The Muslim community of believers is the best in the eyes of God, and we must make it the same in the eyes of men by force… We must fight the unbelievers. When I grow up, I intend to carry out jihad in every possible way.
– Nine-year-old madrasa student, Northwest Pakistan
When the Soviet Red Army captured Berlin in May 1945, the last Germans to surrender were the Hitler Youth. Most of these young boys chose to fight to the death. For their entire cognizant existence, all they had known was Aryan supremacy, hatred of inferiors, and subservient allegiance to the Führer. The Nazis were not the first to use children in combat, nor have they been the last. Excluding North America, to this day the depraved practice of child soldiery has continued on every inhabited continent.
Before a child’s life is destroyed in this manner, an adult must destroy the child’s mind. The apparent ease with which this can be done is chilling. It requires the devious task of using a child’s weakness to eradicate his natural-born strengths. Children’s strengths are evident. They are curious and question everything. They are not born blindly adhering to a political or religious doctrine. They are eager to befriend others regardless of differences. They are not born hateful and vindictive.
But this innocence is their vulnerability. Children trust adults with their safety. They believe as truth whatever adults tell them to be true. As such, they are not aware of the fact that they are being conscripted against their will. A child will endure an adult’s seminar and unknowingly emerge with a contaminated character. The most prevalent contemporary example of such evil is Saudi Arabia and its religious indoctrination of children throughout the world’s mosques and madrasas.
Even if international affairs were placid, the Saudi royal family’s global propaganda would constitute an egregious offense to supporters of human rights. International affairs, however, are not placid. There is a bit more urgency to the matter. Saudi Arabia is on the other side-and at the forefront-of an ideological conflict that has for decades shown its potential to bend the trajectory of the human condition violently downward.