think that Israel cannot rely on the U.S. Past experience, like the eve of the 1967 6-Day war was the same.Resupply of weapons and ammunition during the 1973 war happened only after Israel made drastic threats. Remember the nuclear alert during the war?My own worst fears are that the U.S. would aid the enemies of Israel under this administration. It already has in the promotion of the Muslim Brotherhood in the Mideast and within the U.S. The Bush administration also gave the Muslim Brotherhood (CAIR) unprecedented access to the inner workings of the U.S. Government.As most of you know, all this has been well documented. Jan

Chairman of US Joint Chiefs of Staff reveals he and Israeli counterpart Benny Gantz in constant contact on Iran, admits “clocks ticking at different paces,” reach “different conclusions” from intelligence reports.

Chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff, Gen. Martin Dempsey, said on Sunday that Israel and the United States view the Iranian nuclear threat differently.

Speaking to reporters on his arrival to Afghanistan, Dempsey said that the US and Israel have a different interpretation of the same intelligence reports in regards to Iran’s nuclear program.

“Israel sees the Iranian threat more seriously than the US sees it, because a nuclear Iran poses a threat to Israel’s very existence,” Dempsey said.

“You can take two countries, give them the same intelligence and reach two different conclusions. I think that’s what’s happening here.”

He also acknowledged that he and his Israeli counterpart, IDF Chief of Staff Benny Gantz, regularly confer on Iran. “We speak at least once every two weeks, we compare intelligence reports, we discuss the security implications of the events in the region.”

Egyptian Tears Up the Quran on Camera by Nonie Darwish

Instead of giving religious visas to Islamists who come to America to preach hate, the US should immediately declare that anyone who leaves Islam and is threatened should get a priority visa to the US. American embassies should, in fact, stop giving religious visas to those who are obviously Islamists: by doing so we are only breeding our own homegrown terrorists inside America.

Could this be the real Arab Spring? The Muslim world does not have to blame Pastor Terry Jones any more for burning the Quran or non-Muslims for desecrating it. They are now in shock over seeing a YouTube post of a young Egyptian man doing the unthinkable on camera: tearing up the Quran and putting it in the trash.

This is the summary translation of what he said:

“There it is, Allah’s book, this is the basic catastrophe. I don’t know what day it is of this disgusting month of Ramadan! You are making the tearing of the Quran such a big and dangerous thing.. it is instinctive to tear this book, those sons of b—-s- think they can threaten me and challenge me to tear the Quran, but I want to prove to them that they are nothing and what is the big deal in tearing this book?!! There it is (he starts tearing up the Quran) in the trash. Are you feeling better now?! You cannot touch a hair on my head! We keep blaming Hamas and Gaza, but it is not them, it is this son of a b —-h book that I am stepping on right now. That book is the source of all evil and the real catastrophe. There is nothing new here, it is not Omar Abdel Rahman, Abbud or all the others, it is this garbage that is causing us to run in a demonic circle that will never end.”

Although the young man’s worlds were very insulting, this is the same language that Muslims commentators use against him and against anyone who leaves Islam. The comments about this video are extremely violent, scary and vastly more insulting than anything this young man said in the video. This is the kind of language many Muslims use against any critique of Islam. I worry about this young man who seems to be living in Egypt. There have been hundreds of fatwas [religious edicts] calling for his death issued against him already: the responses to the video threaten him with, “I will kill you” and “I will cut your tongue, your ears, your arms and legs, as Mohammed would, and leave you for dead.”

SHOSHANA BRYEN: EGYPT FULLY REARMING SINAI WITH U.S. HELP Secretary Panetta is talking about helping Egypt to do something forbidden by the Camp David Accords — bring large-scale forces into Sinai. Israel’s long term concern is whether Egypt will at some point remove the additional forces. Recent comments by Egyptian government officials suggest they will not. Egypt has moved forces into the Sinai […]

I was a good loser four years ago. “In the grand scheme of history,” I wrote the day after Barack Obama’s election as president, “four decades is not an especially long time. Yet in that brief period America has gone from the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. to the apotheosis of Barack Obama. You would not be human if you failed to acknowledge this as a cause for great rejoicing.”

Despite having been—full disclosure—an adviser to John McCain, I acknowledged his opponent’s remarkable qualities: his soaring oratory, his cool, hard-to-ruffle temperament, and his near faultless campaign organization.

Yet the question confronting the country nearly four years later is not who was the better candidate four years ago. It is whether the winner has delivered on his promises. And the sad truth is that he has not.

In his inaugural address, Obama promised “not only to create new jobs, but to lay a new foundation for growth.” He promised to “build the roads and bridges, the electric grids, and digital lines that feed our commerce and bind us together.” He promised to “restore science to its rightful place and wield technology’s wonders to raise health care’s quality and lower its cost.” And he promised to “transform our schools and colleges and universities to meet the demands of a new age.” Unfortunately the president’s scorecard on every single one of those bold pledges is pitiful.

In an unguarded moment earlier this year, the president commented that the private sector of the economy was “doing fine.” Certainly, the stock market is well up (by 74 percent) relative to the close on Inauguration Day 2009. But the total number of private-sector jobs is still 4.3 million below the January 2008 peak. Meanwhile, since 2008, a staggering 3.6 million Americans have been added to Social Security’s disability insurance program. This is one of many ways unemployment is being concealed.

In his fiscal year 2010 budget—the first he presented—the president envisaged growth of 3.2 percent in 2010, 4.0 percent in 2011, 4.6 percent in 2012. The actual numbers were 2.4 percent in 2010 and 1.8 percent in 2011; few forecasters now expect it to be much above 2.3 percent this year.

Unemployment was supposed to be 6 percent by now. It has averaged 8.2 percent this year so far. Meanwhile real median annual household income has dropped more than 5 percent since June 2009. Nearly 110 million individuals received a welfare benefit in 2011, mostly Medicaid or food stamps.

Welcome to Obama’s America: nearly half the population is not represented on a taxable return—almost exactly the same proportion that lives in a household where at least one member receives some type of government benefit. We are becoming the 50–50 nation—half of us paying the taxes, the other half receiving the benefits.

And all this despite a far bigger hike in the federal debt than we were promised. According to the 2010 budget, the debt in public hands was supposed to fall in relation to GDP from 67 percent in 2010 to less than 66 percent this year. If only. By the end of this year, according to the Congressional Budget Office (CBO), it will reach 70 percent of GDP. These figures significantly understate the debt problem, however. The ratio that matters is debt to revenue. That number has leapt upward from 165 percent in 2008 to 262 percent this year, according to figures from the International Monetary Fund. Among developed economies, only Ireland and Spain have seen a bigger deterioration.