http://frontpagemag.com/2012/davidhornik/hillary-blames-israel-for-middle-east-woes/print/ Hillary Rodham Clinton was in Israel Monday for her fourth visit as secretary of state; the third, however, was 22 months ago. On the other hand, Clinton’s visit came hard on the heels of one by National Security Adviser Tom Donilon, and it was further reported on Monday that Defense Secretary Leon Panetta would […]


Muslim Congressman targets Michele Bachmann for raising questions about Huma and Hillary


Rep. Keith Ellison (D-MN) may be engaged in a bit of ‘thou doth protest too much’ relative to concerns about Hillary Clinton’s Deputy Chief of Staff, Huma Abedin. He’s got a problem with a letter sent to the Office of the Inspector General of the State Department penned by five congressmen – led by Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) – who want more information about these revelations.

From the SC Times, via Think Progress:

Rep. Keith Ellison, DFL-Minneapolis, said in a statement that he’s puzzled by Bachmann’s comments. Ellison, the first Muslim-American elected to the U.S. Congress, said he doesn’t understand why Bachmann would make such accusations through the press if she has information that’s as sensitive as she claims.

“If she has sources for this type of information, she owes it to the country to reveal them to the proper authorities, but definitely not this way,” Ellison said. “If she doesn’t have this type of information, she should not be whipping up fear and hysteria about a very important matter.”

Here is the relevant excerpt from the letter to the OIG at State:

…the Department’s Chief of Staff, Huma Abedin, has three family members – her late father, her mother and her brother – connected to Muslim Brotherhood operatives and/or organizations. Her position affords her routine access to the Secretary and to policy-making.

Back to Think Progress. Check out the Bio of Huma Abedin that they posted in their attack on Bachmann:

Abedin was born in the United States, attended college at George Washington University in Washington D.C. and the popular Clinton aide is also married to former Democratic Congressman Anthony Weiner (NY).


http://www.familysecuritymatters.org/publications/detail/rich-liberal-hypocrites I don’t know about you, but I am sick of all the Democratic mud-slinging at Mitt Romney because he is rich. The level of hypocrisy tells me that Obama and his trolls are so bereft of anything to offer the voters that they insult them with this class warfare garbage about “millionaires and billionaires.” […]


http://www.familysecuritymatters.org/publications/detail/dealing-with-voter-fraud Attorney General Eric Holder is engaged in a war against states trying to ensure the integrity of the electoral system. As he noted, “The arc of American history has always moved toward expanding the electorate.” While there is truth in this claim, it does not mean that felons, foreigners or those residing in cemeteries […]



While my esteemed colleague Andy McCarthy analyzes the substance of Hillary Clinton’s address in Alexandria, Egypt here, I confess to remaining stuck on the description of the Egyptian crowd chanting, “Monica! Monica!” as Hill’s motorcade made its way through the city.

Must be the call of my wild old beat covering Impeachment Issues (“Monica! Monica!”) for the Washington Times editorial page years ago.

It’s hard to imagine any barb razor-sharp enough to penetrate the thick skin that allows the thoroughly disgraced Clinton couple to remain in the public X-ray eye, but if one such barb could break through their armor of brazenness, maybe it would be the utterly debasing story of Monica, Bill, and Hill, particularly as shouted by chorus of loutish misogynists on the literal Arab Street.

Of course, poor Monica was the most sensational but least significant aspect of Clintonian malfeasance and criminality, for which they have never been brought to book. Missile technology to China in exchange for campaign slush-cash? Ah, Johnny Chung and Chinagate. Fast-tracking hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens to the voter rolls? Ah, Citizenship USA. Nearly 1,000 raw FBI files on Republicans that made their way to Hillary’s hands? Ah, sands of time, sands of time. Lincoln Bedroom rentals, Vincent Foster, Whitewater, cattle futures, “put some ice on that,”…. Its’a all part of the Clintons’ enduring triumph over truth, their vanquishment of shame. The Clintons’ legacy is lying as an art, shamelessness as a virtue, treason as business as usual, and oral sex as a teenage commonplace.

Such is the Clintonian subtext that the raucous Egyptian mob forced to the surface.

Wth that in mind, consider as a sidelight this piece in the New York Post:



Shouldn’t he mind that the State Department is denying “country clearances” to CIA operatives?

