Everybody’s piling on Joe Biden, and it’s not quite fair. Of course, a presidential campaign, like life, is unfair. We have John F. Kennedy’s word on that. Maybe we should give ol’ Joe a break. He’s our only source of campaign humor, if not exactly the sharpest wit.
Even The Washington Post, now in full-battle dress to protect Democratic interests, thinks it’s OK to pick on ol’ Joe. Writes Post blogger Alexandra Petri: “He inspires the sort of discomfort one feels upon introducing one’s fiancé to Grandpa after he has had a Scotch too many.”
One’s fiancé should just grin and bear it. But one never knows, as Fats Waller famously asked, do one? A lot of Joe’s malapropisms, blurts and boners – the remarks the press, eager to display a foreign language skill, inevitably calls “gaffes” – are just the sort of thing that endears Joe to a lot of other grandpas. The vice president, after all, is constitutionally harmless, like a wart in an embarrassing place on the body politic.
It’s certainly true, though, that Joe has overdrawn the unlimited checking account Barack Obama gave him on inauguration day. The president’s dilemma, and it is a true dilemma, is what to do about the second banana. He knows he couldn’t trust Joe at the funeral of the president of Volta, upper or lower, and foreign funerals are the default preserve of veeps. But he can’t indulge himself by bouncing Joe off the ticket, either.