Phony document gives birth to a cover-up
Diana West tells story of Sheriff Joe’s men stonewalled by officials in Hawaii

I’m sorry to report that the substantive findings of the latest press conference held by Maricopa County, Ariz., Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse will not be appearing on Fox, on CNN or in the Washington Post. They will not be appearing in the media, period. I guess the nation’s press corps is too busy submitting its work to Obama and Romney campaign officials for “quote approval” – as the New York Times recently confessed in an outbreak of candor – to report on anything.

To remain a free people, a new kind of do-it-yourself journalism is in order. For starters, I recommend every American seek out and watch the two Cold Case Posse press conferences on YouTube. You report and you decide. It’s better that way.

The bottom line is this: The posse investigation has amassed extensive computer forensics and other evidence that the Barack Obama birth certificate posted on the White House website is a forgery. Again, I urge readers to review the case for themselves. What I want to focus on today is something at least as bad as document fraud. I want to focus on document fraud cover-up.

Listening to posse lead investigator Mike Zullo describe the investigation’s itinerary during the posse’s recent trip to Hawaii, a picture of statewide stonewalling emerges. Dead ends guarded by hunkered-down public officials. The same non-answers to the simplest questions. Canned responses. If CNN, Chris Matthews, Obama press secretary Jay Carney, Rachel Maddow, the Huffington Post and the Los Angeles Times all didn’t know so much better, a neutral observer might say it sounded like a conspiracy – an agreement between at least two people to do something shifty.


It seems like there’s a new article appearing almost daily on the Internet with new and shocking evidence that the entire manmade global warming story has been a hoax. But is anyone really listening or doing anything about it?

They’re starting to pay attention in Europe, but America, like an environmentalist Don Quixote, just keeps tilting at the climate change windmill. For over three years, residents of the Northeast have been paying for worthless carbon credits in every electric bill they pay. The Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative is a cap-and-trade system that’s already bilked citizens of the nine member states out of over a billion dollars, and most people in those states are totally unaware that this is going on. I recently compared my electric bill to a friend’s from NYC and found that he was paying almost four times what I’m paying per KWh.

It’s not surprising because for the most part, when we attack the climate alarmists, we usually do so in the wrong way and mostly for the wrong reasons.

Prior to Climategate, our primary argument against cap-and-trade laws, was that the potential benefits were too meager for the enormous costs involved. But there were no benefits! CO2 is a beneficial trace gas that’s one of the cornerstones of all life on earth. It’s NOT a pollutant. There’s no such thing as a carbon footprint unless you’re a coal miner and still wearing your work boots. You don’t attack a bogus idea by granting the validity of its underlying scientific premise up front. By pandering to the eco-fascists in this way, we’re playing word games that are hurting us in the long run.

None of the new scientific reports and studies that prove global warming is a hoax are ever seen in the major media, and even if they were, they’re above most people’s heads, or at least outside their attention span. Instead we need to keep repeating the basic scientific facts about climate change: 1) That climate change drives CO2 levels, and 2) That the earth in fact is relatively cool right now, and that constantly changing cycles of solar activity are the real reason for climate change. We also need to start mentioning the most ironic part of this farce, the fact that warming is good!. The only type of climate change that’s dangerous to us is extreme cooling. Man and all other forms of life have always thrived during the earth’s warm periods, while every extreme cold period has brought suffering, starvation and death. It doesn’t take an atmospheric physicist to understand why this is true. Crops don’t Drawing any conclusions about long-term climate change based on short term changes in the weather is just silly. A character from a Robert Heinlein novel observed: “Climate is what we expect, weather is what we get.” Climate change is merely the long-term average of all the short-term changes in our day-to-day weather. But no matter how much new evidence we keep producing, the average man on the street isn’t getting the message.

Maybe we need to borrow some strategy from the left and start attacking the messenger. Every 25 to 35 years the same cast of characters starts whining about the coming climate catastrophe, and each and every time they’ve been proven wrong. So why on earth do we even listen to them? For the last 20 years or so, the propaganda has been pretty consistent:


Another Tack: From Jean-Baptiste to Bon Jovi Nineteenth-century novelist and editor of Le Figaro Jean-Baptiste Alphonse Karr might not be the name which instantly crops up when considering famous French literati, but he is paradoxically ever-relevant to our Israeli reality. Why? Because in January 1849 he observed in his satirical monthly Les Guêpes that “plus ça […]


David Cameron rejects minute’s silence bid for Munich Games victims Wesley Johnson, Helen William David Cameron has refused to back calls for a minute’s silence during the Olympics’ opening ceremony to commemorate 11 athletes murdered in a terror attack at the Munich Games 40 years ago. The Prime Minister said it was important to […]


The stilted conversation the world is having over the IOC refusal to permit a minute of silence at the opening of the 2012 London Olympic to mark the Munich massacre 40 years ago is a turning point in the Islamization of the international arena.

As the Chicago Tribune reports:

The idea of a remembrance has gained more traction this year than ever before. The White House is for it. The U.S. House and Senate have supported it in resolutions. So have the Canadian and German parliaments, the German foreign minister and 30 German athletes. And the government of Israel, from its prime minister to deputy foreign minister, has for the first time become publicly involved in asking for a minute of silence.

President Obama threw his support behind an online petition for the minute of silence that now has more than 103,000 signatures.

“Yes, we absolutely support the campaign for a minute of silence at the Olympics to honor the Israeli athletes killed in Munich,” said National Security Council spokesman Tommy Vietor.

But the answer from the IOC is “no.”

Think of it: The United States, Canada, Germany and Israel have insufficient international influence to obtain, in the sporting arena of international “brotherhood,” one minute of respect for the memory of 11 Israeli victims of what we persist in calling “terrorism.” In fact, this was an early attack of resurgent jihad.

