I’ve been holding off writing this piece.
I don’t want to do anything which might risk, in any way, your defeat of Farakhan’s messiah and Reverend Wright’s virtual nephew in November 2012.
Nevertheless, I have now come to believe that silence might backfire even worse–so, here it goes…
Governor Romney, there’s much about you that any truly objective person should be able to find admirable. Having said that, I am still faced with a dilemma and will adress part of it below.
I recently heard news that former Secretary of State, James Baker III, has endorsed your candidacy… http://mittromneycentral.com/tag/james-baker/#channel=f175e8226deeb08&origin=http%3A%2F%2Fmittromneycentral.com&channel_path=%2Ftag%2Fjamesbaker%2F%3Ffb_xd_fragment%23xd_sig%3Df7012649af95c%26.
As a solid Republican who has served several occupants of the White House (especially both Bush I and II), that was to be expected. Yet, even though he is an influential figure in the Republican Party with important connections and other evidently attractive pluses, there is no doubt that Baker carries some very serious baggage along with him.
Governor Romney, it’s been really tough trying to convince many of my fellow Tribal members that Thor will not strike them dead from above with his hammer if they dare to vote against Democrats. As a former Democrat (and now an Independent), I have been working at this non-stop for years now. A close relationship between you and Baker, however, will greatly complicate these efforts.
Back in 2008, and for similar reasons, Baker was cozying up to Senator McCain as well. So, let me set the stage a bit…
Rather than reinventing the wheel, please check out these excerpts from a Jason Maoz article which appeared on May 12, 2006 in JewishPress.com:
McCain told Haaretz that as president, he would “micromanage” U.S. policy toward Israel and the Palestinians and would dispatch “the smartest guy I know” to the region, presumably to jump-start a new push for a comprehensive accord.
Asked who that “smartest guy” might be, McCain responded: “Brent Scowcroft, or James Baker, though I know that you in Israel don’t like Baker.”
McCain foresaw “concessions and sacrifices by both sides” and indicated that Israel would be expected to “Defend itself and keep evacuating.” Asked whether that meant “movement toward the June 4, 1967 armistice lines, with minor modifications,” McCain, reported Haaretz, “nodded in the affirmative.”
Before dealing with that last paragraph above, there’s something else related to this that’s even more troublesome…
Imagine, for just one moment, the public response if you suggested appointing someone for a sensitive, high position or took on as a key advisor a person who openly stated, “f_ _ k the Blacks, they don’t vote for us anyway” and who referred to African American employees and colleagues as his “Black Boys.”
A nauseating and disastrous thought…not so ?
Well, Governor Romney, James Baker III has said just those very same things about Jews.