Hillary Clinton’s State Department bureaucrats are interfering with current CIA operations by denying passports to agents, according to intelligence community sources.

Though this has happened in the past, these denials were until recently a rare occurrence. There has been a surge in the State Department’s denial of “country clearances” in recent months. Because the State Department has legal control over the issuance of all U.S. passports — including those diplomatic and other special passports often used by active CIA operatives — its refusal to issue passports in recent months has denied the CIA the ability to mount planned operations in several nations. My sources did not reveal which countries are involved but — given the turmoil in Egypt and Pakistan, and the U.S.’s tenuous relationship with both countries — they would likely be among those nations for which the passports are being denied.

The State Department’s decreasing cooperation with the CIA may have begun as early as January 2011 when CIA contractor Raymond Davis got into a shootout with Pakistanis on a street in Lahore, killing two men who Davis said were attempting to rob him. Davis was arrested for murder and his diplomatic passport was deemed ineffective by the Pakistanis, who held him in prison until the U.S. government paid “blood money” to the relatives of the dead.

These events come at a time when rumblings about the effectiveness of new CIA Director, Gen. David Petraeus, are also being heard. If the passport denial is as great a problem as my sources indicated, why would Petraeus not be fighting the State Department’s usurpation of his job?

The denial of passports to CIA agents would most affect those who are going abroad to gather intelligence under an official cover of other U.S. government employment. Covert operations, logically, would not be affected as the agents involved would not be traveling on U.S. government passports, though “case officers” who run the covert agents might be.


http://news.blogs.cnn.com/2012/07/11/navys-new-gender-neutral-carriers-wont-have-urinals/ Navy’s new gender-neutral carriers won’t have urinals [Updated at 6:17 p.m. ET] The U.S. Navy’s new class of carriers will be the first to go without urinals, a decision made in part to give the service flexibility in accommodating female sailors, the Navy says. The change heralded by the Gerald R. Ford class of […]


The Gordis Not
Daniel Gordis said “no” to the Levy Report in signing on to the far-left “Open Letter” (and the full text is below) released this week which has been fisked a bit here. At Haaretz, rather than his usual Jerusalem Post base, he defends his co-joining the left-of-center American Jews who decided to become very publicly upset at the publication of the Levy Report on Israel’s rights in, and to, Judea and Samaria. He published this piece, Choose hope: Don’t adopt the Levy report.
In short, he thinks that
“To state publicly that what we have in Judea and Samaria is not an occupation might be a legally justifiable claim. But it would also signal that it is time to give up even thinking about how a different reality in the Middle East might be achieved. That, we must not do.”
Might be? And why is that “different reality” abhorrent enough for Gordis to join the left-of-center crowd, lend them his name, and that of the Shalem Center? Is the issue that important for him to decide to run with this group of Israeli critics?

Well, we need to review his thinking and so here are some extracts from his defense:-
The letter did not argue that Justice Levy’s legal argument was legally incorrect; it also took no stand on settlement issue writ large…The letter simply asserts that if the Prime Minister adopts the Levy Commission report, he will do Israel serious damage.

The Path Less Chosen — on The Glazov Gang by Jamie Glazov

The Path Less Chosen — on The Glazov Gang by Jamie Glazov Three Iranian freedom fighters share why they entered the battle zone against a vicious tyranny. http://frontpagemag.com/2012/jamie-glazov/i-am-neda-on-the-glazov-gang-1/



This week we are proud to present the inaugural episode of “The Call,” an unconventional foreign policy round-table that will be posted regularly on Monday afternoons. Each “Call” will focus on a single subject to which panelists will bring insights drawn from their experience and contacts in the worlds of finance, investigative reporting, military operations and intelligence work. The weekly discussion will be followed by regular blog-posts.

None of the panelists adhere to any common ideological line or political affiliation, and are united simply by the fact that they like talking to each other:

Mike Breen, Vice President of the Truman National Security Project, is a former US Army officer who served in tactical and operational assignments in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Pepe Escobar is an investigative reporter based in Sao Paolo, Brazil and author of the “Roving Eye” feature for the Asia Times

David Goldman, aka Spengler, is the author of “How Civilizations Die” and the former head of fixed income research for Bank of America.

Rotem Sella is the foreign affairs editor at the Israeli newspaper Ma’ariv

David Samuels is a Contributing Editor at Harper’s Magazine