And therein lies the problem. What we are witnessing is more than a measure of the clout of nations in which the United States and a pathetically small handful of allies come up short. It is the definition of “terrorism” itself that is under contention. In the world of Islam, the 1972 attack by Fatah’s Black September terrorists, committed with the support of PLO/PA leaders, is not an outrage against civilization, it’s a successful “operation.” To this day, these murderers are officially revered in the Palestinian Authority and elsewhere in the Islamic world as “shahids,” or Islamic martyrs. Indeed, murdering Israelis is religiously permitted under Islam.

Long before we surrendered one minute of silence for the atheletes and a German policeman killed in the attack, we agreed to perpetual silence on these terrible facts about Islam and jihad. Now, such appalling barbarities do not even enter the quiet sputtering over the IOC’s refusal to respect the Olympic war dead.

The terrorist-worshipping PA will field an Olympic team — in itself an offense against civilization. And this is to be applauded by an IOC leadership that in addition to its usual contingent of European princelings and Jean-Claude Killy, also includes an expanding contingent from the Islamic world. With 46 Islamic nations sending teams to London, practically the whole OIC will be on the field. And that’s exactly what Olympics chief Jacques Rogge meant when he said his “hands were tied” in response to the request from the Munich widows.

From Israel National News:

Ankie Spitzer, whose husband Andre was one of the athletes massacred in the Munich Games n 1972, told the European Jewish Press that Jacques Rogge, president of the London Organizing Committee of the Olympic Games, told her that his “hands were tied” by the admission of 46 Arab and Muslim members to the International Olympic Committee.

She replied, “My husband’s hands were tied, not yours.”

Rogge has tied his own hands. Out of fear of giving offense to Islam, out of fear of a mass display of Islamic aggrievement, Rogge is yielding to the Islamic way. In doing so, he is also yielding fundamentals of Western morality. But so is every go-along-to-get-along country participating in this charade. Rather than make the minute of silence for slain Israelis a simple condition of participation in the opening ceremonies, Rogge, the IOC and the full roster of acquiescing nations are implicitly accepting the Islamic narrative that the 1972 jihad massacre of Jews on German soil was inded the successful Munich “operation.”

We have all tied our hands now. Will we ever break free?


EPA declares water in Pa. town safe to drink despite fracking
Ben Wolfgang

Closely watched tests by the Environmental Protection Agency have found that the drinking water in Dimock, Pa., is safe to drink, despite concerns from some residents and environmentalists that nearby fracking had contaminated supplies. Read more…

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Gallup: Business owners’ support for Obama falls
Thursday, July 26, 2012
U.S. business owners’ approval of President Barack Obama fell in the second quarter of 2012 to 35 percent, essentially tying farmers and fishers for the lowest approval among major occupational groups. Read more…

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UK considers easing border security at airports…SAY WHAT????
Thursday, July 26, 2012
Home Secretary Theresa May should relax border checks to prevent queues at UK airports going back to pre-Olympics levels, a committee of MPs has said. Read more…

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Special ops commander: Leaks put lives at risk
Fox News
Thursday, July 26, 2012
Recent national security leaks have put lives at risk and may ultimately cost Americans their lives unless there is an effective crackdown, the head of the Special Operations Command Admiral William McRaven says. Read more…

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BBC bias The British Broadcasting Corporation could never be accused of showering Israel with sympathy. Indeed the BBC could never be credited with gracing Israel with the rudiments of objectivity. Nonetheless, the BBC has managed to flabbergast even those Israelis who hadn’t expected minimal fairness from it. The BBC has devoted a web page to […]

NONIE DARWISH: EGYPT’S CANDID CAMERA, JEW HATRED AND VIOLENCE Recently, an Egyptian Candid Camera prank type TV show turned very ugly and violent when the guest, an Egyptian actor, was told he was on Israeli TV. The prank was done on several guests with similar reactions: extreme violence and hate speech against Jews who were described as the most cursed by Allah in […]

AL QAEDA, ISLAMISTS SEEK SHARIA STATE IN SYRIA; RYAN MAURO Syrian dictator Bashar Assad is on his way out and the best he can hope for is to create an Allawite mini-state for his loyalists. Al-Qaeda smells blood in the water and wants a piece of the pie once Assad falls. The Muslim Brotherhood, like Al-Qaeda, envisions an Islamic State of Syria. Some of […]



Thousands of Syrians are fleeing into neighboring Lebanon — not entirely due to fear of the Assad regime. The country’s minority Christian population is suffering under attacks waged by rebel troops. In the Beqaa Valley in eastern Lebanon, Christian families are finding temporary refuge, but they are still terrified.

There had been many warnings that the Khouri* family wouldn’t talk. “They won’t say a word — they’re too scared,” predicted the mayor of Qa, a small market town in northeastern Lebanon where the Khouris are staying. “They won’t even open their door for journalists,” said another person, who had contacted the family on behalf of a non-governmental organization.

Somehow, though, the interview was arranged in the end. Reserved and halting, the women described what happened to their husbands, brothers and nephews back in their hometown of Qusayr in Syria. They were killed by Syrian rebel fighters, the women said — murdered because they were Christians, people who in the eyes of radical Islamist freedom fighters have no place in the new Syria.

In the past year and a half, since the beginning of the uprising against Syria’s authoritarian President Bashar Assad, hundreds of thousands of Syrians have fled their homes and sought safe haven abroad. Inside the country, the United Nations estimates that 1 million people have left their homes to escape violence and are now internally displaced. The majority are likely to have fled to escape the brutality of Assad’s troops. Indeed, as was the case at the start of the Syrian civil war, most of the violence is still being perpetrated by the army, the secret services and groups of thugs steered by the state.