Hamas joins Brotherhood blaming Israel for attack
Ynet News
Tuesday, August 7, 2012
On Tuesday, Israeli officials decided to reopen the Kerem Shalom border crossing which was the site of Sunday’s terror attack following a situation assessment. Meanwhile, Hamas joined the Muslim Brotherhood in accusing Israel of orchestrating the attack. Read more…

Read more: http://times247.com/#ixzz22rRYOStG
Russian rocket again fails to reach orbit….NOW AIN’T THAT TOO BAD? RSK
The Guardian
Tuesday, August 7, 2012
An unmanned Russian rocket and its payload of two communications satellites has failed to reach orbit, the latest in a series of failures that has dogged Moscow’s space program. Read more…

Read more: http://times247.com/#ixzz22rRiaSra
PLO looks to U.N. with hope for statehood
Tuesday, August 7, 2012
With the fall opening of the annual United Nations General Assembly approaching, the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) has signaled its intention to renew its bid to upgrade the status of “Palestine” in a body that is eager to embrace its cause. Read more…

Read more: http://times247.com/#ixzz22rS2oW2M
Democrats pushing Reid’s tax-smear tactic
Human Events
Monday, August 6, 2012
In every media appearance, the story was the same — a Democrat was asked about Harry Reid’s remarkable abuse of the Senate floor, and responded by endorsing Reid’s twisted McCarthyite reasoning: it’s up to Romney to make the story go away by giving in to Reid’s demands, and providing a decade or more or his tax returns. Read more…

Read more: http://times247.com/#ixzz22rSGLI5Y


http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2012/aug/6/republicans-one-legged-stool/?utm_source=RSS_Feed&utm_medium=RSS Ronald Reagan forged a winning electoral majority on the stable foundation of what he described as a three-legged stool: fiscal discipline, traditional values and peace through strength. He understood it to be an appealing platform to the American people writ large, including, of course, economic, social and national-security conservatives and the rest of his […]


The Prime Minister is expected to make the following comments at the Official Memorial Ceremony for the murdered Munich victims tonight


Tonight, David Cameron will address the Official Memorial Ceremony for the 40th Anniversary of the terrorist attack at the 1972 Munich Olympic Games. The Commentator brings you an exclusive preview of his speech tonight, that will serve to commemorate the lives of the 11 Israeli athletes murdered.

The Prime Minister is expected to say:

This evening we mark the 40th anniversary of one of the darkest days in the history of the Olympic Games. A sickening act of terrorism that betrayed everything the Olympic movement stands for and everything that we in Britain believe in.

So as the world comes together in London to celebrate the Games and the values it represents, it is right that we should stop and remember the 11 Israeli athletes who so tragically lost their lives when those values came under attack in Munich 40 years ago today.

It was a truly shocking act of evil. A crime against the Jewish people. A crime against humanity. A crime the world must never forget.

We remember too the 6 Israeli holiday makers brutally murdered by a suicide bomber in Bulgaria just last month.



The ‘common enemy’ is still Israel Contrary to what many Israeli analysts have been saying in the aftermath of Sunday’s terrorist attack in the Sinai, the event does not illustrate that Egypt and Israel now have a common enemy on which to focus renewed cooperation.

Though it is true that the dozens of jihadists — disguised as Bedouin — descended upon the Kerem Shalom checkpoint and slaughtered 16 Egyptian policemen with rifles, grenades and knives, they did so to infiltrate Israel. Once they had removed the obstacle to this aim, they packed up a truck and a tank with explosives that had been smuggled through tunnels leading from the Gaza Strip to Sinai, and headed toward their Jewish target.

It was through Israeli intelligence-gathering — and by the grace of God — that a mega-massacre inside Israel was thwarted. Indeed, Israeli security services had been on high alert, as was indicated by their repeated warnings to vacationers to stay away from or evacuate Sinai.

Did Israel’s swift and precise targeting of the terrorists elicit even a moment’s gratitude, solidarity, or desire for warmer relations from its neighbors to the south?

Not on your life.

Let’s begin with the response of the Muslim Brotherhood — the organization from which the newly “democratically elected” president of Egypt, Mohammed Morsi, hails.



Since Defense Secretary Leon Panetta’s visit to Israel last week, during which Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu openly and in Panetta’s presence decried U.S. policy toward Iran as ineffective, Israeli media have been reporting further bitter charges against Washington by Israeli officials.

On Sunday Ynet, website of the Israeli daily Yediot Aharonot, reported that “the Obama administration’s efforts to calm down the Israeli government on the topic of Iran have not made an impression with Jerusalem decision makers,” and that

Senior officials…leveled severe criticism against the US, declaring that the American position on a date for a military strike against Iran was a “wretched red line.”

“The US’ stance is pushing the Iranians to become a country at the brink [of nuclear capability],” explained sources well versed in the nuclear issue. “The Americans are de facto allowing the Iranians to continue to enrich uranium and become a country at the brink. We are not prepared to allow that [to happen].”

The Obama Administration’s War on Persecuted Christians Posted By Raymond Ibrahim

http://frontpagemag.com/2012/raymond-ibrahim/obama-administration%e2%80%99s-war-on-persecuted-christians/print/ The Obama administration’s support for its Islamist allies means lack of U.S. support for their enemies, or, more properly, victims—the Christian and other non-Muslim minorities of the Muslim world. Consider the many recent proofs: According to Pete Winn of CNS: The U.S. State Department removed the sections covering religious freedom from the Country Reports […]



When Mitt Romney arrived in Jerusalem and suggested that Israel’s success contrasted with its Muslim neighbors was due to a culture of success, he was waving a red flag in front of a red bull. Romney’s comments were as provocative to the left as Obama’s “You didn’t build that” remark was to us.

To the left, success has become the Mark of Cain. Where success once used to be proof of good character, the balance has shifted and it is now proof of bad character. The left blames all disparities on injustice. If A has less than B, then B has somehow discriminated against A. All that’s left is for the sociologists and critical race theorists to plug in the variables, write their papers and explain the mechanism for the injustice and how it can be remedied through centralized redistribution.

This is the era of “You didn’t build that” where achievement is inherently unfair and an object of guilt. To succeed is to steal. Anyone who has achieved more than those around him has unfairly taken from them. And the more he succeeds, the more he has to feel guilty about and the more he must atone through social justice.

Mitt Romney didn’t build companies; he unfairly redistributed what should have been equal resources in an unequal way to create that success. America also didn’t build anything; it just looted the resources and markets that should have been divided equally among the nations of the world. And the same goes for Jews and the Jewish State. Individual success is not exceptionalism; it’s stealing from the collective.


Mosques, Muslim Brotherhood and Murfreesboro — on The Brewster Gang


On this week’s Brewster Gang, Eric Allen Bell, Michael Walsh and Evan Sayet gathered to discuss Mosques, Muslim Brotherhood and Murfreesboro. Below is Part II of a three part series. To watch Part I, which focused on Michael Walsh’s new Encounter broadside, The People v. The Democratic Party, click here. We will run Part III in tomorrow’s edition.


http://frontpagemag.com/2012/volpe/violent-offenders-let-go-under-new-obama-immigration-policy/ A suspected illegal alien who attacked two agents from Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) in El Paso, Texas was immediately then released last month by ICE rather than being held in custody to await deportation proceedings as a result of President Obama’s recent directive to administratively implement the DREAM Act without legislation. According to […]



The newest revolutionary stance for the mentally infantile is radical Islam, which is being spread by the same tools of agitation and propaganda that launched Marxism a century ago.

During 70 years of Soviet genocide and tyranny, the KGB penetrated the West to an astonishing extent, helping to crank out generation after generation of mental androids, who all said the same thing, over and over again, feeling proud and heroic about themselves.

As a Harvard professor said recently, when he was in college, noisy Marxism was a cheap way to get a date. It still is.

In Intellectuals, historian Paul Johnson describes how most of the celebrated public figures of the last century were Soviet sympathizers. Moscow could do no wrong. That includes my old hero Jean-Paul Sartre, who championed every mass-murdering gangster regime in the Marxist world, from Stalin and Mao to Pol Pot and Ceaușescu the Romanian child-molester.

Jean Paul Sartre isn’t my hero anymore.

A leftist website tells us that “[f]rom the late 1950s on, Sartre tried to marry his existentialist philosophy with … Marxism. In … 1960 … Sartre declared that existentialism was a subordinate branch of Marxism.”

That was around the time Nikita Khrushchev exposed Stalin’s decades of massacres of the innocents — but Professor Sartre didn’t feel the need to change one little bit. Instead, he found new death idols to worship in Mao Zedong and Pol Pot. Sartre and all the other Euro-Marxo-philiacs knew exactly what they were doing. They knew about the massacres, and they were free to protest, but they chose to be criminally complicit.

If you wonder why Europe is still in a socialist mess today, look no farther than the Europeans’ Marx-intoxicated educational system. The Soviet Union may have crumbled, but Euro-socialism has tried to take its place. Tony Blair (a socialist Labourite, after all) called it “Third Way Socialism.” Today’s European fiasco is not an accident.

After Greece and the others fall into bankruptcy next year, there will be a short interval of sanity, only to be followed by another big Euro imperialist fantasy. They’ve been doing it since Julius Caesar. They never stop, and today, they are already blaming America for fifty years of their own mass delusion.

At the start of the Marxist madness, in the 1930s, Malcolm Muggeridge saw the Ukrainian genocide up close, and he described its horrors to his socialist friends in England. Only to find out that they knew all about it already:

My wife’s aunt was Beatrice Webb (co-founder of the British Labour Party). And so one saw close at hand the degree to which they all knew about the (Soviet) regime … but they liked it. I remember Mrs. Webb, who after all was a very cultivated upper-class liberal-minded person … saying to me, ‘Yes, it’s true, people disappear in Russia.’

She said it with … great satisfaction[.]

Scratch a Marxist, and you find a bloody-minded professor.

That’s still true. There are no innocent Nazi professors on the campuses, and there are no innocent Marxist professors, either. If I had the money, I would send every single professor a copy of The Black Book of Communism, by a French team of Marxist historians, published by Harvard University Press. Come to think of it, some conservative outfit should do a mass mailing to all the Democrats and leftists in the country. And all the college kids. Or maybe we should imitate the left and turn the Black Book into a Sunday cartoon series like “Doonesbury.” You can’t start too early.

Just thinking about it makes me shiver, because our crypto-fascist media pundits never change. They never ‘fess up, simply ignoring one bloody massacre after another and shifting their utopian dreams to the future — to some newer hope and change, as our current messiah told the world just four years ago. Nothing has changed.

Marxism is not a rational belief, but a virus that hides in the body politic for a decade or two, only to bust out again when a new generation of comes of age, without rabies shots.

Today’s Marxist liberals still harbor a nasty case of anti-American rage for the failure of the Soviet Union twenty years ago. They hate capitalism for bringing more prosperity to more people on earth than anything they dreamed of in a century of terror. Soviet imperialism is always excused, and America is held to moral perfection.